Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 161 Disaster for the Country 11

Chapter 161 Disaster for the Country 11
"It's not a matter of apologizing, Miss, please don't shirk your responsibility." An Shengrui frowned, he was very dissatisfied with Zhao Hanyan's attitude, what is called an apology is fine.

People who don't know her like this think he is bullying her.

"Where did I evade responsibility, even if he is a thief, you can't abuse lynching." Zhao Hanyan looked at An Shengrui with disapproval in his eyes.

What happened to this world, why should she pay compensation if she is just kind?

Aren't you afraid of chilling good people by doing this?
"Miss, you can eat and talk nonsense, why did I abuse lynching?" The man was dumbfounded seeing Zhao Hanyan's unreasonable troubles.

"I saw you kick him!" Zhao Hanyan looked serious.

Moreover, it must be very painful to use such force. Isn't this an abuse of lynching?

The man "I" can't speak, this woman is really messing around.

Seeing the man speechless, Zhao Hanyan was a little proud.

Look, what she said makes sense, but fortunately she is witty, otherwise she wouldn't be able to leave.

"Since the girl said that, I can only inform the Jingzhao Mansion." An Shengrui knew that it would be impossible to reason with Zhao Hanyan.

"I said, do you need to report to the officials for such a trivial matter?" Zhao Hanyan looked at An Shengrui with disdain, never expecting that a big man like him would be so stingy.

"Since the girl is so unreasonable, it has to be like this." An Shengrui has now regained his composure.

"How much money? At worst, I'll pay you." Zhao Hanyan saw that An Shengrui had no intention of changing his mind, so he opened his mouth.

Forget it, just treat her as unlucky, just spend money to buy a lesson, and be tricked by a villain.

"That's what my son's birth mother left to son, can you afford to pay for it?" Speaking of this, the man felt angry. If it weren't for this naughty girl, could he throw away the relics left by his son's birth mother?
"Just talk about the price." Zhao Hanyan is very impatient now, isn't he saying these words just to make her pay more?

Now the people who watched the excitement couldn't stand it any longer: "This girl is so unreasonable. Can the things left by her mother be measured by money?"

"That's it."

Faced with the pointing and pointing of the crowd, Zhao Hanyan felt aggrieved, and looked at An Shengrui with resentment in his eyes.

At this time, Gu Muqiu's carriage just passed by here, just as Zhao Hanyan expected.

"Master, there's a traffic jam ahead, I'll open the way." A man in a black suit said respectfully to Gu Muqiu in the carriage.

"Yeah." A cold voice came from inside the carriage.

Xiaobai looked at his host indifferently, as if he ignored what happened before.

In fact, who else could make such a big commotion besides the heroine?

"What's going on in front?" The man in hard attire led the order and said loudly in front.

"The prime minister is here."

"Hurry up, let's make way"

"We can't afford to provoke a traitorous minister"

This legendary treacherous minister is notoriously stingy and vengeful, if he is offended, he will be in trouble for the rest of his life.

Legend has it that a certain dude was thrown into a brothel by a treacherous minister the next day because he told him that he looked like a woman. The dude woke up that morning and found himself wearing women's clothes, screaming a miserable one.

There was also a minister who said that the treacherous minister didn't have a woman around him because he was not good at that. The next day the treacherous minister gave him twenty beauties. But the minister's original wife happened to be a notorious tigress.

The person who sent the beauties to the prime minister's mansion directly told the minister's original wife that the minister begged his prime minister himself, and the wife sent by his prime minister dared not refuse.

Since then, the minister has never had good fruit at home.

(End of this chapter)

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