Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 162 Disaster for the Country 12

Chapter 162 Disaster for the Country 12
If we just count the achievements of the treacherous ministers one by one like this, it would be too much to talk about for two days and two nights.

Maybe the storyteller in the restaurant can still talk for two months, a storyteller Gu Xiang does not know how many restaurants he has supported.

But what makes people feel amazing is that Gu Xiang didn't bother the storyteller, as if he let him develop.

This has also led to the folks having many versions of Gu Xiang's story. It's normal to have three heads, six arms, a blue face and fangs.

Therefore, everyone was trembling and did not dare to make mistakes, for fear that if they were not careful, they would be targeted by him.

But although the character of the treacherous minister is not very good, his achievements are something that everyone dare not deny.

There is also a reason why the emperor favors him so much.

Zhao Hanyan's eyes lit up when he saw Gu Muqiu's carriage, did her male god finally come to save the beauty?
An Shengrui looked at Gu Muqiu's carriage with complicated emotions.

Can it be complicated?
There is already an unreasonable person here, and if another one is even more unreasonable, won't he be finished?

The passers-by rushed away, they felt sympathy for Zhao Hanyan and An Shengrui, it was not good to block anyone's way, but it happened to block the treacherous officials.

Soon there were only Zhao Hanyan and the three of them in front.

The corner of An Shengrui's mouth twitched, should these people be so exaggerated that Gu Xiang can eat people?

Besides, it is impossible for people to arrest people casually no matter what.

It has to be said that An Shengrui thinks of Gu Muqiu too kindly.

She's really that casual.

After the well-dressed man learned about the situation, he went back and reported to Gu Muqiu.

It's not a big deal, just tie them up and throw them over in the way of your own master, no matter who he is.

There is no way, my master's way is so wild, let them who are servants not do evil, even if they want to be a good person.

It's hard to be a subordinate these days, and it's even harder to be a subordinate of a treacherous minister! ! !
"Master, do you want to tie them all up?" The man in a well-dressed outfit suggested thoughtfully.

Xiaobai is a little helpless, no wonder others say that his host is a treacherous minister, just because of these arrogant subordinates, can this not offend others?
"No, I look down on such an unreasonable person?" The corner of Gu Muqiu's mouth curved slightly, and a faint light flashed in his eyes.

"No, no, how is it possible." The man in hard clothes quickly explained.

In fact, in my heart: If my master is not unreasonable, then there will be no unreasonable people in the world.

He wanted to say something else, but he actually watched his master condescend to get off the carriage.

Get off the carriage!

How unscientific this is!

His master is definitely a person who can sit and never stand. He never shows his face in public.

His coming down in person can only show one problem-someone is going to be unlucky.

The well-dressed man looked at Zhao Hanyan and the others with sympathy.

"Host, this world really fits your bossy temperament." Xiao Bai looked at everyone's reaction and chuckled.

Watching other people hide from their own hosts like a plague god, it's really not too happy.

This is the normal reaction to seeing a pervert.

People in the worlds they had passed before seemed possessed.

"Is that so?" There was a ripple in Gu Muqiu's tender eyes.

But she didn't like their reaction.

Seeing his male god come down, Zhao Hanyan was a little excited, the male god is too perfect.

Looking at Zhao Hanyan's obsessed eyes, Gu Muqiu curled his lips, his brows and eyes were as gentle as jade.

Zhao Hanyan stared at Gu Muqiu obsessively as if bewitched, her hazy beautiful eyes seemed to be full of affection, with a hint of the shyness of a little daughter.

Xiaobai: "." Our heroine, you have a hero, you have a hero!

Xiaobai felt that with his own host like this, the male protagonist didn't even need to appear on the stage, and it was not too exciting to grab the show with his strength every minute.

(End of this chapter)

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