Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 163 Disaster for the Country 13

Chapter 163 Disaster for the Country 13
On the surface, the host seems to be gentle to everyone, including the enemy, but in fact
No, maybe these people are not enemies in the eyes of their own hosts
should be called

She seems to be like this all the time, looking at you tenderly. Suicide. In the end, you don't even know who your enemy is, and you're dead.

Gentle and rational to the extreme, but also cruel to the extreme
An Shengrui looked at the man who was walking towards them. He had an outstanding appearance and a gorgeous temperament, and his long and narrow red phoenix eyes shimmered with the gentleness of a drowned person.

Dressed in white clothes, she was extremely elegant and extremely abstinent. At first glance, there was a feeling of astonishment that made people blush and heartbeat.

An Shengrui came back to his senses, thinking to himself how such a magnificent person could be as unbearable as the legend said.

"Prime Minister Gu." An Shengrui smiled.

"Yeah." Gu Muqiu glanced lightly, and the passers-by shrank when they touched her eyes, not daring to meet her eyes.

"I'm pretty?" Gu Muqiu looked at Zhao Hanyan with a little bit of smile in his slightly deep eyes.

Zhao Hanyan nodded with obsession in his eyes.

"Your eyes are beautiful. I really want to save them." Gu Muqiu looked at Zhao Hanyan with obsessive eyes.

Those eyes are full of desire for myself
Her voice was so gentle that one couldn't help but want to give everything for her.

Zhao Hanyan felt an inexplicable chill, and she also woke up at this time.

"Haha. The prime minister can really make jokes." Zhao Hanyan laughed twice.

"The truth is very serious." Gu Muqiu nodded as if agreeing with his words.

An Shengrui also looked at Gu Muqiu's expression, and he didn't mean to be joking at all.

He was secretly startled, even if he had some misunderstanding with this young lady, he didn't want to see her eyes gouged out in front of him.

Zhao Hanyan is already stupid at this moment, this male god is too unconventional, he doesn't really want her eyes, does he?

No, no, no, the male god won't, if I like him so much, he won't treat me like this.

"Tsk, boring." After a long time, Gu Muqiu clicked his tongue.

Zhao Hanyan almost cried with joy, but she just said, how is it possible.

An Shengrui also sighed secretly.

"I want to know why you stand in my way, it's best to give me a convincing reason." Gu Muqiu kept smiling, but it made people feel dangerous for no reason.

An Shengrui now finally understands why the world said that Gu Xiang must take revenge, so looking at him this way, his tolerance is indeed a bit low.

"I don't intend to block the way of the prime minister." An Shengrui said respectfully.

He still has to be careful with Gu Muqiu, for fear of getting himself into trouble.

Then the subordinate next to An Shengrui explained what happened in detail, and it was so vivid.

It has to be said that he is also a talent, and his appearance and personality are seriously inconsistent.

She looks tall and big on the outside, but she might be a little girl on the inside.

"You're talking nonsense, it's obvious that you're deceiving people too much." Zhao Hanyan was extremely angry. They were clearly trying to ruin their image in front of their male gods, which was simply hateful.

"I said, Miss, why are you talking nonsense with your eyes open." An Shengrui's subordinate was not convinced.

What makes them bully others too much is clearly that she is unreasonable.

Cooperating with the thief who wants to steal their things, not only can they not do it, but they also talk to him softly?
Why not just hand things over?

"The truth is that I don't intend to listen to your arguments." Gu Muqiu's expression was indifferent, as if he was not interested in this matter at all.

"Since you can't agree on a result, let's send it directly to Jingzhao Mansion. Let's hit [-] boards each." Gu Muqiu's voice rose slightly, his voice was cheerful, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

(End of this chapter)

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