Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 164 Disaster for the Country 14

Chapter 164 Disaster for the Country 14
Everyone looked at her calm and breezy appearance, and they didn't mean to be joking at all.

Xiaobai: "." Oh, what a good idea!

Zhao Hanyan is in a hurry, why is it different from what she imagined, shouldn't the male god vent his anger on her?
"Prime Minister, I'm not wrong." Zhao Hanyan looked at Gu Muqiu in a panic.

"You mean the truth is wrong?" Gu Muqiu's eyes darkened.

Xiaobai: Yes, yes, how can your own host be wrong, if there is a mistake, it is also the fault of others.

"That's not what I meant." Zhao Hanyan quickly explained.

She almost forgot that her male god was set as a treacherous minister. Since she is a traitor, the biggest characteristic must be that she is unreasonable.

"Then let's go." Gu Muqiu turned around and left without giving Zhao Hanyan a chance to speak again.

"May I ask the Prime Minister what is my crime?" An Shengrui barely maintained the smile on his face, and asked quickly.

We can't let him really bring himself to Jingzhao Mansion.

Prime Minister Gu did not play cards according to common sense, but he still felt that he was not so unreasonable.

Xiaobai: Boy, you are a typical villain. As long as the villain is good-looking and his three senses follow his five senses, his host is a typical beast in clothes. No matter how good-looking she is, she is still a beast in clothes.

The essence will not change!

"It's probably because I'm in a good mood. Haven't you heard that there is no excuse for committing a crime?" Gu Muqiu said after a little thought.

An Shengrui: You stole my lines, so what should I say?
Also, are you so confident?
"Who is Xiang Gu not pleasing to the eye this time?" A deep, chuckling voice came.

"Hey, Brother Cheng Rui is here too." The man seemed surprised.

The person who came was Jiang Yeyu, with a reckless appearance, flamboyant and flamboyant, with indistinguishable beauty, frowning eyebrows and casual flair.

At this time, the corners of his mouth curled up in a ruffian way, as if full of interest.

However, there was a flash of calculation in his eyes, but Gu Muqiu still noticed it.

In this way, it seems that our male protagonist was not completely uninterested in that position before meeting the female protagonist, but he just hid it very well.

So saying 'For you, I am willing to live a life that I have no interest in' is a lie.

Zhao Hanyan looked at the man who came out of nowhere, and started a new round of nympho.

Were all the ancients so good-looking?

She finally felt the joy of the heroine of time travel novels.

If they all please themselves.
When Zhao Hanyan thought about it, he felt that his vanity was greatly satisfied.

This day is indescribably beautiful.

From what this man said, he must be a high-ranking person.

"Is the third prince very free recently?" Gu Muqiu didn't have any expression other than a smile from the beginning.

It was as if she had only this expression in her life, like a mask that fit perfectly on her face and couldn't be taken off.

Perhaps she disdained to make other expressions to these people.

Such a smile, if it was just the beginning, it would feel so gentle, but it has been like this.
Then it felt a little intrusive.

So perfectly disguised, so terrifying.

"This king has always been free." Jiang Yeyu looked indifferent.

Anyway, in the eyes of the world, he is also an idle prince. It is normal to spend time and wine traveling around the mountains and rivers.

Isn't it just idle?

"Is that so?" Gu Muqiu's voice still sounded very gentle, but it made people feel a little cold for no reason.

Is he really free?She could let him have a little more time.

"I don't mind if I come to join in the fun." Jiang Yeyu looked interested, as if he really wanted to join in the fun.

"If the truth says you mind." Gu Muqiu's bright red lips hooked slightly.

As soon as she said this, the atmosphere became so awkward.

Xiaobai: I said my host, can you give our hero a little bit of face, he will be very embarrassed if you are like this.

(End of this chapter)

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