Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 168 Disaster for the Country 18

Chapter 168 Disaster for the Country 18
Just when General Zhao wanted to rush forward to have a fight with Gu Muqiu, the emperor spoke up, he couldn't let them really fight, wouldn't he be too embarrassed?
"In this case, let Haoxuan go as Gu Aiqing said." The emperor was still in a daze when he said that, if Gu Muqiu hadn't mentioned the fifth prince, he would have forgotten his son.

her son
The emperor looked at Jiang Haoxuan, who was slightly thinner than the other princes, and he seemed to be able to see Nuwa's hard work, delicately carved face, and handsome and beautiful nose.

Thin lips, the color is as pale as water, and the skin is fair and almost transparent, which should be due to long-term illness.

A pair of eyes are as clear as crystals immersed in water, but the corners of the eyes are slightly raised, with an indescribable charm.

Very much like the woman in his memory
But she didn't like this son, so he didn't like it either.

He seems to be fascinated by her, he likes everything she likes, hates everything she hates, but why doesn't she want to?

And Jiang Haoxuan himself seemed to have not heard the voices of the crowd, he lowered his head and turned his deaf ears to these things.

"Since it was proposed by Gu Xiang, then Gu Xiang will go with Haoxuan." After the emperor finished speaking, he seemed to start to close his eyes and meditate.

Obviously this is out of the question.

"I obey the order." Gu Muqiu's expression remained unchanged.

Then there are no other major matters, and the court will go to court early. Of course, the biggest matter has been resolved and there will be no other matters.

Everyone said that this time the treacherous minister wants Huang, this is a major event that benefits the country and the people!
But for the sake of safety, everyone didn't show it. They were afraid that the treacherous ministers would be pornographic before they were pornographic.

But General Zhao was different. The more frustrated General Zhao became, the more courageous he became, and he directly sarcastically made a sound.

"I said Gu Xiang, if you don't have that diamond, don't take that porcelain job. Let's see how you end up this time."

"General Zhao is quite energetic." Gu Muqiu smiled lightly.

Anyway, she has decided to find something for General Zhao to do, at least let him stop dangling in front of her like this.

Gu Muqiu's words directly determined the fate of the general's mansion for a period of time afterward. It would be trivial to say that it was flying like a dog, and it was as unlucky as hitting a plague god, but Gu Muqiu was no longer in the capital at that time.

First, the second son of General Zhao took Wang Shangshu's eldest son to the Goulan brothel, causing Wang Shangshu's eldest son to die of horse wind.

Wang Shangshu was extremely defensive, and he brought a group of people to the door. Mrs. Shangshu was still crying, making trouble, and hanged herself in front of the general's mansion.

In the end, this incident actually got to the front of the imperial court, and the emperor also got a headache from Wang Shangshu's quarrel, so he beat General Zhao's eldest son [-] times, but General Zhao still attached great importance to his son, and his half-dead appearance directly made General Zhao very angry half dead.

Even though everyone in the Shangshu Mansion was still unconvinced, since the emperor made such a sentence, they couldn't do anything publicly, but the relationship between the two families broke down immediately.

That person just suffered a little skin trauma, and they died directly!
Then Wang Shangshu tried to find trouble with the general's residence, but General Zhao still had nothing to do with him.

And it didn't take long for this matter to settle down. General Zhao discovered that his Ping wife had an affair with his housekeeper. The Ping wife kept saying that he couldn't do it, and even the son she gave birth to was not his.

General Zhao was so angry that he almost died of anger. He sent the mother and child to Zhuangzi overnight, and the housekeeper directly killed him with a stick.

Originally, he wanted to hide this matter and let the mother and son die "suddenly", but for some reason, the news spread all over the sky the next day, even if he wanted to suppress it, he was powerless.

Faced with everyone's sympathetic gazes, General Zhao felt aggrieved.

(End of this chapter)

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