Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 169 Disaster for the Country 19

Chapter 169 Disaster for the Country 19
Until later, even those who sold that kind of medicine said that their medicine was agreed by General Zhao.

"Even General Zhao agreed to take the medicine, so you don't have to worry about your son not being yours after using it!"

Yes, that's right, it's that exaggerated!
Later, everyone in the general's mansion was so unlucky that they couldn't help it, and they even asked the dance master to walk through the cutscene, not to mention how exciting it was.

General Zhao has been completely reduced to the laughing stock of everyone. People in the General's Mansion usually dare not go out, and dare not face everyone's ambiguous smiles.

Zhao Hanyan didn't say anything about what happened in the General's Mansion, after all, she didn't have a sense of belonging to this family.

It's just that her popularity is not as good as in the original plot. Even if she wants to use some modern technology, she will be said to have bad intentions.

And the clothes she adapted from modern skirts were directly called inappropriate by the eldest princess, and she was even directly forbidden to participate in the banquet held by celebrities, which almost pissed Zhao Hanyan to death.

"Sister, just talk to your mother about your love." Zhao Hanyan took Zhao Shu's hand and acted like a baby.

In fact, Zhao Hanyan despises in her heart, these ancient people are so pedantic, and they say that such beautiful clothes are inappropriate, it is clear that they are jealous of her talent.

Isn't the so-called eldest princess just afraid that she will steal her limelight, so she needs to go to such lengths?

This evil feudal autocratic monarchy, why is the royal family superior?

We are all human, why should we distinguish between high and low?

Our heroine doesn't think about it herself, since this era exists, there must be its reasons, social background, humanistic customs and so on.

Is it too arrogant to forcefully impose one's own things in an inappropriate era?
"Sister Yan, it's not that your mother won't let you go, it's that your mother can't make the decision." Zhao Shu bit her lip with a troubled expression on her face.

Zhao Shu bowed his head innocently, covering up the hatred in his eyes. In this life, he will no longer be like a fool making a wedding dress for Zhao Hanyan.

In her last life, she treated her heart and soul, but what happened?

Zhao Hanyan robbed her fiancé and the father's love she craved, but she didn't end well.

In this life, she has made every step of the way, just to avoid repeating the same mistakes, and to stay away from Jiang Yeyu. He is not her beloved, and he is definitely not something she can control.

But even so, she didn't want Zhao Hanyan to be with him.

"Why can't she be the master!" Zhao Hanyan was a little anxious, and she saw that they just didn't want to.

On the surface, he treats himself like nothing, but in fact he is suppressing himself.

"Sister Yan, your mother will be very sad if you think about it like this." Zhao Shu looked aggrieved.

"No, that's not what I meant." Zhao Hanyan realized that she had lost her composure, and she couldn't fall out with them, otherwise they might play tricks on her in the future, and her ambition was not in the inner house.

"I knew you were not such a person." Zhao Shu blinked mischievously, and just bypassed this topic.

No matter how anxious Zhao Hanyan is, it's useless.

At the same time, Gu Muqiu was almost at Huaixi, and the closer he was to Huaixi, the more dangerous the road would be.

There were countless robbers on the way, as if everyone wanted to take a share.

But Gu Muqiu subdued them easily with absolute strength, and even subdued them into little followers.

It was as if the bandits were just following the procedure and kneeling directly to Gu Muqiu, making it look like she was the real bandit leader.

No matter how everyone looks at her now, she looks like a gangster, she is simply a gentle scum!
Xiaobai: Someone finally found this problem!

In the back, there are all kinds of bandit leaders who come to show their courtesy and compete to be the younger brother. The people around Gu Muqiu are used to it, but Jiang Haoxuan was taken aback for a while.

No wonder everyone said that Gu Xiang should not be provoked, this is too exaggerated.

(End of this chapter)

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