Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 170 Disaster for the Country 20

Chapter 170 Disaster for the Country 20
For example, now, when Gu Muqiu stepped on the bandit leader's body, his expression should be as casual as it is, as if this kind of thing is normal.

"It hurts, the good guy, the lord, the lord, the little man, the ribs are about to break." The bandit leader lay on the ground with a pained look on his face.

On his slender pockmarked face, the facial features are quite normal, just now he had raised eyebrows and stared with a fierce expression, but now Gu Muqiu has made him lose his temper.

"Robbery?" Gu Muqiu curled his lips into a smile, his brows were gentle.

But her smile looks like a devil in the eyes of others, at least that's how the bandits lying all over the ground think so.

It looks like a little boy with a bully look, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful.

Although Gu Muqiu's voice was very gentle, the combination of her two words scared the bandit leader enough.

"No, no, my lord, we were just joking with you, we absolutely didn't mean it!"

"I'm sorry, I'm serious." The smile in Gu Muqiu's eyes gradually overflowed, his black hair fluttered in the wind, his face was flawless and perfect, and he was dressed in white, like an exile.

If one ignores the bandit leader under her feet, it is definitely a god descending from the earth.

"My lord, that's absolutely impossible," the bandit leader quickly explained, for fear that Gu Muqiu would accidentally kill him.

"Oh." Gu Muqiu casually raised his foot and stepped back.

The bandit leader felt that the pressure on his body disappeared in an instant. He narrowed his eyes and moved his body tentatively. After finding that Gu Muqiu hadn't moved, he slowly got up and patted the ashes on his body.

Well, he is a clean bandit leader.

"The little one is overwhelmed by the magnanimous figure of the lord, and is willing to swear to follow the lord." The bandit leader moved his little head a little and said thoughtfully, but it's hard to express his appearance with such an expression.

No matter how you look at it, it looks wretched.

But it can't be blamed for his lack of firm stance, it's because this lord is full of gangster spirit, he's really suitable to be their leader, and it's not easy to be a bandit these days.

They are all 36 lines, and the top picks come out of every line, this must be false.

They really don't have much business, and they can't afford to eat. If they don't come to order business, the big guy won't be able to open the pot. He, the boss, can't let everyone go hungry.

You might be able to get some food by following this lord, no matter how bad his character is, he can't let his servants go hungry.

Thinking about it this way, the bandit leader felt that he was too witty.

Who would be a bandit if he could have enough to eat?

Even if Gu Muqiu and his party didn't delay, it would be a few days before they arrived in Huaixi.

On the way, Jiang Haoxuan always looked half-dead, saying that he was weak.

However, Mr. Gu upholds the principle that the tool man is chosen by himself, and he can't just let him die on the road. Now Jiang Haoxuan's health is very good, and he looks basically the same as ordinary people .

Mr. Gu said that this is very good, and he will be needed to work at that time. She thinks he is very promising.

It was finally approaching, Jiang Haoxuan sent someone to scout the way, but the gate of the city was not opened.

Obviously those local officials did not intend to let them in. There were still a large number of refugees not far from the city gate. If someone provoked trouble again, those irrational refugees would definitely be against them.

It seems that the people inside the city gate are planning to use the hands of these refugees to kill them.

Thinking of this, Jiang Haoxuan's eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of darkness, so does his good father want to deprive him of his right to live?
This time, it was a narrow escape from death. As the emperor, he couldn't possibly not know it.

The concubine didn't like him since she was a child, so he didn't like him either?
Oh, it's ridiculous, isn't it because the concubine mother doesn't like herself because she is his son?

Is it really okay for him to throw the pot like this?
(End of this chapter)

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