Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 171 Disaster for the Country 21

Chapter 171 Disaster for the Country 21
When he was very young, his concubine mother's body was not very well, but once he saw concubine mother pick up a painting, the tenderness on her face was something he had never seen before, and the tenderness melted instantly All the coldness on her body was so beautiful that he felt a little dazzling.

It turned out that the concubine mother was not born cold, but her gentleness was never towards them.

He also went to look at the painting secretly, maybe because it was a little old and the paper was a little yellowed, but it was still very well preserved.

The man in the painting is Shengxue in white clothes, and his waist-length hair is simply tied up.

His brows and eyes are gentle, like a handsome young man in Zhuo Shijia, and his demeanor is outstanding, like a banished fairy descending to earth.

So is he the one that the concubine mother likes?

After reading it, he carefully put away the painting and put it back to the original place, but the mother concubine still found out, her cold eyes seemed to freeze him.

This is how much you have to cherish before you can even discover such a little movement.

From then on, the concubine mother seemed to be more icy towards him, but what did it matter, at least she was still by his side.

But one day later, the father wanted to search the palace of the mother and concubine, so he naturally took away the painting.

The father was furious, and he tore it up in front of the concubine mother. At that moment, he seemed to see the light in the concubine mother's eyes completely extinguished, and his whole body lost all vitality.

Sure enough, not long after, the concubine mother left, and she just left without leaving anything, as if there was no one like her in this world.

From then on, the father and emperor forbade others to mention the name of the concubine mother.

Heh, it's ridiculous, can you cover up everything he's done if you don't allow others to mention it?

If you like it, you must possess it?
His father is really selfish and arrogant.

In fact, his father may not like his mother and concubine very much, it's just because of his ridiculous self-esteem. What he wants must be his, even if he can't get it, he will destroy it.

Maybe I shouldn't exist, a life that is not expected to come.

Thinking of these things, Jiang Haoxuan seemed to be slowly sinking into his own world, his eyes dimmed.

"Do you want to die?" Gu Muqiu's clear black eyes were indifferent, and he looked at Jiang Haoxuan quietly, with a flat tone, as if death was just a relatively common topic for her.

Jiang Haoxuan looked up at the man in front of him. His long hair reached his waist, and his hair was loosely tied with a white hairband. His prosperous face was as cold as frost.

A white robe fell to the ground, making the facial features even more stunning, like an exiled immortal.

"Sometimes I don't even know why I am alive." Jiang Haoxuan couldn't help but want to confide when he saw Gu Muqiu like this.

Gu Muqiu looked a little dazed, why should he live?

She didn't know either, she didn't seem to have thought about this problem before, but she forgot
"Why should there be a why?" Gu Muqiu's expression was indifferent, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Jiang Haoxuan slowly came back to his senses.

Why do you need why to live?
Maybe everyone has meaning, but he just didn't realize it. Jiang Haoxuan can only comfort himself like this now.

"How does Gu Xiang think we should enter the city?" Jiang Haoxuan came back to his senses and began to worry about the troubles they are facing now. The current situation is not very good no matter what.

Gu Muqiu seemed unable to understand why Jiang Haoxuan would ask such a mentally retarded question: "Go straight in."

If you don't go in, is it possible to fly in?

She has no wings.

"I know I'm going in, but how do I go in?" Jiang Haoxuan didn't feel impatient at all, and asked with a good temper.

"Walk in with both feet."

Is it possible to still use your hands?The degree of difficulty is too high, she can't do it, and the posture is not elegant enough.

"Uh..." Jiang Haoxuan didn't even know what to say.

He looked at Gu Muqiu with a serious face and knew that he should not say anything more.

Seeing how confident he is, there should be a way.

But soon he was slapped in the face, and the two of them stared at each other under the city wall, completely ignoring him.

 It's going to be on the shelves, I'm so sad

(End of this chapter)

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