Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 172 Disaster for the Country 22

Chapter 172 Disaster for the Country 22
"Gu Xiang, what should we do now." Jiang Haoxuan was still a little lucky.

"How do I know?" Gu Muqiu's expression remained unchanged.

If they don't open the city gate, what can she do?

Jiang Haoxuan was still thankful that he didn't meet those refugees just now, otherwise they would be cold before entering the city.

But just outside like this, isn't it just waiting for them to come?

There is no difference between whether they are present or not, it is a matter of time.

"Host, are you really planning to just wait like this?" Xiao Bai was a little puzzled, this was not the style of his own host.

Shouldn't she show her might and open the door at once?
"Little cutie, it's time to highlight your role." Gu Muqiu said softly.

"No. Are you counting on me?" Xiaobai was startled, why did this happen to him inexplicably?

It doesn't offer cheats alas.

"Will it?" Gu Muqiu's tone was gentle, but Xiaobai felt that she was questioning his ability.

"How could this system not work!" Xiao Bai said arrogantly.

This kind of thing is trivial to the system, okay? After all, it is possible to create a person who does not belong to this world in other worlds, how can it be weak.

No, this is an opportunity to express yourself well, and it can't let it go.

It has already thought of the way the host praised it, and it has a strong sense of substitution, and it has begun to swell.

"My dear host, do you need the purple thunder from the sky to split it and let it break itself, or use a bomb to blow it up?" Xiaobai gave Gu Muqiu three choices in a considerate manner.

Of course, it will not admit that it is to show its own strength.

"As you wish." Gu Muqiu said lightly.

Anyway, as long as the problem is solved, she doesn't want to move.

"Host, you make people very unenthusiastic like this."

But even though it said so, it also seriously thought about which of the three methods just now was more appropriate.

Zilei from the sky is too exaggerated, and it's not shocking enough to be broken.

In the end, Xiaobai decided to buy a bomb in the system space, which would be the most trouble-free.

【--Welcome to use the system mall, 001 host will deduct 1000 points for buying bombs. 】

Gu Muqiu didn't say anything about the notification sound.

After a while, everyone saw a black lump falling from the sky and landed at the city gate not far from them.

Not long after-
With a "bang", the city gate was torn apart right under their noses, dust was everywhere, and a big pit appeared below, which shocked them.

Of course, it also includes the people inside who have been observing the situation secretly. They were stunned for a few seconds before running back to report the situation.

Everyone: "."

"Whoa, whoa, what's going on?"

"Why is the inexplicable city gate gone???"

"A vision from heaven, there must be a catastrophe."

Everyone exclaimed in various ways, and then fled in all directions.

"Gu Xiang, what's going on here?" Jiang Haoxuan always felt that it wasn't such a coincidence.

"Perhaps God can't stand it anymore." Gu Muqiu smiled at him, with gentle brows and serious eyes.

"This..." Jiang Haoxuan didn't know what to say, anyway, he felt that staying by Gu Muqiu's side was too much of a psychological challenge, and some weird things would always happen.

Forget it, too lazy to delve into it.

Jiang Haoxuan and his group entered the city in a daze.

But not long after, they were blocked by a group of people again.

Jiang Haoxuan has a headache, why is it so difficult for them to enter the city?

"I'm afraid it's inappropriate for Xiang Gu to openly destroy the city gate." The ashen face of the visitor showed that he was even more mean, his eyebrows raised and his eyes raised, looking fierce.

She has a round body and looks extremely arrogant, with her nostrils almost pointing to the sky.

He was followed by a group of ferocious servants, who looked like landowners. This should be the magistrate of the county.

But this should be just a small role, otherwise how could he be so bold as a small county magistrate, he must be covered by someone.

But it's normal for him to be like this. Can people who dare to be domineering in these places not be arrogant?

Xiaobai: I have never seen a person who dared to be so arrogant in front of his host, this is the first time.

 I'm a bit busy today, so I can only update one chapter, and I'll update the fourth chapter tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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