Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 173 Disaster for the Country 23

Chapter 173 Disaster for the Country 23
"My lord and Prime Minister Gu led the order to help the disaster, do you want to resist the order and disrespect it?" Looking at the group of people in front of him, Jiang Haoxuan was surprisingly calm.

Anyway, I am used to being neglected, and I don't feel much about these things anymore, but the disaster relief matter is related to the wealth and lives of thousands of ordinary people, how dare they!
"Who are you?" The magistrate looked down on Jiang Haoxuan with contempt in his eyes.

He only heard that Gu Xiang came to help the disaster, and didn't say that there were other people. Since he didn't even mention it, it means it's not that important.

"Jiang Haoxuan."

Even so, Jiang Haoxuan is still good-tempered and self-declared his family. It is best to hope that his broken identity can deter these people.

"If you come here, let's all stay here. I just hope that Mr. Gu will not walk around casually. It would be bad if someone riots and hurts Mr. Gu." He was even more disdainful when he heard Jiang Haoxuan's name. Who was he talking about? It was the dispensable fifth prince.

Just being unfavored is not enough evidence, it is Gu Xiang who is difficult to deal with, but even if he is arrogant in the capital, so what, this is their territory.

The strong dragon can't overwhelm the local snake.

Jiang Haoxuan's heart was dark. Isn't this their imprisonment in disguise?

Gu Muqiu's expression didn't change, he quickly drew the sword of the person next to him, and killed the county magistrate before everyone could react.

Well, especially with the demeanor of Mr. Gu, if you can do it, you don't talk too much nonsense.

So, don't pretend to be aggressive in front of Gu Muqiu, you won't survive 3 minutes.

The county magistrate's head rolled to the ground, and his face seemed to still maintain the haughty look he had just had.

Bright red hot blood spurted out in an instant, spilling everywhere, and no one around the county magistrate was spared.

And Gu Muqiu avoided it early at that moment, without a single drop of blood on his body, and he was still dressed in white.

"Ah——" the pale-faced, protruding eye-socket, thin-figured teacher next to him yelled, touched the blood on his face, his lips moved but he couldn't say a word.

Dead, the county magistrate is dead.

Everyone witnessed a fresh life die in their eyes, and in such a way, if it is not shocking, it is false.

Especially the group of people around the county magistrate didn't know what to do. In their eyes, the county magistrate was already the most powerful person, and the person in front of him killed the county magistrate without even blinking. .

This is too scary.

"Those who stand in my way will die." Gu Muqiu's cold voice was filled with tenderness that cannot be ignored, but it also carried undoubted strength.

There was an elegant and gentle arc on the spotless face, gentle and harmless, it was hard to imagine that a fresh life was lost in her hands not long ago.

Regarding Gu Muqiu's actions, Jiang Haoxuan didn't show too much surprise. He felt that with Gu Xiang's arrogance, it was possible to beat up his father, so this is really nothing.

At the same time, what he admired was his ability, and he always had a strategizing look, as if everything was within his expectations.

As for the minister's vigilance against him, in fact, there is no need for it. Such a person doesn't even bother to rebel, and he might find it troublesome.

After being intimidated by Gu Muqiu, the group of them successfully entered the city, and started working step by step.

Huaixi is not limited to this county, and other local officials originally wanted to unite and not cooperate with their work, but later they found that it didn't work, and Gu Xiang was not afraid of them at all.

So after Gu Muqiu killed a few people in a row, everyone became honest, and their attitude was so attentive.

There is no way, Xiao Ming and they still want it.

Gu Muqiu basically didn't care about the next things, Jiang Haoxuan's leadership and organizational skills were reflected in these things.

(End of this chapter)

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