Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 174 Disaster for the Country 24

Chapter 174 Disaster for the Country 24
What comfort people, digging rivers to divert floods into the river, Jiang Haoxuan has been guarding these things.

He would only come to discuss with Gu Muqiu if there were some route problems.

"Host, don't you want to help?"

Everyone is going to finish their work, and their own host is like a pretty decoration.

In fact, it just asked Gu Muqiu symbolically, and it didn't really ask Gu Muqiu to help.

Can it speak to its own host?

What a joke.

"Why should I go?" The dog emperor just asked her to follow Jiang Haoxuan here, and didn't ask her to help him.

Xiaobai's mouth twitched when he sensed Gu Muqiu's thoughts.

It's as if someone tells her to do it and he will do it.

While Xiaobai was still thinking about it, Jiang Haoxuan rushed in, with unconcealable anxiety on his face.

Because of this month's hard work, Jiang Haoxuan's facial features have become much more resolute, and his eyes have also changed from empty to bright, and he looks more energetic.

"Gu Xiang, there are a large number of refugees coming to seek refuge now." Jiang Haoxuan believed that he should understand what he meant when he said this. This is about the lives of thousands of people, so he can't be careless.

The arrival of these refugees will bring them many problems. First of all, it is difficult to manage. Some refugees have just experienced displacement. There is no guarantee that they will do some extreme things. Coupled with the large number of gatherings, our manpower is very limited. , it is impossible to waste too much manpower on these things.

Also, the epidemic here has just been brought under control, and a large influx of refugees is bound to bring new patients, which will inevitably spread and implicate some innocent people.

Gu Muqiu raised his eyebrows, half lying on the soft couch, his deep eyes seemed to contain little smiles, as if everything was under her control.

"Don't put them in the city."

"But this will inevitably arouse public anger." Jiang Haoxuan frowned, he also thought about this, not because he was cold-blooded, but because he also had to be responsible to the people in the city.

Gu Muqiu got up and took the map, took a brush from the side, dipped it in ink and drew a circle on two places on the map.

Jiang Haoxuan's eyes lit up after seeing it: "Is Gu Xiang's intention to place them here?"

Why didn't they think of letting these people withdraw to the city and make a place for the refugees who came to defect to live?It must have been too impatient just now.

This method should be feasible, not only did not let them contact the people in Huaixi City, but also settled them down.

"I'll let the people in these places withdraw to the city immediately." Jiang Haoxuan hurried away after finishing speaking.

Two months passed like this, and now they have entered the post-disaster reconstruction work, and have entered the final finishing stage.

They also plan to go back.

Jiang Haoxuan looked at the gentle and refined Gu Muqiu who was still dressed in white, and fell into deep thought.

He has changed a lot during these days, he seems to have found the meaning of his own existence, his life is his own, why should he define his own meaning based on whether others have expectations of him?

Even his relatives, they have no right to define themselves.

So what if they don't like themselves?They also just represent them.

When those disaster victims looked at him with grateful eyes, he seemed to have been redeemed, and the heavy burden on him was instantly lighter.

Perhaps it may take him a very long time to completely let go of all this, but sooner or later he will let go, won't he?
At the beginning, he was actually very envious of Gu Xiang, he was free and easy, as if he could do whatever he wanted, completely according to his own preferences.

But now, he is more grateful to him, thanking him for letting a ray of light shine into his dark and dull world.

(End of this chapter)

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