Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 183 Ho Ho Ho Ho, Sir, Don’t Bite Me 2

Chapter 183 Ho Ho Ho Ho, Sir, Don’t Bite Me 2
Gu Muqiu's heart was dark, it wasn't that she refused to get out of the way, it was that there was a gravitational force tearing at her soul, making it impossible for her to avoid it.

She tried, but still couldn't move, a coldness flashed in her eyes.

"Be careful!" A silver-white whip appeared in Xingchen's hand and rolled Gu Muqiu towards him, and the black air dissipated a little when it touched the whip.

Do you think the sweet idol drama has started?
No, no, I didn't expect that there was a black energy behind them. If Xing Chen avoided it, it would definitely hurt Gu Muqiu. In order to take care of the newcomers, he did not avoid it.

Then they fall straight into a world.

"Host, host!" Xiao Bai's voice was clearly anxious.

But Gu Muqiu didn't respond, and then Xiaobai broke through the seal with his own energy and ran out.

When the tasker is not awake, the system cannot appear in the task world.

This time at least used the energy collected in the previous mission world, although Xiaobai was very painful, but in this situation, it has no other good way.

Gu Muqiu is lying on the bed now, and Ren Xiaobai has no response to how he calls.

About 10 minutes later, Gu Muqiu finally opened her eyes, but unlike the usual Qingming, her eyes were very empty, like a puppet without a soul.

It's over, it's over, the host's soul is gone, the host won't become an idiot, right?

Looks like it's the only way to try
Xiaobai placed his paws between Gu Muqiu's eyebrows, and the eyes instantly became bottomless, like a whirlpool, and there was something like ancient scriptures flowing inside, which contained terrifying power, but Taking a closer look, it made people wonder if they had been mistaken just now.

Xiaobai directly entered Gu Muqiu's spiritual consciousness, and it felt terrible when he entered. There was nothingness inside and there was no end in sight. Looking around, it was all boundless darkness. It made people feel that unreasonable fear and loneliness always enveloped him, like a shadow, Can't get rid of it.

Xiaobai's obese body appears incomparably small in this nothingness, like a drop in the ocean.

"What the hell is this place?" Is this really in the host's spiritual consciousness?

It won't go into the wrong space.

Suddenly, a voice without any emotion appeared behind Xiaobai, and Xiaobai turned his head quickly in fright.

"Little cat, are you here to play with me?"

Although her voice was devoid of emotion, it also carried a kind of childishness that belonged to little girls.

Xiaobai looked at the little girl in front of him, hey hey hey, isn't this his own host?

How did she get so small, taking shrinking pills?
The little girl in front of her was about five or six years old, her face was delicate, her eyes were as clear as a stream, as if she had never seen any filth in the world, one couldn't help but want to protect her purity and prevent her from being contaminated by the world.

Just like this, it looks like a porcelain doll that is too beautiful.

Wow wow wow, so cute.

My own host was too cute when he was a child. The harmless appearance of this human and animal made him have an urge to pounce on him and kiss him.

"Come home with me, cutie." Although she said such gentle words, the miniature version of Gu Muqiu was still expressionless.

Alright, alright, the host had facial paralysis when he was a child, so he understood.

In order to understand the reason why his host's soul disappeared, Xiaobai felt that he should also go back with little Gu Muqiu.

Xiao Bai looked at the little Gu Muqiu, and kept staring at her like this.

Well, it seems that my host has no memory about the future now, in order not to scare such a cute little host, Xiaobai thinks it's better not to speak.

The miniature version of Gu Muqiu carefully hugged Xiaobai, his overly cautious appearance was like treating a rare treasure.

(End of this chapter)

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