Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 184 Ho Ho Ho Ho, Sir, Don’t Bite Me 3

Chapter 184 Ho Ho Ho Ho, Sir, Don’t Bite Me 3
Anyone who sees a thin little girl effortlessly picking up a fat cat that is as fat as a pig will be surprised.

But Xiaobai didn't notice this at all, perhaps because it doesn't know what a normal little girl looks like, but it is almost crying with joy now, this is the attitude that its host should have towards itself.

The little host was really too gentle, which made it a little flattered. It changed its position and lay comfortably in Xiao Muqiu's arms.

It also squinted its eyes very comfortably, but only then did it realize that the surrounding environment had changed.

The sky was dark and gloomy, as if it was covered with something, which made people feel uncomfortable for no reason.

Suddenly, an exquisite villa appeared in front of them like a mirage, scattered among the shade of green trees, the quiet and remote appearance was fascinating, but under such a sky atmosphere, it seemed eerie.

Xiaobai suddenly felt a little cold, and subconsciously shook his small body.

"It's cold? It's okay, it won't be cold when you go in." Sensing Xiaobai's trembling, the miniature version of Gu Muqiu hugged him tighter.

This is too considerate, Xiaobai sighed in his heart.

The villa has three floors. Since it is built against the mountain, the scenery on each floor has its own advantages and disadvantages.

But even Xiaobai thinks this place is very strange. How can I describe the feeling of it? It's a bit hard to describe, it's a bit like a haunted house.

Especially with the hazy sky, and at this time the sky was darker than before, a blood moon appeared in the night sky, and the night was stained with a layer of blood.

I don't know when it appeared, just like the villa that just appeared, it seems to have appeared suddenly inadvertently.

Wait, why is this so similar to the plot of the supernatural plane?

It stands to reason that a person's spiritual consciousness can't be so complicated, and shouldn't what appears in his spiritual consciousness be the most beautiful appearance in his life?

No matter how you look at this scene, it doesn't look good.

However, it may also be because his host is not a normal person. Thinking about it this way, Xiaobai feels that it is much more reasonable.

"Little guy, we're home, are you happy?" The little girl said to herself, or she didn't care whether Xiao Bai could answer her question at all.

"We will be good friends from now on, you won't leave me." The little girl said softly, her voice seemed to be filled with indescribable sadness.

"Okay, you can stay here forever, we will always be together forever." The little girl's tone was firm, like an oath.

When she said this, there was a trace of darkness in her eyes, so fast that Xiao Bai didn't notice this little bit of abnormality at all.

Xiaobai feels that what Gu Muqiu said at this time is also correct. They are in a state of soul contract. Unless one party disappears forever, they will not be separated in the first place, but his intuition feels that there is something wrong.

But he just couldn't find it. This kind of unpredictability made Xiaobai very distressed.

But what happened next made it feel creepy. In a blink of an eye, the surrounding scenes switched again. This is a place similar to a laboratory. There are many dense lights on the roof, and the white light emitted illuminates the entire empty room. It was very bright, even a little dazzling, Xiaobai's eyes saw the platform in the middle of the room just after adapting to the brightness of the environment.

The surrounding area was terribly empty, which made the platform seem particularly abrupt, but it also made people feel that there should be that thing in that place, and the room became a foil instead.

Wait, where is this?
What does the host want to do?
What is that. Operating table? ? ?
The host wouldn't want to dissect itself!
(End of this chapter)

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