Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 200 Ho Ho Ho Ho, Sir, Don’t Bite Me 19

Chapter 200 Ho Ho Ho Ho, Sir, Don’t Bite Me 19
In fact, it's not that they don't have objections, the main reason is that they can't open their mouths, they have eaten her rice, and they dare to object?

Well, let's go, then let's evaluate our own strength now.

"What abilities do you all have?" Xing Mu felt that he still needed to assess the risks.

"No." Gu Muqiu said confidently.

What's the use of the ability?

She can't use it.

"Me neither." Xing Chen said innocently.

Hmm, also very upright.

Everyone: "." Both of you can't do it together, and you are both so righteous, you are worthy of being two siblings.

"I have water abilities." Xing Zhenzhen felt a little regretful when she heard that Gu Muqiu had no abilities.

But it doesn't matter, she has supernatural powers, and she will protect her.

Thinking of this, Xing Zhenzhen straightened her back subconsciously, let her protect the safety of the goddess.

"I should have the wind ability." Xing Mu stretched out his hand while speaking, and a small vortex slowly formed from the palm of his hand.

"Oh, what about you." Xing Zhenzhen poked Qi Chang.

"I should be from the Lightning Department." Qi Chang scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Damn it." Xing Mu was so startled that he swears.

He thought he was good enough, but he didn't expect Qi Chang to be even better than him.

"Okay, you're still hiding something, kid." Xing Mu patted Qi Yu's shoulder.

I can't blame him for having such a big reaction, it's because Qi Chang's ability is like a trick, and the attack power is extremely strong.

"Actually, it's okay, I just woke up yesterday." When Xing Mu said this, Qi Chang felt even more embarrassed.

"Wow wow wow, Lei Xiye, that's amazing!" Xing Zhenzhen also exclaimed.

Hearing Xing Zhenzhen's words, Qi Chang blushed.

However, the expressions of Gu Muqiu and Xingchen remained unchanged.

Anyway, their powers are generally not very useful.

If you let them know that the Zombie King is by their side, will their jaws drop in shock?

"By the way, don't get up so early tomorrow." Xing Chen reminded everyone with a smile.

"Why?" Xing Zhenzhen was like a curious baby.

"Aren't you sleepy in the morning?" Xing Chen's expression seemed to have discovered a new continent.

Regarding sleeping, he and Gu Muqiu are quite like-minded, even if the sky is falling, they won't get up too early in the morning.

Everyone: "." You guys just plan to sleep a little longer, they thought they had some plan.

But the next day everyone agreed to come out until noon.

Xingchen had the car ready when they came out.

But this car
Is it really good that this car is so high-profile? ? ?

Everyone looked at the red luxury car in front of them in bewilderment.

"Where did this come from?" Xing Mu pointed at Bao Sao's car.

"I picked it up." Xingchen said with a smile.

? ? ?picked it up?
Boy, are you so lucky?
"Doesn't this car consume gas?" Qi Chang raised a question worthy of everyone's thinking.

And they turned around and found no excess oil, but even if there was, it wouldn't fit.

They still have a lot of things to bring.

"It doesn't need oil." Xing Chen's expression remained unchanged.


But even electricity is inconvenient, and many places have been cut off now.

"Maybe it drinks the northwest wind?" Xingchen thought thoughtfully.

He took this car out of the system space directly, and he doesn't know what power it uses, anyway, he has never added anything to it so far.

I saw it in other worlds before and thought it looked good, so I put it directly in the system space. If it wasn't for this time, he would have forgotten that there was such a thing.

(End of this chapter)

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