Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 201 Ho Ho Ho Ho, Sir, Don’t Bite Me 20

Chapter 201 Ho Ho Ho Ho, Sir, Don’t Bite Me 20
"Can all these things be included in the system space?" Gu Muqiu raised his eyebrows and asked Xiaobai.

"Theoretically, it is possible." As long as you have the strength, no one will stop you even if you rebuild a space.

"Why doesn't this car have a console?" Xing Mu looked into the car through the glass, and it was empty, with only a place for people to ride, and there was no such thing as a steering wheel.

"Because it has its own consciousness." Xing Chen said nonchalantly.

Everyone: "." We almost believed it.

But at this time, everyone only thought that the car was remodeled by him.

"Then let's go, how does this car open the door?" Xing Mu planned to get in the car, but he didn't see the door handle.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the car door slowly opening to the surroundings. This picture has a strong sense of technology, and everyone's eyes can't wait to stand out. Only Gu Muqiu is okay, and his expression has not changed.

Xing Mu quickly stepped forward and lay down on the car, looking around, looking like a country bumpkin who has never seen the world.

Xing Zhenzhen was so ashamed to see her brother covering her eyes with her hands like this, this must not be her real brother.

Qi Chang's performance was okay, at least not as exaggerated as Xing Mu, but I don't know if it was because of his personality that he was embarrassed to be so obvious like Xing Mu.

It took them a long time to get in the car. After getting in the car, Xing Mu was in a state of excitement for a long time.

I can't wait to put my face against the car.

"I said, my dear brother, can you stop acting like a mentally retarded person?" Xing Zhenzhen looked at Xing Mu who was almost drooling with a smirk all the time.

"I haven't seen this before." Xing Mu touched the leather seat of the car while speaking.

"Look at anyone who is as exaggerated as you?" Xing Zhenzhen looked at Xing Mu's stupid look, and couldn't see it.

"I'm excited for a while, and I'm excited for a while." Xing Mu looked at the people in the car, and realized that he had lost his composure.

After leaving their research institute, the scene became much more terrifying.

The sun is particularly vicious, at least frying an egg on the ground is completely fine.

The desolate streets are full of unswept garbage. Countless scrapped vehicles line the streets and block the passages. If you don't know the map, you won't be able to get out.

Gu Muqiu and his car had to detour a long way before they gradually entered the right path.

Although Xing Zhenzhen and the others knew it was the end of the world, they hadn't come out these few days. What they imagined was far less shocking than what they saw with their own eyes.

Even the air is filled with an inexplicable and terrifying aura. The neighborhood is surprisingly quiet, so quiet that apart from the sound of the cold wind pouring in, there is only the sound of their vehicles passing by. There is no living thing within a hundred meters, and everyone seems to have heard their own voices. Heartbeat, bursts of despair and helplessness rose in my heart.

In such a world, can they really survive?

The further out the vehicle travels the more frightening the sight on the road becomes.

The strong smell of blood has been stimulating their fragile nerves until they gradually get used to the smell, as if their nervous system selectively filtered out the smell that frightened them.

At this time, there was a mournful howl from a distance, high and low, far and near, making people feel terrified and uneasy.

It was the first time Xing Zhenzhen saw such a scene, her face turned pale, and she felt nausea in her stomach.

Qi Chang noticed Xing Zhenzhen's abnormality carefully, took out a bottle of mineral water, unscrewed the cap and handed it to her: "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, thank you." Xing Zhenzhen reached out to take the mineral water and took a few sips.

Xing Zhenzhen looked at Gu Muqiu in front of her, and found that she was not feeling well.

(End of this chapter)

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