Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 489 Department Competition 42

Chapter 489 Department Competition 42
The beauties covered their faces with silk scarves, and their red lips could be vaguely seen. This half-covered feeling made people want to take off their silk scarves to see their beauty.

"If there is no accident, the goddess will meet the heroine here." This is a must-have experience for the heroine of time travel novels.

There is a main story in this world, but it is a pity that this story is destined to collapse.

Maybe it's because of the protagonist, maybe it's because of the thousands of taskers. "Hmm." Gu Muqiu looked lazy, this is not something she should care about, after all, there are many people who are more worried than her.

It's just that their department seems to be very passive, after all, the base number of workers in other departments is there.

"Goddesses don't have to worry about matters between departments. You can rest assured and leave it to the bosses. You just need to survive."

Hearing this, Gu Muqiu glanced at Mo Xuan, rest assured?

I'm afraid it's a little difficult.

Gu Muqiu took out the money he 'picked up' on the road just now and booked a private room.

Probably because of the privilege of Qianrong's face, the girl who led the way gave them a nice room.

It's just that on the way, the girl kept trying to talk to Qian Rong.

Oh, by the way, they also sent a bunch of good food and good wine.

Mo Xuan had a resentful look on his face: "Hateful little boy."

He ate an apple with resentment.It seems that beauty can really be eaten.

What followed was a variety of talent shows, which dazzled people, and bursts of applause came from the crowd.

Until a middle-aged man who was similar to the principal walked to the high platform under everyone's attention.

Screams came from the crowd in the audience, and everyone knew that the grand finale was coming.

"Miss Taoyao!"

"Miss Taoyao!"

"I want to see Miss Taoyao's beauty."

"I am willing to marry Miss Taoyao."

"Everyone be quiet!" The chief raised his voice, and was not surprised by everyone's reaction.Because this is normal, as long as Taoyao, the oiran, is on stage, the scene is guaranteed to be overcrowded.

Moreover, Miss Taoyao only sells art but not herself, and is sought after by countless princes and nobles, and even spends a lot of money just to smile for Bomei.

Everyone was still very face-saving, and immediately quieted down.

"Now invite our Miss Taoyao to come out." The chief shouted.

There were countless booing sounds from below, the sound was so loud that Gu Muqiu frowned.

The steward retreated quickly. Not long after he retreated, flower petals slowly fell from the sky, and the air seemed to be filled with a faint fragrance of peach blossoms.

This couldn't help making everyone think of "the beauty of the peach is shining brightly." Everyone held their breath, as if they were afraid of ruining this beautiful picture.

Many literati and inkmen present could not help but feel that their talents and ideas were springing up, and their poetic flavor was bursting out.

While everyone was immersed in the fragrance of peach blossoms, a red ribbon as thick as a little finger slowly floated down from the sky, and a stunning woman in a red dress with a scarf on her face slowly slid down from the sky with a piano in her hand, like a nine-day Xuan A woman descends to earth.

At this time, everyone has been obsessed with watching, forgot to applaud, and even forgot to speak.

The woman is dressed in a red tulle, her muscles are fat and her breath is like orchids, she is charming and boneless, and her frown and smile are touching.

She slowly put the piano on the ground and sat on the ground.Incomparably slender, with clear and perfect bone fingers, hands that were as perfect as handicrafts gently stroked the body of the qin, and began to pluck on the guqin.

The movement was smooth, and there were layers of rippling music in the air.Like a breeze on the lake on a summer night, gently caressing people's cheeks, gentle and delicate, like a lover's lips with affection.

(End of this chapter)

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