Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 490 Department Competition 43

Chapter 490 Department Competition 43
This is a piece of music that no one has ever heard before. Until the end of the piece, there was a long pause and no one made a sound. Everyone was immersed in this beautiful melody.

"Host, I feel the breath of 012."

"I know." Taoyao curled her red lips slightly under the scarf, and glanced at Gu Muqiu's private room as if feeling something.The peach blossom eyes are slightly curved, and there are many kinds of indescribable styles.

Oops, someone finally came to play with her, she would be bored to death here every day.

Finally, someone came back to his senses and took the lead in applauding. He said hello three times in a row, and his expression was so excited that he couldn't control himself: "Good good!!!"

Is this a song created by Miss Taoyao herself?It was so beautiful, he claimed to be proficient in rhythm, but he didn't have such achievements, if he could hear this song today, he would die without regret.

There were all kinds of restlessness in the audience, and some literati present were even more eager to write, scrambling to express their praise with the most gorgeous poems.

"Miss Taoyao, can you dance?" The audience has already started booing, they heard that Taoyao, the oiran of Chunfenglou, is versatile, proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and they naturally won't be satisfied with just the song just now.

The princes and nobles in the private room were ashamed to make noise like them because of their face, but they couldn't hide the expectation in their eyes.

"If I can see Miss Taoyao dancing today, it will be worth it even if I die."

"That's it."

"I am willing to marry Miss Taoyao, no matter how long, I am willing to wait for her." A man below lost his voice and was exhausted.There is no lack of contempt from the side, Miss Taoyao belongs to them, how could they fall in love with him.

Seeing this scene, Taoyao's system twitched the corners of her mouth, her own host's charm was gone.

However, it seems that it has been with Taoyao for so many years, and has never seen her fall in love with anyone.

As for the following guys who are interested in sex, hehe.

Taoyao got up, the silk scarf that was half covered and half exposed couldn't hide her beautiful and delicate face, a pair of fox eyes revealed all kinds of amorous feelings all the time, under the scarf, the slightly pursed thin lips of cherry blossoms were even more delicate, showing the charm of women Take it to the extreme.

A chuckle like a silver bell sounded, and Taoyao's red lips parted slightly: "Since all the young masters want to see, the little girl has made a fool of herself."

The voice fell, and the dance started.The clear sound of the piano came from all directions.

Taoyao twisted her waist in accordance with the rhythm of the piano sound, her seductive smile was always rippling on her face, her long hair reached her waist, floating in the air, it seemed that every tip of her hair had a faint Peach blossom fragrance.

But the beautiful dancing posture attracted the attention of everyone present.

The red skirt swirled, like manjusawa blooming from hell under her feet, and the willow waist swayed gently, seducing the soul. For a moment, the world was ashamed of this beauty.

At the end of the song, the most amazing thing is that smile when looking back, like all kinds of amorous feelings lingering on the eyebrows.

evildoer.This is the only word that everyone present can think of to describe Taoyao.

Such beauty should be a disaster for the country.

While Taoyao was dancing, Gu Muqiu had already stood up, leaning against the window, observing the situation around her. She was observing the hidden missionaries around.

Of course, while she was looking at others, others were also looking at her.

Mo Xuan was still destroying the cakes on the table with a resentful expression on his face. I have to say that the cakes in Chunfenglou are really delicious, even though it was bought by Qian Rong's face.

Good-looking can indeed be eaten as food, and he recognizes it now.

Gu Muqiu's eyes met Tao Yao's, and a gentle and charming smile gradually appeared on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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