Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 502 Department Competition 55

Chapter 502 Department Competition 55
Gu Muqiu's tone was gentle but seemed to be accompanied by a trace of doubt.She doesn't take blame for inexplicable things, so don't try to fool her.

"Don't pay attention to these details, the most important thing is to save lives." Shi Yi didn't even know what magical focus this person had.

"I can't help it either." Gu Muqiu said calmly.She said there was poison in the air, but that didn't mean she had a cure for it.After all, she has never seen it before, who knows what kind of strange world this poison comes from.

Maybe she can still struggle a bit at ordinary times, but she really doesn't have any tools now.

"Huh?" Shi Yi's current mood can't be expressed in words at all.

Why can't you ask a question?She really wanted to kill the person in front of her who needed to be beaten.

Since she can't solve the problem, she will get rid of the person who raised the problem.

Er Huo Tong: Sure enough, the love for male gods is fake on weekdays.

At this time, shouldn't she follow the routine of seeing the truth in adversity?

Shi Yi was still thinking about how to save her own life, so Gu Muqiu handed her a white jade bottle: "Eat it."

Shi Yi looked surprised, then slowly reached out to take it: "What is this?"

Gu Muqiu looked at Shi Yi with the eyes of an idiot: "Medicine"

Do you even need to ask?
Shi Yi: I was insulted, thank you.

She opened the bottle cork with Gu Muqiu's idiot-looking eyes, only to find that there was only one medicine inside...

So is he planning to leave the only medicine to her?There was a touch of emotion on Shi Yi's face, it had been a long time since no one cared about her so much...

Although there are people in the small world who care about her, they don't care about the real her, and the system is just a high-tech product, and it doesn't understand the complicated emotions between human beings at all.

888: Hehehe, young girl, you are really whimsical.Goddess can be so kind?joke.

"God, you should eat." Shi Yi felt a little embarrassed.

"I don't need it." Gu Muqiu's voice and expression were unusually gentle.

Shi Yi couldn't help feeling warm in her heart, no, she can't do this, and didn't she promise to protect the male god: "The male god, or..."

"Don't eat and throw away." Gu Muqiu said with gentle eyes and a casual tone.

"I'll take it." Shi Yi was afraid that Gu Muqiu would get angry, so he quickly took the medicine.

"I said, little Yiyi, aren't you afraid that what people give you is poison?" When did she trust others so easily?Doesn't this guy have persecution paranoia?

"As long as it is given by the male god, she will accept it even if it is poison." Moreover, if the male god wants to kill her, he can do it directly, there is no need to be so troublesome.

"Okay." Erhuo Tong was helpless, this guy would be killed by himself sooner or later.

After Gu Muqiu gave Shi Yi the medicine, he continued to act, and did not continue to take care of the poison. This made 888 a little confused. Could it be that she really has such good intentions?This unscientific.

Gu Muqiu: You don’t need science to be a human being.

888 thought for a long time, but still couldn't suppress his curiosity: "The goddess is going to be a good person? She even gave the only antidote to that girl."

Gu Muqiu raised his eyebrows: "Who said it was the antidote?" She never said that, and she also said that she had nothing to do with the poison.

"Then what medicine did you give him?" 888 was full of surprise.Well, it knew that this guy couldn't be so kind.Alas, poor girl.

"It should be a medicine for strengthening the body, and I will forget it after a long time." Gu Muqiu's voice was gentle, but there seemed to be a hint of distress.

(End of this chapter)

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