Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 503 Department Competition 56

Chapter 503 Department Competition 56
It seems that there are too many things in the system space, it is not good, it is easy to forget, and she glanced at all of them, it seems that this one seems to be useful, not poisonous.

Well...like? ? ?Are goddesses so casual now? ? ?
888 secretly wished the poor girl good luck, and hoped that she would live safely. After all, it can't do anything with a single system.

But it always felt that Gu Muqiu did it on purpose. After all, if a person doesn't even know the effect of the medicine, how dare he give it to others.

Gu Muqiu: Dare, why don't you dare, others eat it, not me.

Shi Yi now feels that she is sober enough to be much more awake, but her body is a little hot, and she doesn't know what's going on.

It might be the effect of the medicine, but she didn't think much about it.

Until she felt that her nose was hot, she quickly reached out to touch it and found that she had a nosebleed.

Wait... She got a nosebleed?What's going on?The sequelae of poisoning?

Forget it, let's bleed some blood, anyway, the girl bleeds so much in the past few days, but she didn't see her die.

She didn't realize the seriousness of the matter until she couldn't stop bleeding all the way.

"Little Yiyi, why don't you ask to save the boss, if this goes on, you may be the first tasker to die from a nosebleed." Er Huo Tong felt that he had broken his heart for the mentally handicapped host.

Shi Yi felt dizzy again. If it was because of poisoning just now, it was nosebleed now.

"That's right, it would be too embarrassing to die because of a nosebleed and lose too much blood." And if he died in front of the male god, it would definitely cast a shadow on his heart.

Thinking of this, Shi Yi felt a chill, and quickly caught up with Gu Muqiu and said, "God, wait a minute, I have a nosebleed."

"Huh?" Gu Muqiu turned around and saw Shi Yi's nose bleeding.

Hmm, looks kind of scary.

"What's going on with me? Is it because of poisoning?" Shi Yi asked Gu Muqiu while stopping the bleeding.

Wanting to bleed to death, the person who poisoned him is too despicable.

"Maybe not." Gu Muqiu said flatly.


"Maybe it's because I overfilled it." Gu Muqiu hooked the corners of his mouth happily, looking in a good mood.

Now that it is confirmed, it should be a tonic, but it seems that the poison has been cured.

888: Well, the technique is weird, and the sword is slanted.Not bad.

"Too much? I don't study much, don't lie to me." Shi Yi was still in a hurry.

"Oh, the tonic I just gave you."

"Isn't it the antidote?"

"I never said it was an antidote." Gu Muqiu raised his eyes.Such a poor comprehension ability is not good at such a young age.

888: Is there any necessary connection between age and comprehension ability?

"Then what should I do now?" The blood couldn't stop, Shi Yi felt that it might not be a tonic, but a poison.

The person in front of him must be a spy sent by the enemy.

No wonder she still thought how could the male god be so kind, so there was still this trap waiting for her.Fortunately, she still looked touched, and this man actually took her to test the medicine.

If she knew that Gu Muqiu was not sure about the efficacy of the medicine, she would probably be pissed off.

Gu Muqiu glanced slightly: "It's okay for young people to bleed a little." After all, young people are in good health, why are they so delicate.

Shi Yi: "..." Does this person care about her life? Does she mean it doesn't matter? ? ?

She now feels that she has lost too much blood and is dizzy, and she may go into hemorrhagic shock in the next second.

(End of this chapter)

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