Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 511 Department Competition 64

Chapter 511 Department Competition 64
"Second Huotong, I'm still alive." Shi Yi only felt that he was so tired that he couldn't breathe.

Damn, it's been a long time since she was so tired. Thinking of the culprit, she almost gritted her teeth.

"Well, Xiao Yiyi is amazing!" Er Huo Tong's voice was full of approval.

After all, it is your own host, you should praise it when necessary.

"The surname is Gu! Don't let me meet you again!" Shi Yi clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

"Forget it, don't talk nonsense now, let's go out first." Er Huo Tong interrupted her rambling.

You know, if it doesn't interrupt her, maybe she can complain for two hours.

"That's fine." Shi Yi also felt that it's not suitable to stay here for a long time.

Finally, Emperor Tian paid off, she found a hole.

It does look a little ugly though.

Why does this thing look so much like a dog hole? ? ?
"Don't look at it, it's just a dog's hole, but Xiao Yiyi, don't tell me you plan to go into a dog's hole..."

Shi Yi didn't intend to do this at first, but she looked at the high wall... Forget it, she thought that she didn't have light skills, and the dog hole was just a dog hole: "If you want to achieve a big event, don't pay attention to the small details."

Anyway, she has done enough embarrassing things, and she doesn't care about these two things at all.

And only the second-hand system knows, as long as it doesn't say it, what are you afraid of.

"Okay..." Erhuo Tong had already been subdued by her thick skin.

Just doing what she said, Shi Yi tried her best to shrink herself a little bit so as not to get stuck, and finally she went out, drilling a dog hole and sweating profusely.

Before she could stand up, she heard a devilish voice, which was gentle but with a hint of disgust: "So slow."

Shi Yi was so frightened that he stood up quickly, and then looked up to see Gu Muqiu leaning against the wall with a gentle face.

"Damn it, why are you here?" Shi Yi was terrified, and couldn't hold back his mouth.

"Waiting for you." Gu Muqiu's tone was soft, and those who were not familiar with her might think she was pampering.

Shi Yi's mind went blank. Damn it, she didn't want to live anymore, and she was actually seen by the male god when she drilled into a dog's hole.

The image of this lady is afraid that she will lose her image, she seems to have forgotten that she is now dressed in rags and unkempt.

This image is completely a beggar in front of Gu Muqiu, not to mention the image of a lady.

However, Gu Muqiu is quite well-informed, and he didn't say anything. Of course, disgust is inevitable.

"But how do you know I'm here?" Shi Yi was a little surprised, maybe he knew things like a god.

Gu Muqiu seemed to despise Shi Yi for not even knowing this, and there was even pity for the fool in his eyes: "Forgive me, you can't get out of any other place except here." Pointing to the dog hole with his finger to signal Shi Yi.

She has indeed been waiting here for a long time.

Shi Yi: "..." Damn, I was despised, thank you, I was insulted.

Although what he said might be true, she still didn't want to admit it.

Since Gu Muqiu's words were too hurtful, Shi Yi refused to communicate along the way.

Until they found a dilapidated and uninhabited yard, this place was much safer than other places.

I don't know if it's because of the night or something, but the tasker seems to have fallen into a frenzy, and Gu Muqiu can roughly understand what the system means when the base number is large.

There is probably one tasker among a hundred people on the street.

The human body is exhausted, even though Gu Muqiu felt that she was fine, she still decided to save her strength, and the poison before...

(End of this chapter)

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