Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 512 Department Competition 65

Chapter 512 Department Competition 65
Although Shi Yi looked out of shape, she felt unspeakably nervous in her heart. Now that she was out of danger, she actually felt a little sleepy, and she couldn't lift her eyelids very much.

"What's going on?" Shi Yi was a little puzzled, it shouldn't be.

"Xiao Yiyi, your poison has not been cured yet." Because Shi Yi was poisoned before, the system is also more concerned, just now it checked Shi Yi's body in all aspects.

Shi Yi:? ? ?
She looked dazed, isn't she all right now, did she feel that the blood shed before was in vain?
Do you want to do this to her?
She cheered up: "God, is my poison okay?" She was timid and hoped that he would not scare her.

"There may be something wrong." If she didn't remind her, she would have forgotten it.Tonic should not have that detoxification function.

Shi Yi: "..." Well, her life is not her life, she knows it!

"Pull up your sleeves." Gu Muqiu's expression finally became a little focused, which made Shi Yi feel relieved.

When Shi Yi pulled up his sleeves, he realized that his arms had already turned black. It seemed that he had been deeply poisoned, and he looked indescribably terrifying.

"Goofy, I'm dead now." When he said this, Shi Yi's voice was indescribably calm, with a tone of indifference to life and death.

"It's okay, good people don't live long, and the disaster will last for thousands of years." Shi Yi is a disaster, and Erhuo Tong has always known it.

Shi Yi: "..." I was comforted, thank you.

When she spoke, Gu Muqiu was already planning to move the knife, as if he was gesturing where to strike.

"Don't tell me that you are going to use a knife on my hand." Shi Yi looked terrified, she had lost so much blood today, and his knife might kill her.

Gu Muqiu looked calm, but his voice was very gentle: "Is there any problem?"

Her eyes flashed, why does this person talk so much, he is really a little noisy.

"There is a problem, it's a big problem, I think I've bled enough today." Shi Yi shook her head like a rattle.

Hey, I don’t know how much I have to eat to make up for what went out today.

"Young people have a fast metabolism, of course you can also choose to wait for death." Gu Muqiu's expression did not change, but those who knew her might know that she was getting impatient.

She gave Shi Yi the right to choose.

Shi Yi: "..." Is this the reason why I bleed?Can't you choose conservative treatment?
However, she still knows good and bad, so she didn't continue, maybe she was afraid that Gu Muqiu would really ignore her, because she knew that this person would really die.

Gu Muqiu focused on his expression and skillfully moved. He quickly chose the position and made a slash. Shi Yi felt a pain in his wrist and frowned slightly.

The black blood flowed out slowly, and Shi Yi could clearly feel the blood flowing out of her body, but with the blood flowing out, she felt much more refreshed.

There was no longer the feeling that she couldn't lift her eyelids just now, which made her feel much more at ease.

It's just that at the same time, she also felt the loss of heat, and her body became colder and weaker.

"It's almost enough, I can't hold on anymore." Shi Yi's voice was obviously weak, this time she didn't put on an air, she was really weak.

"It's not enough." Gu Muqiu stared at the blood on the ground. She must know the fatal amount of human blood loss, and this amount of blood is not enough to kill her.

It's not good for young people to be so delicate.

888: Isn't everyone as good as you?

(End of this chapter)

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