Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 518 Department Competition 71

Chapter 518 Department Competition 71
"Do you think a neurotic would say that he is a neurotic?" Gu Muqiu raised his eyebrows slightly, with an indescribably serious expression.

And her appearance actually made Shi Yi feel that she was mentally retarded.

Shi Yi: "..." What the hell, one moment I was a normal person, and the next moment I am a crazy person?

Caught off guard by the psychosis, she couldn't even react, she really saw a ghost.

"I'm not crazy!" Shi Yi roared, his eyes full of anger.

"Yeah." Gu Muqiu nodded with gentle brows and eyes.Shi Yi's anger was completely ignored.

"Why do I think you don't believe me?" Shi Yi suddenly became serious.

"It's not what you think, it's because people didn't believe it." Er Huo unified his face speechless.

The host's weird desire to win and lose is also amazing. If it hadn't been for a long time, it might not be able to react.

"No, I have to reason with him." Shi Yi clenched his fists.His eyes seemed to be on fire.

"No, I believe it." - This affirmation from Gu Muqiu.

"No, you don't believe it."

"Retarded." Gu Muqiu walked around Shi Yi and was about to leave.

"Stop!" Shi Yi just didn't believe that evil.Gu Muqiu has successfully provoked her anger.

The main reason is that his attitude is too disrespectful, which makes her feel despised.

It's a pity that Gu Muqiu didn't pause at all.

"The people in the Resentment Elimination Department are amazing." Shi Yi gritted his teeth.

"He's just amazing." That department didn't just get in if he wanted to.

"Oh, rude." Shi Yi murmured in a low voice.

"Do you know what it's called?" Er Huo unified his face with mystery.

"What?" Shi Yi raised his eyes.

"Don't argue with idiots." The Erhuo Unified Formation pretended to be mysterious, and then spoke slowly.

"Fuck you!" Shi Yi was furious.It's fine if the big bosses bully her, but her own system also bullies her, so let's pass this day.

"The system doesn't have a mother." The two goods are unified and serious. As a high-tech product, it is not an ordinary creature. Where did it come from?

Shi Yi: "..." Did your mother make you proud? ? ?


Gu Muqiu walked into the room and touched his bed with a serious face.

Well, very soft, she is very satisfied.

"If there's nothing wrong, don't wake me up." She had a sacred look on her face. If people didn't know, they would think she was doing some kind of sacrifice.

"Okay." 888 said cheerfully.I really hope that no unlucky ghost disturbs the goddess when she is resting.

If it is too long, this method is still feasible.

Gu Muqiu lifted the quilt and lay down, all in one go.

Soon fell into a deep sleep.

Without Gu Muqiu, Shi Yi is too embarrassed to wander around here, so she can only go back to her house.

Of course, if it wasn't for the reminder from the second-hand general, she would have almost forgotten that she is still a heroine.

It's not so easy to be a heroine, and a heroine naturally has things to do with a heroine.

Well, she is now going to suppress the vicious sister, stepmother, and scold the scumbag father.

The streets of Kyoto are still as bustling as usual, and there is no trace of last night.

Because she was riding in the East Palace's carriage, no one dared to block her way. Even though there were people coming and going on the street, Shi Yi still felt that it was unimpeded.

She was thinking about how to deal with those scumbags when she saw the bright Chunfeng Building.

Chunfeng Building? ? ?
Isn't she stupid? A phantom has already appeared.

Shi Yi almost stared her eyes out, she hastily poked the maid beside her: "What's going on?"

(End of this chapter)

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