Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 519 Department Competition 72

Chapter 519 Department Competition 72
Because Shi Yi was planning to go home, the little servant girl volunteered to take her back, lest she go back and explain unclearly.

"Miss, that's Chunfeng Tower." The little maid smiled, and this lady was really different from ordinary official ladies.

When other ladies look at this kind of place, they usually choose to turn their eyes away, as if they are afraid that this filthy place will pollute their eyes.

In comparison, this young lady is much more sincere, which makes her look a little differently.

"Chunfeng Tower? But yesterday..." Shi Yi looked like he had seen a ghost.No, she's going to hell now.

Looking at Shi Yi's appearance, the little girl was a little puzzled: "Yesterday? The girl was talking about Tao Yao's performance yesterday in the Spring Breeze Tower?"

Speaking of Miss Taoyao, the little servant girl just felt sorry for such a beautiful girl. It's a pity that such a beautiful girl has a bad life.

Spend a day around men, please men, and have a youthful meal.

Alas, they are just ordinary people, and how they live depends on the faces of those dignitaries. If one day makes them unhappy, it will be like this in this life, and they will never be able to turn over.

"That's right..." Shi Yi could only nod, trying to find out something from the little maid's mouth.

But she didn't expect much, because she could see that the little maid really didn't know anything.

Sure enough, the little maid just kept talking about what happened to Miss Taoyao last night.

There is nothing about the chaos of last night, as if nothing happened, there is no flaw, so perfect that Shi Yi felt that last night was just a nightmare.

Facing the little maid's chatter, although Shi Yi didn't show it on the face, he was still absent-minded.

"Dog, what's going on?" Shi Yi now wondered if her memory was confused, why the situation now is completely different from what she remembered.

"Don't act like you haven't seen the world, okay?" Erhuo Tong was originally resting in the system space, but he was not happy at all when he was named.

"Huh?" Shi Yi was stunned, how could it be that she had never seen the world again?
"The damage suffered by the taskers in the competition world will be automatically restored the next day." Although Erhuo Tong was very impatient, he still explained.

In other words, as long as the world is not directly blown up, it doesn't matter how you play, even ordinary people who are mistakenly killed by taskers will be resurrected.

"Is it so miraculous?" Shi Yi was dumbfounded, how could it be like this? ? ?
"Nonsense, how do you think these missionaries have no fear." The Erhuo Tong especially had no image and rolled his eyes.

"If there is no problem, I will continue to rest, please don't disturb my rest." It continued.But Shi Yi couldn't ignore that contemptuous tone.

Shi Yi: "..." Damn it, she was actually despised by a piece of trash!It's also rubbish, why can it be so dragging.

And isn't this a competition for the world, it's still resting? ? ?It didn't do anything and needs to rest. It's her who should rest, okay?

Sure enough, Tong Shameless is also invincible.

"Get busy for me, you have a rest, if I don't rest, you still rest." Shi Yi was furious.

"What are you busy with?" Erhuo Tong was lazy.No spirit at all.

"Forget it, you can rest." Shi Yi suddenly felt a little headache.

Well Frog can't speak to the sea, Xia Chan can't speak to Bing, oh yes, I can return those words to it.

Don't argue with idiots.

(End of this chapter)

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