Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 520 Department Competition 73

Chapter 520 Department Competition 73
"What's wrong, Miss?" The little maid seemed to have noticed Shi Yi's absent-mindedness.

"It's okay, I'm going home, I have a lot of thoughts." Shi Yi's face was unpredictable.

"Miss, this servant understands." The little maid looked comforting in her eyes.

She still knows the secrets of ordinary wealthy families, and she knows how to say it is beneficial to this young lady.

"Thank you." There was sincerity in Shi Yi's eyes.

But this little girl didn't seem to understand what she meant, did she think she would be afraid?

What a joke.

She can't beat other missionaries or these ordinary people?

Er Huo Tong: "..." This man is really cruel.Why do you have to do it?Can't use your brain?

Shi Yi: Hehe, talking while standing does not hurt your back, how tiring is it to use your brain?Wouldn't it be nice to conquer him directly by force?
Simple and rude, direct and effective.


Because he was in the East Palace, no one disturbed Gu Muqiu, or maybe it was because this was the territory of the Resentment Elimination Department, and no missionaries could step into this area.

After she lay there for a full 48 hours, there was finally movement.

888 felt that Gu Muqiu's sleep was not normal, as long as he fell into a deep sleep, he would remain motionless, unbelievably quiet, as if he had died.Even the physiological functions have been reduced to the lowest level, so that it has to check whether she is still alive all the time.

In its view, Gu Muqiu's state is simply too unscientific.

Gu Muqiu frowned slightly, then sat up slowly, rubbed the center of his brows, his eyes were clear without any fatigue.

"Goddess isn't sleeping anymore?" 888 said cautiously, for fear of her getting angry.

This guy is notoriously angry when he gets up.

"En." Gu Muqiu responded lightly.

The voice was clear and cold, with a chill that could not be ignored, without the usual gentleness, it seemed that this was the real her, and she hadn't had time to put on any disguise.

"Where is the goddess going now?" After not communicating with Gu Muqiu for two days, 888 felt that he was going to grow mushrooms from boredom.

And it can't rest yet, for fear that she will be in some danger, and it won't be able to notify her in time.

If Shi Yi knew what it was thinking, he would probably be pissed off.

Look, this is called someone else's system.

"Solve the physical problem." Gu Muqiu has returned to his usual gentle appearance.

There seems to be a little bit of smile in the eyes, giving people a feeling of being pampered.

"Huh?" 888 was a little confused, what kind of physical problem is it.

"Eat." Gu Muqiu got up and got out of bed.

If I remember correctly, she hasn't eaten for nearly three days, and if this continues, she will die.

888: "..." You just eat when you eat, do you need to play tricks?

After Gu Muqiu solved his physical problems, he started his own research.

There are so few things she can use now, she plans to get something to fill it up.

Other than that, there's nothing else to do, it's like being in a normal mission world.

In the Resentment Removal Department, she and Mo Xuan were the only two idlers who had no missions, and the other members came with missions, and the benefits of traveling through time as little ones were immediately reflected.

Gu Muqiu stayed in the yard all the time, while Mo Xuan couldn't even see a person all day, and he didn't know what he was busy with.

In this way, 888 felt that he was going to grow hair.

"When will this competition end, I'm going crazy." It howled in the system space.

There was a hint of danger deep in Gu Muqiu's eyes: "It may not be long." There are not many survivors.

Of course, the surviving missionaries are naturally not so easy to deal with.

(End of this chapter)

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