Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 529 Department Competition 82

Chapter 529 Department Competition 82
But how to maintain reason in the relationship is another problem.

"It's okay, we're here to save him anyway." Thinking of this, 888 felt much better.

True, there would be no such wretches without them, and that is their fault.

"Maybe it's not about saving." Gu Muqiu lowered his head with an inexplicable expression.

It's really impossible to talk about salvation, no matter what the original owner is impossible to come back, they are at most avenging him.

But whether to relieve the anger also needs to be judged by the person concerned.

"Tomorrow you are going to marry the heroine." 888's voice was malicious.

Doing so many tasks, I have encountered many times that the client is a man, but this is the first time to marry a wife.

This scene is a bit embarrassing anyway.

But it is impossible for the goddess to be embarrassed, and the heroine will definitely not end well tomorrow.

"What does the original owner have to do with me marrying a wife?" Gu Muqiu's eyebrows and eyes were gentle, without any self-consciousness.

888 is a little dumbfounded, it has never seen such a showy operation: "Then what should I do when they come tomorrow?"

I can't help but marry.

Gu Muqiu said surprisingly: "Tell them to send it back." It's not that she wants to marry, whoever wants to marry should marry, don't blame her.

"I'm afraid it's not good." I've never seen anything like this.

"I think it's fine." Gu Muqiu said softly.

888 I'm afraid that the original owner's brain is not easy to forget. Gu Muqiu is not the original owner. First of all, Gu Muqiu has no affection for the heroine. Secondly, now that he has a heavy army in his hand, who is afraid of whom?

In the worst case, the emperor will be overthrown, and it is not a matter of minutes to ascend the throne.

Although he has a bad reputation, is Gu Muqiu someone who is afraid of those things?


"My lord!"

"My lord! It's time to get up!" The manager was a little helpless, the lord hadn't gotten up yet.

Originally, I thought that the prince was not in good health, so I couldn't get up so early, but if I didn't get up again, I would miss the time.

Gu Muqiu was woken up by everyone early in the morning and expressed that he was in a very bad mood.

She opened the door expressionlessly, even her usual gentleness was gone, her eyes were slightly cold: "What's the matter?"

What are you shouting about early in the morning?Still let people sleep?
888: How do you feel that the current goddess is a bit broken?

What about the elegance and gentleness of the past?

Gu Muqiu: I'm in a bad mood and I don't want to pretend.

Originally, this body was dilapidated, and if he didn't take a good rest, he would be gone.It's not intentional homicide.

888: This is the first time I've heard that dilapidated is used to describe the body.

The old butler didn't know what was going on, and suddenly felt a chill down his back. He glanced at Gu Muqiu and wondered, what's going on?Usually the prince is like this, why does he feel that the prince is particularly scary today? ? ?
Could it be that he was worrying too much?
888: No, it's not that you're overthinking it, but that the person in front of you really wants to throw you out.The reason for this is also very simple, because you are quarreling with others to sleep.

"My lord should prepare to welcome the bride." The old housekeeper said with a smile.

It's just that he looks old and humble, he always feels that today's prince is very scary.

Could it be that he was overjoyed because he was about to marry a wife?But it doesn't look too happy to look at it.

"Don't worry." Gu Muqiu remained expressionless.How important is sleeping when marrying a wife?Just to disturb her sleep because of this trivial matter?

Just don't be too hateful.

888: Marrying a wife is not important? ? ?I'm afraid you're the only one who thinks it's not important.

The old butler faltered under the pressure: "But..." It would be too late.

(End of this chapter)

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