Chapter 530
Today is his day of great joy. Is it really good to let the bride wait like this?

Besides, didn't your prince care about Miss Su's family very much before, what's the situation now?Is it not easy to be dizzy when you are happy?
"No but." Gu Muqiu smiled with a gentle expression on his lips.

Then he closed the door in front of the old housekeeper.

Seeing this, the old housekeeper was dumbfounded. Just now, the prince seemed...smiled at him? ? ?He won't change his gender, he is famous for his facial paralysis...

Just as he was about to continue to knock on the door, he heard an extremely gentle voice from inside the door: "This king wants to sleep, so don't bother me if it is not necessary."

Leave the housekeeper messy in place.But when Gu Muqiu said this, the others really didn't bother.Don't think that the master is easy to get along with, his only tenderness is returned to the eldest lady of the Su family.

Just then, a young man appeared in front of the old housekeeper, with a cold face, a long sword in his arms, a green shirt, and a tall and straight figure.

"Suifeng, you're probably trying to scare me to death." The old housekeeper patted his chest, looking frightened.

Fortunately, he is used to it. If he doesn't let it, he might be scared to death, and he died on the prince's wedding, which is too unlucky.

Thinking of the prince, a trace of worry flashed in his eyes.Alas, he was the one who watched the prince grow up. If he hadn't been smart, how could the prince, whose parents died, grow up under the eyes of a group of monsters and monsters.

But fortunately, the prince is about to get married, and it is good to have someone to accompany the prince. Thinking of this, the old housekeeper's eyes are filled with relief.

The young man named Suifeng still had a calm expression: "I'm afraid this marriage won't work, sir."


After two hours like this, it was almost noon, and there was still no movement in the Prince Regent's Mansion, and even the dignitaries who came to congratulate him were persuaded to go back one by one.

The regent held a lot of power, so naturally he was not afraid of offending those powerful people.

"How do you use this thing?" Gu Muqiu looked at the purple gold crown inlaid with hair with a puzzled face.

"You won't?" 888 looked like she had seen a ghost. Didn't she go to the ancient plane before?

Gu Muqiu was serious: "I never used it before." This thing is so troublesome, so she was useless before.

"I won't either." It's just a simple system, and there's no need to place such expectations on it.

Gu Muqiu's eyebrows and eyes were gentle, but the words he said hurt people beyond words: "It's useless."

888: "..." Don't you know how?

"I'm looking for a tutorial, but are you so interested in this stuff now?"

"There is momentum on the belt." Gu Muqiu said solemnly.

888: "..." This person's mind is simply hard to fathom.Does she seem like someone who needs that kind of momentum?

Gu Muqiu still came out of the room. She was dressed in a black python robe, with a tall and slender figure, elegant and dignified, unlike ordinary people.

A pair of black eyes are like a quiet deep pool, and you can't help but be attracted to him when you look at him, not to mention the infinite tenderness implied in these eyes now, as if they can be infinitely tolerant.

The crown hair was tied up high, and the long flowing hair was docile and smooth behind his back, which made him a little more fierce, but it was resolved by the smile at the corner of his mouth, which was surprisingly contradictory and strangely harmonious.

"Goddess is going to meet her?" 888 looked at Gu Muqiu with a chill.If it's over, the hostess will be unlucky.

"No." Gu Muqiu looked lazy.He's such an old man, won't he come by himself, and she needs to go out to pick him up?

"Master is planning to go out?" Suifeng appeared in front of Gu Muqiu.

(End of this chapter)

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