Chapter 538
She was not at all displeased by the emperor's suspicion.

This made the emperor seem suspicious by nature.The emperor was also aware of this, and his face was a little ugly, so he couldn't blatantly send someone to ask.

And the fact that Gu Nanchuan dared to be so frank means that what he said is true. If he is particularly obviously partial to Su Shangshu, it may be a bit unreasonable.

This time Su Shangshu might suffer a bit, but he is the father of Sacred Heart, if he punishes too severely, he will be blamed for not keeping Sacred Heart intact.

Gu Muqiu's words made the system sigh abnormally. It's okay to fight these people but not to beat them, but to play with their brains and not to beat them.

Gu Muqiu just stood there, facing the emperor's gaze, not feeling uncomfortable at all.

"I was humiliated in the busy market today. If I don't ask for an explanation, the 30 troops in my hands will definitely be difficult to surrender because of my cowardice and incompetence." Gu Muqiu's tone was flat, but the emperor could hear her threat.

The emperor's gaze is dangerous, is Gu Nanchuan threatening him with military power now?But he can only be threatened by him, and it doesn't feel good to be coerced by others.

He better have a way to keep the 30 army, or else...

The emperor's eyes deepened a lot.

"Come here, Xuansu Shangshu." He said in a deep voice.I hope Su Shangshu is not stupid and can find an explanation for himself.

"Give me a seat," the emperor continued.Although he hated the regent deeply, he had to do a good job on the surface.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Gu Muqiu was not polite at all.Why stand when you can sit?It's not neurosis.

888: It makes sense.

"The goddess is amazing." 888 said cheerfully.This is a set of words, so that the male protagonist can't find any logical loopholes.See what it's like to make people angry.

It believed that if the superior person was given a chance to kill the goddess, he would not let it go.

"It's natural." Gu Muqiu looked lazy and spoke lightly.

The system has long been used to Gu Muqiu's immodestness, so now it sounds like it's nothing: "It's just why don't you just overthrow that person above?"

With her personality, shouldn't she just transfer the 30 troops here, and then kill the emperor and take the throne?

It believes that being an emperor must be more comfortable than being a regent.

"That's boring." Gu Muqiu's expression didn't change, as if he had seriously thought about that question.

Wouldn't it be a lot less fun if the emperor was removed from power all at once?
And it would be too rough to directly attack the city, she doesn't like it.

The emperor always felt that today's regent was different from the usual one. He was not so eloquent in normal times. Could it be that he discovered something?
What he didn't know was that the regent in front of him had already changed his core.

"What can the assassins who assassinated the Regent last time find out?" He asked tentatively.

"The emperor is talking about those traitors?" Gu Muqiu's voice was justly puzzled, as if he didn't know why the emperor asked these questions.

The emperor, who was scolded once again as a traitor, looked a little unhappy, but in order to dispel Gu Muqiu's suspicion, he had to explain: "I was just wondering who is so daring to assassinate my regent in this capital? .”

"The minister has found out some clues." Gu Muqiu pointed out, with a little smile in his eyes.

The emperor's heart skipped a beat when he saw Gu Muqiu like this. Could it be that he really knew something?
"If you find out who it is, if you let me know who it is, I will never forgive you lightly."

"If you know who it is, I will never give up. If you dare to break ground at the emperor's feet, you will punish the nine clans." When Gu Muqiu said this, he met the emperor's eyes.

Obviously she said this with a smile, but the emperor seemed to feel a biting chill, he was really not joking.

888: It's okay to scold them in front of them, but now you're threatening them, is that really okay?
Gu Muqiu: It's a lot of fun.

"What the regent said is true." The emperor came back to his senses after a while, and could only answer with a smile in order to dispel his doubts.

"Your Majesty, Su Shangshu has arrived." The old eunuch came in and broke the weird atmosphere between Gu Muqiu and the Emperor.

The old eunuch was tactful, so he naturally discovered this, but he just lowered his head and dared not look at the two ancestors.

"Let him in." The emperor said in a deep voice.His eyes fell on Gu Muqiu, and he found that her expression hadn't changed much, her brows and eyes were gentle, and there was no displeasure in her.

If he hadn't been completely sure, he certainly wouldn't have been so calm.

"This Su Shangshu is old and his body is failing, and it takes so long for this little journey." Gu Muqiu spoke softly.It's just that Su Shangshu heard his words as soon as he entered the door.

Su Shangshu glanced at Gu Muqiu with hatred in his eyes.

He took a few quick steps, and then knelt down facing the emperor. His movements were skillful, as if he did this often, and his voice was desolate. Those who didn't know thought how much he had been wronged, more wronged than Dou E: "The emperor will give The minister is in charge!"

Gu Muqiu's expression was indifferent, as if the matter in front of her had nothing to do with her at all, and she was just here to watch the show.

"Tsk tsk tsk, showman." Gu Muqiu complained to 888 with a smile.

"Aren't you the same?"

"It's different, I don't have him to be shameless." Yi Lao sells old.

888: Can I say that you are more shameless than him?

But obviously it can't.

"Aiqing get up first." The emperor frowned, now Su Shangshu created a problem for him.

Gu Nanchuan has 30 troops in his hands, and he threatened him with military power just now, obviously he must give him an explanation today, but Su Shangshu's current appearance really makes it difficult for him to speak.

"No, if the emperor doesn't give me an explanation today, I won't get up!" Sure enough, Su Shangshu began to sell his elders.What he didn't know was that his action had touched the emperor's reverse scale.

It doesn't matter if it's a normal day, but the emperor was threatened by Gu Muqiu not long ago, so he is very unhappy now.

"Is Aiqing threatening me?" The emperor narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a hint of danger in the depths of his eyes.

This one and the two like to threaten him so much?Gu Nanchuan can't move now, but so can Su Shangshu, who gave him the courage?

"I don't dare, I just can't be insulted like this." However, Su Shangshu also had no eyesight, completely ignoring the emperor's anger.

"Goddess, this person is also trying to die, doesn't he see the situation clearly now?"

"So it is said that IQ determines the upper limit of life." Gu Muqiu had mild brows and eyes, and there was no irony in his tone.

"Well, it makes sense." 888 quite agrees.

"Since Su Shangshu wants to kneel so much, just keep kneeling." The emperor was extremely displeased.

Su Shangshu raised his head slightly, with a dazed expression on his face, what's going on, things didn't develop in the direction he imagined at all.

(End of this chapter)

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