Chapter 539
At this time, shouldn't the emperor punish Gu Nanchuan while letting him get up?

And he obviously noticed the emperor's displeasure, but he didn't say anything just after entering the door, it was Gu Nanchuan!
He must have said something before the emperor treated him like this.

Su Shangshu gave Gu Muqiu a look of resentment, his eyes wished to eat Gu Muqiu.

"What is Su Shangshu doing looking at me like this, wanting to kill me? You really made me a little scared. I began to suspect that you were the one who assassinated me a few days ago." Gu Muqiu said with a smile.

It's just that although she said she was afraid, she didn't mean to be afraid at all.

"The Regent, don't spout blood!" Su Shangshu was so angry that Gu Muqiu was half dead.

"Just kidding, why should Su Shangshu be so serious?" Gu Muqiu looked lazy.It was in stark contrast to Su Shangshu who was almost vomiting blood with anger.

"Your Majesty, I wanted to enter the palace today, but I didn't expect to meet the regent on the way, and he deliberately drove a car into me." Su Shangshu didn't have time to care about so much, but just explained the whole story and begged the emperor to decide.

"But that's not what I heard from the regent." The emperor's expression was indifferent, without any distinction of joy.

"Your majesty, don't listen to the regent's one-sided words." Su Shangshu raised his head and said in a sad tone.

Gu Muqiu spoke softly and raised his eyes slightly: "Su Shangshu is working on the Pope?" He should be glad that he is the mistress's father, if someone else dared to be so bold, he would have been killed long ago.

"I dare not." Su Shangshu quickly lowered his head, because he was so angry that he forgot about it.

"You tell me what you dare not do!" The emperor suddenly slapped the table and said in a deep voice.

Gu Muqiu frowned slightly, you said you can talk when you say something, why did you slap the table?Did that table offend you?
Emperor: Please don't pay attention to those little details, will you?He was so angry, angry!
Su Shangshu was taken aback by the emperor, and said quickly: "Please forgive me, I just got mad because of the regent's anger."

"Forget it, Su Shangshu should go back and reflect on himself." The emperor felt that he was tired, and now he is the most angry, okay?

"But your majesty, the regent bumped into his ministers in the street..." Su Shangshu was obviously not convinced, but he hadn't forgotten what he was here for today.

"Is Su Shangshu old and mentally ill, or is he relying on the old to sell the old? It's fine to turn black and white in front of so many people, and now the villain will sue first." Gu Muqiu's face was calm, but the emperor knew that it would be wrong not to give him an explanation today. no more.

"If the minister deliberately bumped into the regent, why did the minister's carriage fall apart while the regent's carriage remained intact?" Su Shangshu said coldly.Now he has begun to calm down, and he knows that today's matter will not end.

The emperor didn't speak, but his meaning was very simple, he wanted Gu Muqiu to explain.

"Then it's because the king's carriage is solid, Su Shangshu bumped into me himself, does the carriage still depend on me when it breaks down?" Gu Muqiu asked casually.

That righteous look made it impossible to refute.

But in Su Shangshu's eyes, this is a naked provocation, a declaration of war against him.

Gu Muqiu: You think too much, I just can't understand how you rely on the old to sell the old.

"You!" Su Shangshu was furious.Brazen, this man is simply brazen.

"Su Shangshu doesn't need to be so stingy, if you are really not convinced, I will just pay you a car." Gu Muqiu's mouth showed a faint smile.It looks very generous.

It looks like I don't care about you because of your age.

"The Regent, don't bully people too much!"

Does Gu Nanchuan think that his huge Shangshu Mansion will lack a carriage?

Gu Muqiu: I don't think so, but your behavior looks like you lack the carriage.

"Is Su Shangshu talking louder than this king? And can you change some idioms, this king is tired of hearing it." Gu Muqiu looked lazy, as if the matter in front of him was very boring.

The emperor looked at the two people below, without any intention of opening his mouth.

"Since the Prince Regent has such an attitude, then the marriage between the Prince Regent and the Sacred Heart..." Su Shangshu only spoke half of what he said, but the meaning is very clear, he will not marry his daughter.

He has always known Gu Nanchuan's thoughts on his daughter. Before, he begged him to marry his daughter to him. Now that he is talking about this, it seems that he is still not obedient.

888: You think too much, the goddess is not interested in your daughter, oh no, she is not interested in humans.

"Then follow Su Shangshu's will." Gu Muqiu was not threatened at all.

Want to threaten her?That doesn't exist.Moreover, she is poor, and the palace cannot afford to support idlers.

"They used the original owner's money."

"It's mine now." Gu Muqiu said seriously.

Since it belongs to her, it is natural to save as much as possible, otherwise what should I do if I run out of money in the future?
888: Money fan.

Su Shangshu was dumbfounded when he heard the words, what's going on?Wasn't Gu Nanchuan the most precious his daughter in the past?Moreover, he was almost responsive to his daughter's request, and he also took a lot of benefits from Gu Nanchuan through his daughter.

Why does he look like he doesn't care at all now?
Is it because of lust?
Not only Su Shangshu was surprised by Gu Muqiu's words, but even the emperor felt a little strange.

He knew Gu Nanchuan's feelings for Sacred Heart, although he didn't want to admit it, but he had to admit that if Gu Nanchuan didn't like Sacred Heart, it would not be his turn to sit on the throne.

"What does the regent mean?" Su Shangshu asked coldly.He didn't believe that Gu Nanchuan would not want his daughter.

"Literally, Su Shangshu's ability to comprehend is no longer good as he gets older?" Gu Muqiu didn't miss any chance to anger Su Shangshu, her tone was gentle, but she didn't seem to be joking at all.

Su Shangshu's face turned dark again when he heard this: "The regent means that he doesn't plan to marry the official's daughter?" I hope Gu Nanchuan will not regret it!

"En." Gu Muqiu nodded.Gu Muqiu felt that unless she was mentally ill, she would never send someone home alone.

"Good! Good! I hope the regent will not regret it!" Su Shangshu said coldly, unable to hide his anger.

The emperor narrowed his eyes slightly, watching the play and seeing now, if he doesn't make a sound, he may have some consequences.

It's just that Gu Nanchuan doesn't want to marry Sacred Heart now?Did he really discover something?
Although he was very happy that Gu Nanchuan didn't want to marry Sacred Heart, but he couldn't do it this way, which interrupted his original plan.

Apart from using Sacred Heart, it is almost impossible for him to bring down Gu Nanchuan.

"Why is the regent unwilling to marry the daughter of the Su family?" His voice was tentative.

"I think Miss Su and I don't get along." Gu Muqiu said lightly with a smile on his lips.

She doesn't know if it fits with her or not, anyway, it must not fit with the original owner, otherwise the original owner wouldn't have died in her hands.

"Why did you say that?" the emperor asked.He always felt that Gu Nanchuan knew something.Otherwise, I wouldn't treat Sacred Heart like this.

He has always known that Sacred Heart is Gu Nanchuan's weakness.

(End of this chapter)

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