Chapter 542
Su Shengxin was a little absent-minded: "Yes." She had no hope for her father at all.

Gu Nanchuan is not a fool, no matter what he is, he is also a hero in the founding of the country, but her father's brain is completely outmatched by others.

No, she has to go see Gu Nanchuan tomorrow, test him, and see if he found anything.

"Daughter, the Prince Regent is actually pretty good. I can tell that he is wholeheartedly devoted to you." Mrs. Su said earnestly.

She only has this one daughter, and she is no more greedy than Su Shangshu. She naturally hopes that her daughter can live happily ever after.

And the one whose daughter is happy...

There are three thousand beauties in the harem, it would be fine if he treats his daughter well all his life, but the emperor's love has always been fickle.

Su Shengxin frowned, and said in an impatient voice, "Mother, don't say any more." She had heard these words countless times.

Where is the regent princess as honorable as a queen?She must become the most honorable woman in the world.

"Okay, my daughter has her own ideas when she grows up, and I can't control it." Mrs. Su sighed.


After getting up, Gu Muqiu watched Suifeng and his morning exercises in the yard.

She was lying on a recliner in white clothes, with mild eyebrows and eyes, and three-dimensional and delicate facial features.

For Gu Muqiu, Gu Wu is still of great reference value.

"My lord, I've taken the medicine." The old housekeeper brought out a bowl of dark medicine.

"En." Gu Muqiu responded lightly, and then drank the medicine in one gulp.

She frowned slightly, the medicine was so bitter, the old housekeeper handed it to her, and she took it without hesitation.

The old butler smiled and said, "My lord, it won't be bitter if you eat it." Who would have thought that the majestic regent outside would drink a medicine and eat candied fruit.

In fact, Gu Nanchuan has been afraid of suffering since he was a child, and this habit has been maintained since he was a child until he became an adult.

If outsiders know about it, how can they be ridiculed?

They are used to Suifeng in the Regent's Mansion, and now they can turn a blind eye to him, but the old housekeeper completely regards him as his own child. In his eyes, no matter how old he is, the Regent will always be a child.

"Yeah." Gu Muqiu's expression was calm, and he didn't feel any discomfort at all.

She handed the bowl to the old housekeeper, and then continued to watch Suifeng and the others practice martial arts.

"I don't need to decoct medicine from now on, I'm fine." Gu Muqiu said with gentle eyes.When she first came, she had already detoxified the original owner, but she was relatively weak in internal injuries, so she let the old housekeeper go.

It's just that now she has temporarily changed her mind, and she plans to study Chinese medicine well.

"My lord, your health is more important, you need to drink your medicine properly." The old housekeeper began to persuade Gu Muqiu bitterly.

Gu Muqiu's expression didn't change: "I'm already healed."

The old housekeeper said confidently: "Whether the prince is a doctor or not, how do you know if you are well?"

"I know my own body." Gu Muqiu reminded him with a smile.

"A doctor can't heal himself, and the prince is not a doctor."

Gu Muqiu: "..." It makes sense.

There is a saying, if you don't listen to the old man's words, you will be happy for several years.

"As you wish." Gu Muqiu said flatly.

The old butler felt that he had completed the task, so he left with a smile on his face.

888: It's rare to meet a goddess who can't do anything about it. Why does it look so interesting?

"The goddess is afraid of suffering." 888 said with a smile.

It's normal for the original owner to be afraid of suffering, but he didn't expect that Gu Muqiu would need candied fruit to drink traditional Chinese medicine.No wonder the potions she made herself were all sweet.

Oh, and that's another extraordinarily small detail, and what a clever little ghost it was to figure it out.

"Do you have an opinion?" Gu Muqiu narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a hint of danger in the smile on his face.

"No, no objection." 888 said hastily.It can see that Gu Muqiu is dangerous like this.

There was a trace of chill deep in Gu Muqiu's eyes, and a ferocious old man slowly appeared in her mind.

In the beginning, the old man made her drink various potions almost every day.

His serious look was not a request, but an order.

She knew that if she didn't obey, she would be sent back to that horrible place, a place she never wanted to go back to.

That potion was much bitterer than these traditional Chinese medicines. Although she gradually got used to the bitter taste, it didn't mean she liked bitter taste.

Not long after, the old housekeeper reappeared in front of Gu Muqiu, interrupting her thoughts.

"My lord, Miss Su is here." The smile on the old housekeeper's face had disappeared now, and there was obvious anger in his eyes.

"Lead her to the front hall." Gu Muqiu said softly.

The old butler looked at Gu Muqiu's face and found that he was no longer as happy as before.

When Miss Su came before, he could still see his prince's beaming expression.

"Does your lord want something to eat?" the old butler continued to ask.

"Let's go." Gu Muqiu said softly.In any case, the rice still has to be eaten.

"Tell them to eat." Gu Muqiu pointed at Suifeng and the others.

"Good." The old housekeeper said with a smile.

At this moment, Su Shengxin was fidgeting, with impatience on his face.

Compared to before, the people in the Prince Regent's House obviously treated her a lot colder.

The gap was so large that she couldn't stand it at all.

"Go and ask the regent why he hasn't come yet?" She said to the maid beside her.At this moment, there was a layer of anger in her eyes.

"Yes." The little maid was trembling, she was very afraid that Su Shengxin would take his anger on her after returning.

Not long after, the little maid came back, looking like she was about to cry.

Su Shengxin suppressed the anger in his heart: "Why did it take you so long to come back?"

The servant girl's voice was already crying: "The servants of the Prince Regent's Mansion said that the prince is eating now..."

"Really?" Su Shengxin looked at the maidservant's eyes suspiciously.

No, Gu Nanchuan will definitely not treat her like this!
"Really, this servant dare not lie to Miss." The servant girl bowed her head and said.

Su Shengxin tried hard to suppress her temper, and a sense of humiliation arose in her heart.There is also a trace of hatred towards Gu Muqiu.

In the past, she just took away his military power and demoted him to a commoner because he was good to her, but now she feels that there is no need to be kind to him at all.

Gu Muqiu dawdled for a long time before going to see Su Shengxin, and as soon as he entered the door, he saw Su Shengxin's hateful eyes.

The smile on Gu Muqiu's face increased a bit, she likes this kind of look that others can't understand her and can't kill her.

As soon as Su Shengxin raised his head, he saw the man in white who was coming against the light.

His facial features are perfect, and the corners of his eyes are slightly raised, adding to his alluring charm.There is a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, making him appear elegant and gentle.The skin is fairer than snow, and the skin seems to exude a silvery white light.

Su Shengxin stared blankly at Gu Muqiu, and when she came back to her senses, she felt a little annoyed again, and couldn't help but sarcastically said: "The regent really has a lot of opportunities, and he made me wait for so long." But now the anger in her heart has dissipated A few points.

(End of this chapter)

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