Chapter 543
After saying this, she regretted it. She obviously came to test Gu Nanchuan today, so such a blunt tone was obviously inappropriate.

And if possible, she hopes to restore her relationship with him, because only in this way can she win more opportunities for her sweetheart.

Her expression had a feeling of sacrificing one's life for righteousness, and those who didn't know it thought that Gu Muqiu had wronged her.

"Knowing that you are still here to bother me?" Gu Muqiu said with a smile.

This person in front of him is somewhat ignorant.

Su Shengxin noticed that the maid beside her looked at Gu Muqiu with a hint of fascination, and a trace of coldness flashed in her eyes.

This restless lowly servant girl dared to snatch a man from her without even looking at what she was.

"Goddess, that little maid was targeted by the heroine because of you." Tsk tsk tsk, this heroine is so vicious.Alas, that unlucky little maid.

Gu Muqiu's eyes were smiling, and his expression was lazy: "What's none of my business?" Everything is thrown on her?She won't take this blame.

"The heroine feels that her things are missed by others." Although it is a high-tech product and has no human emotions, it can still discover such small thoughts.

"Oh, the 'something' in your mouth refers to me?" Gu Muqiu's tone was light.

"Who else but you?" Is there no self-awareness?
"Oh." Gu Muqiu's expression was inexplicable.

When Su Shengxin heard Gu Muqiu's words, she felt a little angry at first, and then felt wronged: "The regent was not like this before." The gap was too much, and she couldn't stand it.

"Miss Su said that was in the past." Gu Muqiu's eyebrows and eyes were still gentle, even gentler than before, but Su Shengxin felt that he was carrying an indifference that rejected people thousands of miles away.

No, he shouldn't treat her like this. He clearly cared about her before.

"Nan Chuan, you were not like this before. If I make you angry, just tell me, and I can change it. Don't ignore me..." Su Shengxin's tears fell as soon as she said it, without delay at all.

I just stared blankly at the little maid, is this still the eldest lady in their house?
Su Shengxin didn't care about the existence of the little maid at all, because in her eyes, this maid was already a dead person.

Gu Muqiu watched this scene quite calmly, without any fluctuation in expression.

This heroine is so scary, she cries when she says she wants to cry, she doesn't seem to have started to do anything yet, are all heroines so fickle?
"It's not angry, it's just that you don't like it." Gu Muqiu said with a smile.

Seeing Su Shengxin crying miserably, the smile on Gu Muqiu's face became brighter and brighter.

"Goddess, you are gloating, do you know that?"

"I know, what's the matter?" Gu Muqiu looked puzzled, gloating and breaking the law?
888: "..." Makes sense, don't refute.

Su Shengxin felt for a moment that she was humiliating herself, but thinking of her own purpose, she endured it again.

888: Your feeling is correct, you just took it upon yourself.

Don't look at Su Shengxin's bad temper, but when it's time to put on airs, his expressiveness is extraordinary.

So, she just looked at Gu Muqiu with wet eyes, that pitiful appearance made people feel unspeakably distressed.

If it was the male lead, Gu Nanchuan might have given in on the spot at what he said, but unfortunately the person standing opposite her was Gu Muqiu.

This unemotional heroine killer.

Gu Muqiu looked inexplicable: "I bullied you?" She didn't do anything either, why is this thing crying?How strange.

And so pitiful.

Su Shengxin was stunned for a moment, why didn't this person play cards according to the routine?Shouldn't he pull her into his arms and try to comfort her?And he was like this before, why is he not responding at all now?

Su Shengxin's voice was obviously crying: "No, I couldn't hold it back for a while..." Lihua's rainy appearance was indescribably pitiful.

Gu Muqiu said indifferently: "Then try to endure, come on." She said as she found a chair and sat down.

Standing and talking is tiring, she needs to take a break.

Su Shengxin: "..."

Gu Muqiu's words made Su Shengxin not know what to say.

She held back for a long time before slowly saying, "I'm sorry for causing you trouble."

"Yeah." Gu Muqiu nodded, as if watching her performance.

"I think we had some misunderstanding before." Su Shengxin thought for a while and continued, no matter what, she must know the reason why Gu Nanchuan treated her like this.

She didn't know that it was impossible for Gu Nanchuan to change her, but the person in front of her was no longer Gu Nanchuan, but Gu Muqiu.

"I don't think I misunderstood." Gu Muqiu broke the stage with a smile.There is no such thing as a misunderstanding.

"But why did you treat me like this?" Su Shengxin asked Gu Muqiu directly, seeing that he was pretending to be confused.

"This king didn't do anything, but Miss Su started crying as soon as she entered the door." Gu Muqiu reminded Su Shengxin very seriously.

"I'm just sad..."

"Please go back to your house and continue to be sad, thank you." Gu Muqiu said solemnly.

If you are sad, tell her what to do, and she is not the one who makes her sad.

"What do you want me to do to forgive me." Su Shengxin continued to cry.

Gu Muqiu: "..." This person is so annoying, what should I do if I want to kill him directly.Does she not understand human speech?
"I don't want you to talk." Gu Muqiu's voice was soft, with a hint of pampering.

Of course, to Su Shengxin, this looks like pampering, but in 888's eyes, it's killing intent.

It understood Gu Muqiu's meaning, she wanted Su Shengxin to never speak, and she was so cute only after death.

"Goddess, don't be impulsive, just have fun."

It was really afraid that she would kill the heroine 'accidentally'.

"I'm not happy at all." Gu Muqiu said lightly.This is all for her to block.

It's been a long time since I wanted to kill someone so much, this person is really strange.

"Then pretend you're happy." Spiritual happiness, she deserves it.

Gu Muqiu: "..." Well, I suddenly feel much happier.

Su Shengxin was surprised at first, and then his expression was painful: "No, don't do this to me!"

It's a pity that there is no Oscar statuette in this world, otherwise she would definitely have one, and she deserved it.

Gu Muqiu smiled, "Follow the wind."

Then Sui Feng immediately appeared in front of her eyes: "Master?"

"Throw her out." Gu Muqiu ordered lightly.Then he turned and left without saying a word of nonsense to Su Shengxin.

"Yes." Suifeng said coldly.

"No, don't come here... let me go!" Then she was carried by the wind like a chicken and thrown out of the Prince Regent's Mansion.

Of course, this was still under the watchful eyes of everyone. Su Shengxin came in a very ordinary carriage, and she didn't show up, so no one recognized her.

But now that she was thrown out with the wind like this, it naturally attracted the attention of many people, and the common people began to point fingers at her.

(End of this chapter)

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