Chapter 551
It's a pity that everyone who sees him sighs secretly.

King Xian had a gentle smile on his face, he didn't care about other people's eyes at all, and he just smiled politely at Gu Muqiu's undisguised eyes, and didn't feel offended at all.

But King Xian was a little puzzled, why Gu Muqiu's eyes were so calm, without any emotion, as if he was no different from ordinary people to him, or maybe he didn't catch his eyes at all.

Gu Muqiu smiled lightly, warm and full of tenderness, his eyes slightly raised: "What's the matter with the virtuous king?"

She didn't think it was a fluke that this person survived the battle for the throne, even though he didn't live very well.

King Xian had a slight smile on his face: "If you have nothing to do, you can't enter the Prince Regent's Palace?" He could tell that Gu Muqiu was the same kind of person as him, both good at disguising.

No, maybe he's even better than him.

"En." Gu Muqiu nodded.

What are you doing here if you have nothing to do? Cengfan?
King Xian was a little surprised, as if he did not expect him to say this: "It seems that the regent does not welcome this king very much." Could it be that his judgment was wrong?This puts him in a very dangerous position.

"I can't talk about it, I just hope that the virtuous king has something to say." Gu Muqiu said calmly.

"Then I'll just say it straight, I want the Prince Regent to help me." In order to show his sincerity, he didn't even use 'my king'.

He decided to take a gamble. Anyway, his current situation is not good. It is better to deal with it directly than to live by it.

Today's Holy Majesty keeps him not only because he is a useless person, but also because he can't do too much brutality, and the elders in the court will not allow it.

But with the emperor's temper, it is impossible to let him live like this. As long as he is still panting, the emperor will feel that he is an eyesore.

"Did the virtuous king ask me to follow you to usurp the throne?" Gu Muqiu said surprisingly, with a calm expression, not surprised at all.

"Yes." King Xian admitted directly, but he didn't feel that the Prince Regent's Mansion was unsafe.

"Are you not afraid that I will expose you?" Gu Muqiu suddenly became interested.

Did he think she looked like a nice person?
888: Actually, it looks similar on the surface.Of course this is only the surface.

"Zimo thinks the regent will not." The virtuous king smiled gently.

People around: I said, my lord, your approach is going too far.

The virtuous king's name is Gu Zimo.

"You don't seem to be in a very good situation. Generally speaking, there is no investment value." Gu Muqiu looked lazy and spoke bluntly, pointing directly at the vital point.

"Zimo can guarantee that he will never be an enemy of the regent." Gu Zimo's eyes showed firmness.

Gu Muqiu's voice was gentle: "The emperor said the same way back then."

"I'm different from him." Gu Zimo had a hint of sarcasm on his face.

His imperial brother, heh, for that supreme position, he didn't know how many blood relatives he sacrificed, but maybe those were nothing in his eyes.

"Goddess, I think what he said can be considered." 888's voice entered Gu Muqiu's mind.

"Huh?" Gu Muqiu remained unmoved, trying to usurp the throne or something, sounds exhausting, wouldn't it be good to lie down in the palace.

Not to mention that this man's legs are not good enough, and she still has to spend a lot of time treating his legs.

"Your task is to eliminate resentment. If the hero is gone and the country is in turmoil, there will be more resentment. At that time, you will have to be the emperor yourself." 888 is very clear about Gu Muqiu's temperament, so she will definitely feel that this is more important. Trouble and then agree to Gu Zimo.

Sure enough, Gu Muqiu thought for a moment: "It makes sense." Well, being an emperor is even more tiring, and you have to take care of everything.

Gu Muqiu looks at Gu Zimo now, and thinks he is extremely pleasing to the eye: "I will treat your leg sometime."

888: This guy treats people like coolies again.

Gu Zimo's eyes were a little loose, and his usually calm face was stained with surprise: "The regent can still treat illnesses?" He actually gave him a lot of surprises.

It's just that the way he looked at him was a little weird, which made him feel like he was being targeted by something bad.

Could it be calculated? ? ?

Gu Muqiu still had a smile on the corner of his mouth, elegant and gentle: "I can't?"

Gu Zimo's goal had already been achieved, so he didn't stay in the Prince Regent's Mansion any longer, and his followers slowly pushed him away.

When he noticed the obvious doubts on the faces of the people around him, he smiled slightly, his brows and eyes tinged with gentleness: "Did you want to ask me why I was so sure that the regent would help me?"

"Yes, with such strength, why did the regent choose to help the master instead of ascending to the throne himself?" He believed that with the regent's strength, it would not be difficult for him to ascend to the throne.

"Not at the beginning, of course not now." He paused for a moment and then continued: "And he had an agreement with the emperor."

He still can't forget his father's impatient and even disgusted expression when he talked about the throne.

How can a person who loves freedom so much and doesn't like restraint like the throne.

"But master, you obviously don't like it either..." the entourage hesitated to speak.

"Then what can we do? Only getting to that position is the greatest revenge for the current emperor." Gu Zimo smiled indifferently.His fate could not be changed when the emperor killed all his close relatives for that position.


Sui Feng frowned, looking at the fleeing figure of the man: "Master, that man's lightness skill is higher than mine, and the road behind is blocked, it will take a lot of time to clear it."

Today is the day for the prince to supervise the execution, if this continues, there will be too little time.

Now he can also see that this is obviously intentional.

Just to delay the time, so that the prince could not be present in person.

"Never mind, let's go." Gu Muqiu said casually with a lazy expression.

"Does the male lead think I'm stupid?" She said to 888 casually.Would she not know about Tiao Hu Li Shan who was so conspicuous?
"Perhaps." The corners of 888's mouth twitched, did anyone dislike him so much?

On the execution ground, the official sitting at the top saw that the time had come, his face was overjoyed, and he quickly threw down the token: "Execution."

He felt much more at ease, as soon as today was over, his task was completed.

The executioner heard the order and was about to strike when a cold voice sounded.

"and many more."

Seeing Gu Muqiu who suddenly appeared in an emergency, the adult looked a little flustered.

He has always known that this is a hard job, but he dare not disobey the emperor's order, but he also dare not offend the regent!

Now it's all right, I was caught.

Doesn't it mean that the regent will not appear? ? ?
"This lord's brain is not good? This king said that he will personally supervise the execution." Gu Muqiu looked at the high-ranking lord with a smile.

She has no impression of this person at all, he should be someone from the emperor.

"Prince Regent, I'm sorry... I'm just afraid that the time will be delayed." The adult hesitated, with panic on his face.

If the regent wants to pursue it, he will be finished. He can't say that the emperor asked him to do it, so he can only bear the blame.

(End of this chapter)

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