Chapter 552
"That's it." Gu Muqiu looked lazy, with a gentle curve on the corner of his mouth.

"That's right, that's right. Timing is very important for death row prisoners." Lord Jian Zhan nodded quickly.Just at this moment, his back was already wet with cold sweat.

He stood up and hurriedly gave up his seat to Gu Muqiu: "Prince Regent, please take a seat. I have been negligent for a while, please forgive me, Regent."

Suifeng immediately made a gesture, and two men in black appeared out of thin air, lifted a chair, and threw the adult's chair aside, and after they were settled, Gu Muqiu sat down slowly.

Everyone was used to the sudden appearance of the hidden guards.

Because the news was released in advance that Su Shangshu will be beheaded to show the public today, there are quite a lot of people here today, and the crowd is restless.

"The regent finally came. I thought the prince couldn't come today because of something."

"Didn't the supervisor say that the regent could not come? How do you think this is not the case?"

"Oh, I'm afraid they don't want the regent to come."

Seeing that the crowd was getting more and more agitated, and afraid of frequent troubles, the supervisor said with a smile: "Regent... Regent, you can start." While secretly thinking that the emperor is embarrassing him, there is an ancestor watching, He felt extremely stressed.

Gu Muqiu narrowed his eyes slightly, and he seemed to have a smile on his brows and eyes, calm and breezy, but in fact there was not much smile in his eyes: "Are you teaching me how to do things?"

The man was startled, and blurted out: "I dare not." Teach the regent to do things?He felt that he was not so bold yet.

Gu Muqiu glanced at him indifferently: "Then just keep your mouth shut."

The man just felt creepy, why did he feel that the regent's aura was getting stronger and stronger?Is this an illusion?

The people present waited for a long time but did not hear Gu Muqiu's order, and everyone was wondering if there would be no execution today.

Until Gu Muqiu's deep and cold voice sounded: "Why does this king think that this person is not like Su Shangshu?" Her tone seemed to be questioning and puzzled.

It's just that these words made the beheading officer startled, it's no longer a matter of appearance, but that person is not Su Shangshu at all!That's why he was so afraid of the Lord Regent coming.

Sweating on his brow, he complained why he didn't find someone more like him to replace him, while explaining to Gu Muqiu: "Prince Regent, this person is indeed Su Shangshu."

Now at this time, he can only bite to death this person is Su Shangshu, otherwise he will have to be buried with him.

"Let's take a look with the wind." Gu Muqiu's expression was indifferent, regardless of whether he was happy or angry.

But the supervisor felt that his heart had already reached his throat.

Don't be found out, don't be found out.He began to mutter silently in his heart.

"My lord seems to be very nervous?" Gu Muqiu raised his eyes, as if he was just curious.

But the grown-up felt that he had malicious intentions, and her voice jumped him: "" He tried his best to maintain a smile on his face, but he didn't know how stiff his expression was.

At this time, 'Su Shangshu' was in a coma, and Sui Fengzai carefully groped the edge of that 'Su Shangshu' face: "Master, there is no problem." He was very sure that there was no human skin mask.

Suifeng's voice made the prisoner's heart drop back into his stomach: "Prince Regent, I assure you that this person is definitely Su Shangshu." He vowed firmly.

Gu Muqiu's eyes were fixed on the supervisor, until he dodged his eyes, she said gently: "What guarantee do you use?"

The supervisor immediately faltered and did not speak.

Gu Muqiu stood up slowly, walked to 'Su Shangshu', and handed a bottle to Suifeng: "Use it on his face."

Suifeng immediately understood, took the medicine, and applied the medicine on the face of 'Su Shangshu'.

A surprising scene appeared, the face of 'Su Shangshu' was changing rapidly until it turned into another person.

Seeing this scene, the crowd was in an uproar.

"What's going on? Isn't this person really Su Shangshu?" One person was shocked.

"Who on earth is so daring to cheat in front of so many people!"

"Who else is there, it must be the accomplices of the treacherous officials."

The supervisor's face was pale, and he quickly knelt down: "Regent Wang Mingjian, I really don't know about this..."

At this time, he could only pretend not to know, otherwise he would not even be able to protect himself. He had seniors and juniors, so he couldn't just die like this.

However, even the surrounding people did not believe this.

"Oh, I don't know? You're lying to ghosts. If you say that he didn't participate in this matter, ghosts won't believe it."

"Just now I swore that this person must be Su Shangshu, why did you change your mind now?"

"If it wasn't for colluding with him, who would have the ability to change people in public."

"Did he treat the people at the scene as fools? If it wasn't for the wise regent, we would all be kept in the dark." No one likes to be deceived like fools.


Hearing the discussions around him, the supervisor became paler and paler, and Gu Muqiu didn't intend to let him get up, so he could only keep kneeling.

Gu Muqiu's expression was indifferent, as if she knew all the things early in the morning, and she expected: "Go and find him."

"Yes." Sui Feng took the lead.

Seeing this, Su Shengxin and the emperor's people hurried back to report the news. In order not to attract attention, Su Shengxin did not come today.

Soon, the real Su Shangshu was brought up.

Su Shangshu was hidden in a secret cell, but was still found by Suifeng.

No matter how slow Su Shangshu reacted, he realized that his current situation was very bad.

Didn't you tell him to rest assured and send him away soon?What's the situation now?
When he found out that Gu Muqiu was serious, he started to panic: "Gu Nanchuan, you can't kill me."

Gu Muqiu seemed to be interested, and raised his eyebrows: "Why?"

"I... anyway, you can't kill me!" Su Shangshu was confident even though he was being unreasonable.

That look of what you can do to me.

With a gentle voice, Gu Muqiu tossed the token in his hand, as if losing patience with Su Shangshu: "Cut it off."

"Gu Nanchuan, you can't kill me! My daughter is going to be a queen, she's in her stomach..." After Su Shangshu shouted, he realized that he had slipped his tongue. He stopped quickly, but everyone present could hear him clearly .

Man Man was very quiet, because the person involved was the emperor, and no one else dared to say anything.

In this way, they finally figured out why the regent wanted to withdraw the engagement.

It turned out that the fiancée was robbed by the emperor, so he dared not speak out.

But now the people are a little more dissatisfied with the emperor, they never thought that being the emperor would still win people's love.

As soon as Su Shengxin arrived, she heard what her idiot father said, she wished she could go over and strangle him to death with her own hands.

"Go, go back." Su Sheng made up his mind so hard that no one could find her.

"But what should the master do?" The people around him hesitated.

Su Shengxin gritted her teeth: "It doesn't matter." Her father's life will be counted on Gu Nanchuan sooner or later, and one day she will make him pay with blood!
(End of this chapter)

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