Chapter 556
The concubine mother just hoped that he could live out his life in peace, and he might have to live up to her expectations.

He can't do it, whenever he wants to let go of everything like what the concubine mother said, and live an ordinary life, he will be haunted by nightmares and will not be redeemed!
"Qiu Cheng, do you think my concubine really wants my life to be flat or is she blaming me?" Gu Zimo murmured softly, not knowing whether to ask his followers or himself.

If he had put his heart into it when the concubine mother asked him to fight, would the result not be as cruel as this.

"Of course the imperial concubine hopes that the master will live a peaceful life." Qiu Cheng said with affirmation.The master has suffered enough, if possible, he hopes that the master can continue to be smooth.

"No, that was a helpless move by the concubine mother." Gu Zimo shook his head, suppressing the bitterness that was rolling in his heart.

She was probably disappointed in him and didn't believe him at all. If he had that strength, the mother concubine probably hoped that he would avenge her and Zi Leng.

"Master, you don't need to do this, it's not your fault." Qiu Cheng comforted.

Gu Muqiu saw this scene as soon as he entered the door, and the youth's exquisite eyebrows and eyes were stained with a touch of sadness.

"Is he depressed?" She seemed a little puzzled.

"Well, in fact, he should be quite miserable, because the current emperor has transferred Hu Yishan, and when he comes back, all his acquaintances will be dead." 888 said while looking at Gu Zimo's life.

"Hmm." Gu Muqiu's eyes darkened slightly, with an emotion that the system couldn't explain clearly.

So he's stuck in the past now?Well, it's normal as a normal person, maybe it's normal as a human being.

Everyone's growth environment is different, and their personality and handling methods are different, so it is destined that everyone's perception and handling of pain are also different.

Most people's pain is not connected, so we can't blindly persuade people to let go.

"Are you awake?" Her eyebrows and eyes were gentle, and her voice carried the magical power of soothing people's hearts, allowing Gu Zimo to slowly escape from the pain of the past.

When Qiu Cheng saw Gu Muqiu, he seemed to see the savior. He really hoped that the regent could say something to comfort his master.

888: If you think too much, this guy only hurts people, and it's totally impossible to comfort and encourage.

"Well, I'm here to thank the Regent." Gu Zimo smiled at her faintly.He is still very grateful to the regent.

"It's okay." Gu Muqiu smiled lightly.Since you want people to do coolies, then these things should be done.

888: This sympathetic fellow is still thinking of letting others do coolies at this moment.

Looking at Gu Muqiu's appearance, Gu Zimo couldn't help but want to hear her opinion: "Can the regent answer a question for me?"

Gu Muqiu raised his eyes: "What?"

"The regent usually makes a choice." Gu Zimo regretted it when he asked, because the question sounded inexplicable.

Qiu Cheng stared at Gu Muqiu with piercing eyes, if ordinary people really couldn't stand his 'fanatic' eyes.

She seemed to have thought about this question very seriously, and when she raised her eyes, there were little smiles in her eyes: "It's probably what the heart wants."

Gu Zimo might think it was absurd if it was said by someone else, but he felt that it should be so when it was said by her.

That's what the Regent was supposed to be.

"Well, Zimo understands." He is much more relaxed now.Now that you've come this far, let's continue.

After solving these things, he can sleep soundly.

"The regent, can you tell me about my body in detail." Gu Zimo's gaze was firm at this time, with a brilliance that Qiu Cheng had never seen before.

Qiu Cheng was overjoyed, this was the master in his memory, the previous master had returned.

"The problem is huge, riddled with wounds and various toxins in my body, I just temporarily suppressed it." Gu Muqiu looked calm and lazy.

"Oh, by the way, I took out something from your body." She took out the Gu worm and continued.

When Gu Zimo heard hundreds of toxins, he was not very surprised. He knew his physical condition a long time ago, but when he saw this red and disgusting worm, he still couldn't help his face turning pale, and his heart slightly turned pale. Tremble.

"What is this, why have I never found out?" Gu Zimo calmed down quickly.

"Soul Transformation Gu, it will only appear when you are in a deep sleep." Gu Muqiu put the Gu insect away and said slowly.

Gu Zimo rummaged through his memory, but he still couldn't remember: "I don't know when I got the Gu."

"At least five years." She has observed that this is already a very mature Gu worm, and it takes at least three years to develop such a Gu worm. The environment this Gu worm is in is not so good, so This should be over five years old.

Seeing such a disgusting thing in his body for such a long time, Gu Zimo felt bad all over.

"Shouldn't his experience be standard for male protagonists in ancient planes? How did he get into a supporting role?" 888 seemed a little puzzled.

"Ghost knows." Gu Muqiu said softly.Perhaps it was a mistake in the work of Heavenly Dao.

"What solution does the Prince Regent have?" Qiu Cheng was more anxious than Gu Zimo himself when he heard the words.

"Yes, Changlingguo." Gu Muqiu said softly.

I heard from 888 that there is a fruit in this world that can cure all kinds of poisons, and Su Shengxin finally found it.

"But isn't the Eternal Spirit Fruit a legend?" Qiu Cheng frowned.They can try their best to get back anything that is supposed to be beneficial to the master, but the premise is that this thing exists!

"No." This may be a legend to ordinary people, but it is absolutely not to Su Shengxin and the others.

Gu Zimo frowned: "I don't know the exact location." And they couldn't make much noise.It is a loss-making business to spend a lot of manpower and financial resources for an illusory thing.

"It can be found anyway." Gu Muqiu glanced at him lightly and said.

"Okay, I'll send someone to look for it." Gu Zimo smiled gently.Give it a try anyway.

"No, I'll go." The corners of Gu Muqiu's mouth raised a gentle arc, and the corners of his eyes suppressed the sparkle in his eyes.

Such an interesting thing, no matter what she said, she wanted to see it.

A slight astonishment flashed in his eyes: "The Regent doesn't need to trouble you, I'll just send someone there."

"They can't find it." She looked lazy and gentle.

It is inevitable that Gu Zimo's people will not be found.

"But the regent cannot leave the capital." Gu Zimo frowned.If he left the capital, with the suspicious character of the current emperor, he would definitely be suspicious.

Gu Muqiu's expression was unclear: "There will be a chance soon." And he was the one who asked her to go out.

"Since the regent king has decided to go, Zimo can't say anything." Gu Zimo's frowning brows relaxed.

"It's fine for you to recuperate here. I believe you don't need to remind me what you need to do in the next few days."

(End of this chapter)

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