Chapter 557
Although it is very troublesome for one person to be in the mansion, if he is killed by the emperor after returning home, then her work will be in vain.

After she left Gu Zimo's yard and went back, Suifeng was already waiting for her, and he handed her the envelope in his hand: "Master, this is the prime minister's reply."

"En." Gu Muqiu took the envelope, took a general look at it, and was very satisfied with the result.

The prime minister was already critical of the emperor because of what happened to Su Shengxin last time, and Gu Muqiu put in front of him all the things the emperor had done in these years, so now he is shaken.

In fact, Gu Muqiu was not idle during this period of time. Her "worshipful words" to comfort the court ministers, Xiaozhi's emotion and reason "moved" many people.

888: Heh, coercion and temptation are more or less the same!
During this period of time, it has already felt the fear of the ministers of the DPRK and China.

In fact, when the emperor came to power, many ministers were also dissatisfied, but what can be done about it, the emperor is the only good prince, and with Gu Nanchuan's previous support, they have no choice.

But then the regent wavered, and so did they.

At this time, Qingshu ran in: "Master, I guarantee that none of the folklore you wanted was lost." He didn't know why his prince asked him to collect folklore these days.

Could it be that the prince has changed his sex and started to be interested in these things?

Fortunately, the butler knew a lot and was familiar with those storytellers, otherwise this would still be a hard job for him.

"Don't bother me if you have nothing to do." After Gu Muqiu finished speaking, he took over the folklore and entered the room without delaying at all.

"Suifeng, what do you think the master is collecting those things for?" Qing Shu said gossip.

"I don't know." Sui Feng held the sword expressionlessly and left, he had no interest in Qing Shu's question at all.The master naturally has his intentions in doing these things, why ask so many questions?
"Hmph, boring." Qing Shu said to Sui Feng's back.

Is this ice cube face really not interested at all?He didn't believe it at all.

"How did the goddess become a legend these days?" Does she look like a good baby who likes to listen to stories?Obviously impossible.

Gu Muqiu raised his eyes slightly: "Do you know where the long spirit fruit is?"

"Eh... I really don't know." Even if it is a system, it is not omnipotent. There is no mention in the script of this thing, so how could it know.

"Since everyone says it's a legend, then I naturally have to read all these legends." Gu Muqiu did not raise his eyes, but focused on the things Qingshu had collected, his deep pupils shimmering faintly.

"Oh, that's it." So advanced.

Each of these legends is more bizarre than the other, and some of them can be regarded as myths.She quickly filtered out a lot of useless information, trying to extract useful information from a large text library.

"Print out a map of the world." She found that the geographical location of some places was still correct.Although there are many interference items, she still found some clues.

"Okay." 888 immediately went back to collect data, then printed out the most accurate map to Gu Muqiu, and marked all the geographical locations.

Since the goddess is working so hard, as a system, it naturally cannot hold back others.

"You finally did a normal thing, it's really not easy." Gu Muqiu's mouth curled up beautifully, and his tone was gentle.

888: What does it mean to finally do a normal thing?Did it do something wrong before?

Gu Muqiu: What I did before was called stupid.

"Okay, I'll just take it as you are praising me." It decided that the adults would ignore the faults of the villains and not care about her.

"I was just praising you." Gu Muqiu's expression remained unchanged, and there was a trace of seriousness in his eyes.Is she exaggerating in a very normal way?

888: Hehe, as long as you are happy.How I feel doesn't matter! ! !

Gu Muqiu drew outlines on the map from time to time, and then eliminated them one by one, and finally left a few geographical locations on the map.

"Already near here." She pointed to an area on the map.The exact location had to be checked by her herself before confirming.

"When are you leaving?" It has already seen this guy's obsession with the thing that can cure all poisons.No one can stop her decision.

"It depends on his speed." Gu Muqiu narrowed his eyes slightly, and put the map aside.

Of course he is the emperor in her mouth.

Since he wanted to dispel other people's worries, let him take the initiative to let her out.

Looking at her like this, the system knew that she had already arranged everything, and maybe the emperor and the others had already been included.


In the main hall, a group of people knelt on the ground, begging the regent to lead the army.

"Your Majesty, how can our territory be trampled on by other countries! I beg your Majesty to let the regent lead the troops to go out." A court minister came out with a look of grief and indignation, as if the emperor would not give up if he disagreed.

"Your Majesty, Lord Wang is right, we have to let them see our strength! I beg the Emperor to let the regent lead the army." An old minister stood up.

The prime minister still has doubts about Gu Muqiu's words, but at this time he has to come forward: "Your Majesty, this old minister requests the emperor to let the regent lead the army to go out." He did not believe that the emperor would disregard the lives of the common people in order to put the regent to death.

"I ask the emperor to let the regent lead the army!!!" The ministers said in unison.

A dangerous gleam flashed across the emperor's eyes: "What does the regent think?" Every time he thinks of Gu Nanchuan holding a heavy soldier, he gets a headache, not to mention that he has been plotting against him recently.

This time, even if he can't kill him, he will take the opportunity to take back the military power in his hands, no, he must be killed, otherwise it will be a waste of time.

"I am willing to lead troops to go out." Gu Muqiu's eyes flashed a trace of treachery.

Since the emperor wanted her to go so much, she would naturally go.

888: Isn't this what you planned out? How come others want you to go? ? ?

This guy's ability to reverse black and white is really strong.

"Okay, okay! I entrust the safety of the common people to you, and I hope you will live up to everyone's expectations!" The emperor continued to put on airs.

It looks like he still has to pretend, otherwise Gu Nanchuan will have to doubt him.

Originally, he thought that it might take some effort to convince Gu Nanchuan, but he didn't expect him to agree so easily.

This still made him feel strange, but after thinking about it, he felt that he was worrying too much, how could he know their plan.

Gu Muqiu seemed to be smiling, but in fact there was a trace of chill hidden deep in his eyes: "I will definitely live up to everyone's expectations."

"Okay, I will wait for your triumphant return." The emperor laughed loudly, looking in a good mood.

"Are you saying that he was too happy?" Gu Muqiu said to 888 in a gentle voice.

He looked like a pervert, she was so scared.

888: Please stop putting on airs, please?
 I have recently considered finishing this book. First of all, thank you for your support and opinions. This is also an important reason why I can get to where I am today.Although I was a little entangled, after weighing the pros and cons, I decided to stick to the current idea. The reason I wrote this book before was also very simple-to kill time and entertain myself.It can be said that I don’t know anything about the world of novels, and I didn’t prepare for anything, so I relied on my imagination and the second breath to support me. However, there were people who supported me and decided to continue, but this is actually a process that is not easy to persist. The duck is on the shelf. This is my first book. I had some hope for it at first, but everyone understands that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. I originally planned to write only 40 words, but I still dragged it to 60. , for the readers who have been supporting me, I am actually very sorry, because this trial work is not perfect, and I may open a new book, but this time I have to give myself enough time to prepare, and I will not be in a hurry like this time Busy and dazed, I didn't understand anything and just started doing it.

(End of this chapter)

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