Chapter 565
It's just that they didn't use the right guy, their speed was much slower, and their movements were very weird.

Just imagine how elegant the two of them can be when they plan the tree vigorously with their swords.

"Find me two shovels." Gu Muqiu saw that the speed of the two was too slow.

"Are you sure?" Is it inappropriate for two shovels to suddenly appear in this situation?
And how does she explain it?picked it up?
"Look for it." Gu Muqiu spoke concisely.How can you not take a handy tool at this time?I don't know how long it will take to plan.

Seeing that Gu Muqiu was so persistent, 888 could only find two tools in the system mall. I don’t know if this kind of tool is too common or what’s the matter.

But when the real thing appeared in front of Gu Muqiu, it finally knew why it was given away for nothing.

It looked at the rusty shovel and fell silent. Such a dilapidated shovel merchant had the nerve to hang it in the system mall. Didn't this person think that this thing would take up space in the system space and gave it to them?

It quickly asked the merchant, and decided to have a good theory with the merchant.

A few seconds later, it saw the merchant's answer: "What more do you want from free things, and this is not unusable."

Well, he managed to convince it.

The merchant’s name is Shang Shan Ruoshui, and he continued to reply: “These two shovels have been with me for many years. If it’s not that there are too many things in the system space, I don’t want to give them away, but let’s make friends.” Finally, he sent a message to 888. made an emoji.

888: I knew it was like this, but this way of making friends is quite unique.

"You just found this thing?" Gu Muqiu looked at the tattered thing in silence for a long time before opening his mouth.

Are you sure this thing won't break if you force it?She may not have common sense in life, but that doesn't mean she has no brains.

"The Goddess doesn't need to care about these small details. It's a free gift from the merchant, and the points are useless, and the merchant has repeatedly guaranteed that the shovel is of good quality, and he has been with him for many years." 888 bite the bullet and said.

In fact, this thing looks pretty stupid, of course, it can't say that.

"Am I that poor?" Gu Muqiu's cold voice was full of doubts.She has no idea about points, because she doesn't usually use them very much.

It's a pity that 888 is a very qualified housekeeper. It thinks that it is natural to save points: "Actually, it's not bad." In fact, it is just ordinary poor.

"Oh." Gu Muqiu didn't care about this small detail at all.

At this time, Suifeng and Qingshu were still digging hard, she handed them the shovel: "Use this." Although this thing is a little dilapidated, it is better than using a sword.

"Where did this come from?" Qing Shu looked confused, such a master in the wilderness could still take out a shovel.

Although Suifeng didn't speak, he still had the same doubts as Qingshu.

"I picked it up." Gu Muqiu said seriously.As far as this thing is taken out, it is completely reasonable to say that it was picked up, and it does not arouse suspicion.

"Huh? Why didn't we pay attention earlier?" Is it because his eyes are not good?He hadn't seen such a big shovel.

"Your eyes are not good." Gu Muqiu began to talk nonsense in a serious manner.

Two people: "..."

However, the two really had no doubts, because looking at the rust on the shovel, it really looked like it had been exposed to the outdoors for a long time.

But it still works, the two took the tools and continued digging hard.

"Goddess, it seems that what I'm looking for isn't too bad." 888 said cheerfully.And this time it also saved points.

Gu Muqiu: Do you think I look like someone who lacks that point?
"Hehe, as long as you're happy." She refused to communicate with this guy.

She took out the map and studied it carefully. Even though they came down from the cliff and took a shortcut, they were still a little far from the center of the forest.

She marked the road on the map for tomorrow.

As for today, I am afraid that I will spend the night here, and it is almost evening now, and it is not safe to act rashly in the dark.

She began to arrange the things she needed tonight, including the various potions she had prepared in the past, in case of emergencies.

Qing Shu and the others worked hard for nearly an hour and finally brought down the tree.

"Master, what should we do now." Qing Shu wiped the fine sweat from his forehead.

Gu Muqiu went over to observe the roots of the trees, and found that there was black stagnant water inside and exuded a strange smell.

And more and more, it seems that they didn't plan a tree with the wind, but dug a well.

The roots of the tree are also black, no different from the trunk.

She took out a bottle and collected the water from the roots of the tree.

"Rest here today, and leave tomorrow." Gu Muqiu shook the bottle in his hand and continued.

"Okay, I'm going to die of exhaustion." Qing Shu lay on the ground with no image at all.

What did he do every day, first he caught a broken flower, then got lost and planed a tree, he felt that this life was not too fulfilling.

He decided to take a good rest when he went back this time, and it would be best if he could have a big meal to make up for his wounded heart.

"Here?" Sui Feng frowned, his voice was indifferent and at the same time tinged with doubt.

In his opinion, this is not a safe place, and it might not be a good idea to stay too long.

"Going in will only be more dangerous." Gu Muqiu said lightly.

At best, it can only be regarded as a normal level here, and it is not very safe to be close to the center of the forest.

"That's right here." My husband is angry, maybe there will be some beasts at night.

Qing Shuqiang cheered up and stood up.

But Gu Muqiu let him dispel this idea: "It may not be possible to light a fire here, and the burning of wood may be poisonous."

"Okay." Qing Shu looked dejected, planning to sit up and eat dry food, so that he would not suffer from hunger and cold.

"What time is it?" There is no sun here, and Gu Muqiu cannot accurately deduce the time from the sun, so he can only ask 888.

She looked up at the sky, which was hazy and always dark. If a person stayed here for a long time, he might be driven crazy.

"It's 06:30 in the afternoon." 888 said calmly.

The merchant named Shangshan Ruoshui inspired it, and now it is selling all the things that Gu Muqiu plans to throw away in the system mall.

Anyway, it's a pile of waste, wouldn't it be better to sell it and exchange it for points.

"06:30?" Gu Muqiu muttered to himself.She found that the color of the sky never seemed to change.

She doesn't know when the night will fall here, but judging from this situation, the forest under the night will definitely not be peaceful.

"Master, do you want something to eat?" Qing Shu took out their dry food.

"No, you guys eat." Gu Muqiu said calmly.

Seeing Qing Shu gobble it up, she smiled and said, "You are so easy to choke to death." She remembered that her client in a certain world died like this.

(End of this chapter)

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