Chapter 566
Qing Shu really choked when he heard her words: "...cough cough..." What kind of weird idea is this?

"Master...don't curse me." Qing Shu coughed up tears.

"I didn't listen to you after I told you, but now I'm choking." Gu Muqiu's voice was loose and serious.

Qing Shu: Are you sure it wasn't because of you that I got choked?
This throwing pot is also really powerful.

"Don't talk, it's easier to be choked to death." Gu Muqiu reminded him very "kindly" with his hesitant look while reading the green book.

After all, it's a pity for my own guard to choke to death.

Qingshu: "..."

888 looked skeptical, and the Gu Muqiu in front of him changed his core. Aren't the goddesses before all very serious, why do they look a little bit so now...

"Goddess, where's your aloofness?"

"Am I cold?" She looked inexplicable.She is cold?Why doesn't she know?
888 looked at Gu Muqiu's pretending with cold eyes: "If you continue like this, you will collapse."

"I didn't design it." Gu Muqiu's eyebrows were warm.No one likes to be labeled as weird, and neither is she.

And she is such an approachable person, which of her eyes can see the aloofness?
The system shut up, let her say whatever she wants, and it will treat her as boring. Before, this guy said that she didn't want to talk unless necessary, but now he finally got slapped in the face by himself.

The night is slowly falling, but in people's eyes, this is not a good thing, because in addition to the endless darkness, along with the night, there is also the evil that grows in people's hearts.

Although Gu Muqiu looked calm and breezy, only the system knew that she was always on high alert.

"Goddess, let's take a rest first, I'll watch now." 888 was afraid that Gu Muqiu would be exhausted, after all, the human body would be exhausted.

She let Suifeng and Qingshu rest, and she lowered her head, wondering what she was thinking.

"Yes." Gu Muqiu replied softly.

However, she didn't dare to really fall into a state of deep rest, she just relaxed her mental strength.

As soon as she relaxed her focus, she opened her eyes again the next moment.

"What's wrong?" 888 looked puzzled.

"The ground seems to be moving." Gu Muqiu said slowly, and she put her hands on the ground to feel the vibration from the ground.

She was very sure that what she just did was not an illusion, although it was very slight, she still felt it.

"Is there anything?" 888 said with a hint of worry in his voice.In fact, it thinks this ghostly place is quite dangerous. If the people who came here were its former hosts, it would have let them leave long ago.

Gu Muqiu thought for a moment, and said in a cold voice, "I don't know." The movement didn't seem like it was made by a large creature, but rather like it was made by many small creatures gathered together.

"This is not right, I obviously didn't feel the breath of the creature." 888 looked puzzled.

"I'll know soon." Gu Muqiu's deep pupils were cold.

The speed of these things is very fast, I believe it will not be long before they will appear in front of them.

888 looked nervous when he heard the words: "Shouldn't we start running now?" When things came later, we couldn't run even if we wanted to.

Did the goddess give up resistance?It's not like her style.

"We can't run away." Gu Muqiu looked calm, as if what she was talking about was not a matter of life and death, but a fact that had nothing to do with her.

But she knew that they really couldn't run. The speed of this thing was at least several times faster than the limit speed of humans. Rather than wasting energy in vain, it was better to stay where they were and adapt accordingly.

"If you can't hold on, just say it, and I will take you away." 888 looked proud and dry.

It relied on Gu Muqiu to collect so much energy, and now it uses up a little, it doesn't feel distressed at all.


"Okay." The corners of Gu Muqiu's mouth rose slightly.

It's rare that this guy is so generous, but naturally he is disrespectful.

Just at this moment, the shaking of the ground became more and more obvious, Sui Feng and Qing Shu also woke up, Qing Shu said in a daze: "Why do I feel that the ground is shaking?"

"This is not an illusion." Suifeng said with a serious face.He held the sword firmly in his hand, ready to fight at any time.

shaking?Qing Shu bounced like a spring: "What's going on?"

"There's something underground." Now Gu Muqiu already felt that the movement came from underground.

"Master, do you know what it is?" Sui Feng's usually serious face was a little colder.

Judging from the movements, he couldn't estimate the number of these things.

"I don't know." Gu Muqiu said calmly.She also wanted to know what could lurk underground for such a long time during the day and only emerge at night.

"Master...Look at that..." Qing Shu stammered for a while looking at the thing that popped up suddenly, not knowing what words to express his mood at the moment.

Gu Muqiu had already noticed it before Qing Shu spoke.

That's where they dug the tree today, when the creatures were emerging from that big hole.

It looks like a kind of arthropod, covered in pitch black, similar to a scorpion with three tails, the number is huge, and it makes people suffer from dense phobia.

They have a strong stench, the same as the water deep in the roots of the trees, and even a little stronger than that.

"Why don't we run away." Qing Shu felt that his eyes were going to go blind.

"It's too late." Sui Feng took out the fire booklet, snakes, insects, rats and ants are generally afraid of fire, I hope this thing is also.

It's a pity that they don't have many fire folders anymore, and there are too many of these things.

Qing Shu looked as if he was sacrificing his life for righteousness: "It seems that I am going to die here today, the master will go first, and we will bear it."

I hope they can last until the master leaves here and find a safe place. It doesn't matter if they die, but the master can't die.

The master is very kind to them, they once swore to protect him for the rest of his life, but now they have to renege on their promise.

"Shut up, you're too noisy." Gu Muqiu said with a gentle expression.

She took out a spherical object and threw it at that place, which quickly produced thick smoke, accompanied by a smell of medicine, and more than half of those objects quickly dispersed, leaving countless corpses in place.

888: Looks like I've lost my worry again.

"You can figure it out why didn't you say it earlier." Its voice was accusing.Its heart has reached its throat, okay?Who knew this guy could solve it so easily.

"I'm not sure if it works." Gu Muqiu rarely explained.

Originally, she was still thinking about how to gain time for their escape.

888: "..." Fortunately, this person is lucky, he would have been cheated to death if he had been someone else.

Seeing this, Qing Shu's eyes lit up, and he felt less nervous in an instant. It seems that they will not die today.

Gu Muqiu took out a handful of 'small balls' and gave them: "Take it, save it."

"Okay." The two said in unison.Anyway, as long as you can live, why are you so demanding.

Although the things in their hands can repel these creatures, their base is too large, and they have a decisive advantage in number, and they start to approach them all at once.

(End of this chapter)

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