Chapter 567
Looking at the situation, both Suifeng and Qingshu looked a little unhappy.

If this continues, they will be overwhelmed by the swarm.

When Qing Shu thought that there was not a whole body after death, and his whole body was not well, he had hesitation on his face: "I don't know if these insects eat human flesh or not."

Maybe their bodies will be slowly overwhelmed by the swarm of insects, and the extremely smelly insects will drill into their bodies, eating their meat and internal organs very quickly, and their bodies will be riddled with holes...

"Maybe." Sui Feng answered his question seriously.

The corner of Gu Muqiu’s mouth curled up slightly: “Maybe not only can eat people, but also the kind with no bones left.” In such a big forest, until now she has never seen a creature that doesn’t even have bones. Will be eaten by these creatures.

"Goddess, don't scare people at this time, look at people's faces turning pale with fright." 888 muttered to himself, shouldn't he say something inspiring at this time, so that people don't give up lightly?
Why is this guy doing the opposite?

Gu Muqiu looked innocent: "Just tell the truth." At this time, it is best for them to be mentally prepared, otherwise the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

Otherwise, it is the saddest thing to fall into despair at the last moment of death.

888: What kind of tasker does this guy still have? Change his career to become a success master and brainwash people.

Sure enough, Qing Shu listened to Gu Muqiu's words with a dejected look on his face: "Then we are too miserable."

He was not killed by the emperor, but was eaten by these monsters. He was really not reconciled.

However, this really aroused his desire to survive, and he immediately regained his energy, focusing on facing the predicament in front of him.

However, the reality is cruel. The desire to survive cannot make the opposite creatures less, and they can only let them approach.

888 is always ready to face emergencies: "Or I will take you away." This way of dying is too embarrassing, and it believes that the goddess definitely does not want this.

"Not for now." Gu Muqiu said softly.It hasn't reached that point yet, and she is very interested in the long spirit fruit of this world, so it would be a pity to give up like this.

Seeing that Gu Muqiu was so stubborn, 888 didn't continue to say anything. It knew that unless there was no hope, she would not give up.

The swarm was getting closer and closer to Gu Muqiu and the others, but gradually they slowed down, stopped approaching them, and only surrounded them.

They seem to be afraid of something...

Qingshu was puzzled: "They seem to have stopped..." He was ready to be bitten to death by insects, but who could tell him what happened?

With hesitation on Suifeng's face, it seemed that he was not very sure: "What are they afraid of..."

fear?Gu Muqiu raised his eyes slightly. Naturally, these bugs couldn't be afraid of them. If it was because of them, they wouldn't have come out.

There was nothing on them, the only strange thing was the flower.

"Maybe because of this." Gu Muqiu walked over and picked up the flower they caught.

She took a step forward, and sure enough, the swarm took a step back, as if she was very afraid of what Gu Muqiu was holding.

888 murmured to himself: "Sure enough, only weirdos can defeat weirdnesses." But that's good too, it doesn't need to take them away, it somehow kept its energy.

Gu Muqiu's voice was gentle: "All things are born and restrained by each other."

"Fortunately, you caught this flower on a whim today." 888 could only secretly sigh that this guy was lucky.

Qingshu and Suifeng breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that the swarm had disappeared, "What should we do now?" They couldn't possibly be in a stalemate here forever.

Maybe when these things can't wait, they will rush up directly, and it will be too late for them to run.

"I'll be here today, and we'll go on the road after dawn." Gu Muqiu made a decision immediately.

It seems like a good idea to go out with this energy, but it is actually not rational.

Although there are a little more bugs in this place, there are only bugs anyway. If you go to other places, you may encounter some "surprises".

Moreover, they have wandered around here so many times today, this is also a place they are relatively familiar with, even if they choose to escape in the end, they are relatively familiar with the route.

Qing Shu and the others nodded. Although they didn't know Gu Muqiu's intentions, they had no other choice.

The eyes of both of them were exhausted, and it could be seen that with so many things happening today, they had reached the limit of their bodies.

"Rest, I'm tired." Gu Muqiu continued lazily.

"Yes." The two did not refuse, they knew that preserving their strength was the most important thing for them now.

The first day they came here was so dangerous, no one knew what they would face in the future, perhaps today was just a small beginning.

Seeing that Suifeng and the others had rested, and the bugs opposite them were really not moving, 888 said: "Isn't the goddess panicking seeing so many bugs?"

The "natural enemy" who finally found these things chose to stay with them overnight. What a strange brain circuit, and isn't it natural for girls to be afraid of bugs?

Gu Muqiu: If it is natural to be afraid of these things, it is no exaggeration to say that I am not natural.

"I don't think so." Her voice was gentle.Although this thing is a bit ugly and smelly, it is not unbearable.

"Hehe, as long as you're happy." 888 felt that it was asking a mentally retarded question. This guy looks like a normal person?

"I'm asleep, you watch." Gu Muqiu's always gentle eyes hide a trace of exhaustion.

"Okay." The system also discovered this, and took on the big responsibility very consciously.

Soon after Gu Muqiu rested, the swarm slowly dispersed. 888 seemed to be surprised, and did not wake Gu Muqiu up.

It's good that they are all gone. Although it is a system, it is actually quite uncomfortable to see these weird things.

Until it saw a scene that shocked it...

When daylight fell in the forest, those things did not appear again, which made 888 feel relieved a lot.

Gu Muqiu slowly opened his eyes, and the pupils regained their former clarity in an instant.

The sky in the forest remained unchanged, just as gray as yesterday.

If it is placed in modern times, it will look like the smog is serious, the air quality is seriously substandard, and you have to wear a mask when you go out.

"They left last night." Seeing that Gu Muqiu woke up, 888 began to report yesterday's situation.

Gu Muqiu said indifferently: "Yeah." She looked up at the big pit, and found that it had returned to its normal appearance, except for the traces they made, there were no other traces, not even a corpse.

As if those bugs yesterday were just their hallucinations, nothing happened.

But Gu Muqiu knew that those things yesterday were real.

(End of this chapter)

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