Chapter 568
She walked towards the big pit, the water inside had dried up, and there were dozens of small holes, which were the 'channels' left by those creatures yesterday, which also proved that those yesterday were real.

It was found that there was really no trace other than that.But after a while, she seemed to discover something again, she squatted down slowly, and then took out a pair of tweezers from the system space to pick up what she saw.

She took the thing closer, and found that it seemed to be the shell of the bug from last night, but it was transparent, so she took out a specimen bag and packed it.

It was so clean here that she didn't find anything related to yesterday's bugs other than the transparent shell.

"These corpses..." She bowed her head in thought and remained silent.These have really existed, rather than hallucinations in the collective, so there are only two possibilities.

The corpses were taken away by themselves, perhaps eaten, or simply disappeared.

If it is an ordinary place, there is no option to disappear directly, but it is different here, it is full of danger and all kinds of weird things, isn't it normal for things to disappear directly?

"The goddess is thinking about the corpses of those bugs?" 888 looked at Gu Muqiu, who was deep in thought, and said lightly.

Its voice brought Gu Muqiu back to reality, and she replied in a deep voice: "Yeah." This guy has been guarding here and she wanted to ask it, but she needs to think about some things by herself.

She has many questions, not just about their corpses.

"The corpses of their companions were eaten by themselves." 888 pretended to be terrified.

In fact, there is nothing to eat, but the process is surprisingly cruel.

They usually gather together, and then use the three tails on their backs to tear the corpse into tiny pieces, and quickly start the binge eating mode.

In just a few seconds, a corpse will be eaten by them until there is not even a scum left, and they will also make those small sounds, which sound particularly scary.

It's hard to imagine what would happen if their attack targets were changed to humans, maybe it would be like what Qingshu said, first many small holes would appear on the body, and then even the bones would be eaten clean.

"Hmm." Gu Muqiu's eyes darkened slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Although her movement was very small, Qing Shu and the others were still awake. The sensitivity of martial arts practitioners is naturally much stronger than that of ordinary people.

If they weren't too tired last night, they probably wouldn't have fallen asleep so laxly.

"Master, can we go?" Qing Shu rubbed his eyes, looking sleepy.

Although he is quite lazy and usually doesn't want to move much, but when he thinks that if he doesn't leave here quickly, he will have to be with those things tonight, so he is very positive.

"Do you need to prepare in advance?" Sui Feng frowned slightly.The situation last night was also because they were not fully prepared. If they entered like that rashly today, I am afraid that they will not be as lucky as yesterday.

"Get ready, there's nothing here, can't you be brave enough to do it?" Qing Shu and Xiang Suifeng rolled their eyes in an ungraceful manner, and then looked at Gu Muqiu expectantly.

"Let's go." Gu Muqiu stood up gracefully with a lazy expression.

As soon as she finished speaking, Qing Shu went over and hugged that strange flower with joy, this thing is now his 'little baby', so it can't be bumped.

They also count on it to avoid bugs.

Gu Muqiu: This is my 'little baby'.

Qing Shu's positive appearance made him look a little silly, Sui Feng walked past him without looking sideways...

After all, stupidity is contagious...

According to the old rules, Gu Muqiu led the way, Suifeng and Qingshu followed.

It's just that Qingshu was very noisy along the way, holding the jar and chattering endlessly.

Suifeng couldn't bear it anymore, and the veins on his forehead popped up: "Shut up, you are too noisy." Is this person mentally ill?Got freaked out last night?
"You know what, I'm chatting with it, how do you treat our 'Saving Grace Flower'?" Qing Shu pointed to the jar and said confidently.

Then he hugged the jar again and smiled wretchedly: "Don't be afraid, little Huahua, this guy is like this, don't be as knowledgeable as him...He doesn't like your brother likes you, brother chats with you."

No, he has to establish a good relationship with Xiaohua, maybe it will still protect him at that time, this guy Suifeng really doesn't have any discernment, I'm afraid he won't know how he will die then.

Suifeng: "..." Looks really stupid.

Unaware of his appearance, he thought he wanted to eat that flower, and Xiaohua was afraid of having a withered heart now.

888 looked at Gu Muqiu and looked around, fearing that she would be bored: "Hey, that guard of yours seems to be stupid." I wonder if any normal person would try to communicate with a plant.

Gu Muqiu seemed to think about it seriously, and then he hesitated: "It seems that he has always been stupid." He was born, so there is no such thing as being stupid now.

"Well, it makes sense, but haven't you always disliked idiots?" 888 looked surprised. Wasn't this guy always very arrogant and unwilling to communicate with idiots before? When did his tolerance for idiots become so high? ?

Gu Muqiu's brows and eyes are gentle: "I just don't like fools who are self-righteous and noisy." As for the kind of fools who are pure, natural, pollution-free, and unpretentious, she can't say that she doesn't like them.

Of course, it would be better if he could be quieter, she glanced at Qing Shu, and Qing Shu subconsciously closed his mouth.

Qing Shu: Why does he feel that the master's eyes are full of threats?

Illusion, it must be an illusion, the master has always been so gentle.

888: Silly boy, this is your real illusion.

"That's it." After hearing Gu Muqiu's words, 888 pretended to be thinking about something, but in an instant it decided to put its 'stupid' on the table, so that even if the goddess doesn't like it, it can't be said to hate it.

"Then let me tell you a secret." It pretended to be mysterious, and of course there was a cautious temptation in its tone.

Gu Muqiu narrowed his eyes slightly: "What?" Why did she feel that what it was going to say next was definitely not a good thing?
"Actually... the map I gave you was wrongly located yesterday." It spoke very fast, as if trying to get away with it.

Actually, this is what it found out after studying the map carefully last night when it had nothing to do. Today it has been thinking about how to talk to her, but it has been hindered by its lust.

But since she is so tolerant now, there is no need to worry so much.

Gu Muqiu: "..." So it made such a big circle just to say this? ? ?
It really wasn't a good thing.

Her expression was as usual, and her tone was as gentle as ever: "And then." What she wanted to know was simple, did it intend to make mistakes?

(End of this chapter)

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