Chapter 572
As soon as Gu Muqiu entered, it was as if he had entered another world.

The birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, full of vitality, and it looks like a normal forest, in stark contrast to the dark world outside.

And you can't even hear the sound from outside the 'Oasis'!
Her expression remained unchanged, she squatted down calmly, picked up a little soil with her hands, and sniffed it close to her nose. Her expression was so focused that others didn't dare to disturb her. She frowned slightly, but she didn't notice anything unusual.

After she stood up, 888 said, "I found something." Its voice was a little eager.So far, it didn't find anything unusual, so it couldn't wait to ask Gu Muqiu.

"It's normal here." Gu Muqiu took out a white handkerchief, wiped his hands carefully, and said lightly.

This place is the most normal, it is what a normal forest should look like.

The air humidity and temperature are also normal, and the oxygen concentration does not seem to be a problem, at least so far she has not felt any discomfort in her body.

"Then let me check this world carefully." 888 said heavily.Checking takes a while, so it hasn't had time to do it yet.

"Hmm." She observed the place while waiting for the result of the system.

Finally, the result of 888 came out: "Goddess, there is a result, the world is facing transformation." Speaking of this, its voice was still angry.

You say you transform, you just transform, but why are you hiding the truth?

Deliberately concealing the truth is the most abominable way of heaven.

"Transformation?" Gu Muqiu's eyes darkened slightly.She seemed to remember how it happened.

Her previous world seemed to be like this.

"The Heavenly Dao of the World concealed the truth in order to let the taskers come to this world with peace of mind." 888 continued to explain.

Doesn't Tiandao know that this will put the tasker in danger by misjudging the difficulty of the task?

But it's normal, the Heavenly Dao of a big world naturally doesn't care about the life and death of a small tasker.

"That's it." Gu Muqiu's gentle voice was somewhat dangerous.

"The Goddess doesn't need to act rashly. I have already reported it to my superiors. The organization will definitely not let it go." 888's voice was full of trust in the organization.

Dao dared to deceive the organization, this Heavenly Dao is really courageous, does it think they look easy to bully?
But now that he is still in his territory, he really can't act rashly, otherwise he won't be able to leave this world.

It is still very easy for a world's Heavenly Dao to deal with a tasker.

"Yeah." Gu Muqiu laughed it off, as if he didn't have any dissatisfaction with the heaven in this world.

In fact, only she knew that after weighing the pros and cons, she still felt that it was better to leave this matter to the organization.

Now that she is on its territory, she will be more or less suppressed, and head-to-head encounters simply won't work.

She made sure that there was no danger in the surrounding area before letting Qing Shu and the others in.

When Qing Shu first came in, he acted like he had never seen the world, no, maybe he had never seen this kind of world before.

"Could it be that this is the legendary fairyland on earth?" He said a line that was so earthy that it couldn't be more earthy.

But only 888 knew, which really made him guess right.

This world was about to transform into a fairy world.

And this is the place where the hero got the secret treasure, the legendary fairyland on earth.

Sui Feng seemed much calmer, and there was not much surprise on his face, he was always more careful than Qing Shu: "Master, did you find anything?"

Gu Muqiu's expression was as usual: "No." Even if they found something, it didn't have much to do with them. According to the speed of the world, the transformation will take hundreds of years, and it will have little impact on their generation.

"It's really strange here." Qing Shu swayed around the periphery.

"Rest first." Gu Muqiu felt that he had to stop and rectify for a while.

Since it is the hero's adventure, their journey will definitely not be smooth.

Regarding her decision, Qingshu and Suifeng naturally have no opinion.

After Gu Muqiu settled down, he began to prepare the things they might use inside.

Qing Shu and the others were on the outer edge, looking for something to eat by the way. They have been eating dry food for the past few days, and their stomachs are almost growing hairy.

Not long after, Qing Shu came back with a hare in his arms, and said with a smile as he walked, "It seems that we are lucky today." Unexpectedly, in such a poor place, he could still catch a living creature.

"Master, let's see if this thing is edible?" Although I was a little greedy, it would be too bad to lose my life because of this thing.

There's something weird going on here, so be careful.

Gu Muqiu fiddled with the rabbit and said lightly: "No problem." With this guy's brain, he could think of filling his stomach first, and she was very pleased.

888: Well, this is the pure fool in the eyes of the goddess.

Qing Shu didn't know what Gu Muqiu was thinking, so he carried the rabbit out happily, just in time to meet Sui Feng who was picking up firewood.

Suifeng looked at the rabbit in Qingshu's hand, hesitant to speak, as if he was enduring something.

"What?" Qing Shu saw the strange look on this guy's face, and asked aloud.This guy usually has a face of ice cubes, and rarely has such a rich expression.

Finally Suifeng couldn't help it anymore, he said indifferently: "I'll do it." Then before Qingshu could react, he took the rabbit and walked away.

After walking far away, Suifeng started to deal with the rabbit deftly. As for why he did this, the reason is very simple.

That guy Qingshu's cooking is killing him!May I ask the person who can vomit all the stray dogs around the Prince Regent's mansion with one meal, can he trust him with their dinner?

Perhaps what was handed over to him was not food, but their lives.

By the way, things are far from that simple, after Qing Shu cooked that meal, those stray dogs saw Qing Shu bite him again and again, which made people in the Regent Palace dare not go with Qing Shu.

Qing Shu stared at Sui Feng's back in dumbfounded, while thinking to himself: "I know I'm not very good at cooking, but it's not so exaggerated."

In fact, his understanding of himself is not thorough enough, and his cooking skills are really rubbish to that extent.

When Gu Muqiu ate the roasted rabbit, she didn't know that if Suifeng hadn't arrived in time, she would have fallen into the fear of dark cooking.

(End of this chapter)

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