Chapter 573
Looking at the roasted golden legs in her hands, she suddenly felt that it would not be a bad thing to bring these two people along, at least the cooking taste was good.

"Not only does it taste good, it looks so good, doesn't it?" 888 glanced at it and said to himself.

Hey, how to let the goddess know that many things require talent.

Like cooking.

But it seems that the boss is a noob in life, the goddess is like this, and the boss Mo Xuan is also like this.

"Have you finished reporting to the superior?" Gu Muqiu took a slow bite and asked calmly.She would like to know how the general organization handles her current situation.

Speaking of this, 888 is a little serious: "Well, the main system already knows, he asked you to complete the mission first and then leave the plane, of course, it doesn't matter even if this mission fails." Although the main system is usually not serious, but It's still reliable to work.

Now that he didn't act rashly, it should be because the goddess is still in this plane.

Gu Muqiu didn't know what came to mind, with a slight smile on his face: "Well, then I should complete the task as soon as possible." If it can be completed...

"Goddess, do your best." 888 was not in a hurry.Anyway, even if this mission fails, it won't be blamed on it. The main system has already said to reimburse it for the energy consumed in this plane, and it only needs to send the goddess out of this world safely.

When everything was almost ready, Gu Muqiu and the others planned to leave and continue walking inside.

But compared to the difficulty before, they are much more relaxed now. At least this place looks very normal. If you ignore the outer layer, it is an ordinary forest.

There is no maze, and of course there are not so many strange creatures.

Gu Muqiu took a leisurely stroll in the courtyard, not showing any nervousness, and didn't say anything on the way, but her appearance not only didn't make Suifeng and Qingshu feel relieved, but made them even more worried.

The master is not a person who plays cards according to common sense. It is impossible for others to do normal things when they happen to him.

Qing Shu frowned tightly, he hesitated for a long time before looking at Sui Feng: "Why do I feel that there are some traps waiting for us ahead?"

Suifeng didn't say anything, but the expression on his face clearly agreed with him.

In this way, the two dared not slack off even more, and became more vigilant in their hearts.

When Gu Muqiu turned around, he saw the appearance of the two as if they were facing a formidable enemy, and he was a little confused.

"Master?" Qing Shu felt a little puzzled seeing his master looking at them like this.

What's the matter, did you find something?
"Don't be so nervous." She hesitated for a moment and said gently.

Take it easy and relax.There is really nothing here, and even if there is anything, it is beyond the ability of normal people to react. It is useless to be nervous.

"Did Goddess not realize that you are too serious..." 888 said casually in the system space.

Of course this is not the other.This guy has no serious time.

Gu Muqiu looked calm: "I think you are talking nonsense with your eyes open."

888: Hey, don't say it, it's true.

It was about to continue to say something, but Gu Muqiu's faint voice reached its ears again.

"Almost there." She stopped and said softly.It's not a question sentence, but an affirmative sentence. It can be heard that she is very confident.

Qingshu showed doubts on his face, this place is no different from other places, how did the master know where to go?

"It's coming?" There was doubt in his voice, but he was not questioning Gu Muqiu's judgment, but simply curious.

Hearing this, Suifeng also set his eyes on Gu Muqiu, with just the right amount of confusion, a rare expression on his face that was always paralyzed.

Gu Muqiu didn't look sideways, and his voice didn't fluctuate: "Intuition." His eyes were open and frank, with a very sincere look.

It wasn't that she couldn't explain the reason, but it was mainly because she was too lazy to talk about it and didn't want to say too much.

After she finished speaking, she continued to walk forward without stopping too much.

The system knew at a glance that she was talking nonsense, but Qingshu didn't know. After hearing this, he murmured to himself: "Why don't I have such a strong intuition?"

Sui Feng naturally knew that his master didn't want to talk about it, but he was never a curious person, so he didn't say anything, but after hearing Qing Shu's voice, he just said lightly: "Maybe it's because you are stupid."

After hearing this, Qing Shu immediately exploded. Is there any necessary connection between intuition and stupidity? !
No, he's not stupid either.

It's a pity that people didn't give him a chance to explain, but stepped forward to follow Gu Muqiu's footsteps.

As they approached their destination, Sui Feng and Qing Shu's footsteps became lighter, as if they were afraid of waking up something that was sleeping.

Qing Shu only felt his heart beat faster, and there seemed to be a voice in his heart telling him that what he saw next might not be forgotten in his life, and everything he experienced during this period will also be the most unforgettable memory in his life.

The fog gets thicker as you go in, it's not as strange as the fog in the black forest.

(End of this chapter)

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