Six Gods

Chapter 310 Another... race? !

Chapter 310 Another... race? !

"Xiang Wang recognizes this text?"

Zi Gu stepped forward, the ancestor chuckled and asked humbly for advice.

"I don't really recognize it, but I have seen similar ones in the secret writings left by my ancestors of the human race." Looking carefully at the lines on the yellow talisman, Xiang Yuan felt that it was very similar to the Sanskrit script in his previous life.

Big Buddha suppression, spell seal, what's going on here...

Slightly frowning and looking at the dark gate behind the yellow talisman, Xiang Yuan pinched his finger bones, his eyes showed some hesitation.

Obviously, with these things that were used to seal demons in the previous life, there must be nothing good behind this dark gate.

"Old Ancestor, what is this treasure that can break through the shackles of Shouyuan? The ancestors of our two clans couldn't possibly rush to this place in a daze."

After pondering for a moment, Xiang Yuan looked sideways at the hunchbacked ancestor.

Judging from the current situation, this so-called treasure is not easy to get...

The young man Wang's sudden question made the demon ancestor's eyes look strange, and he subconsciously rubbed the bamboo stick with his thumb: "What is the treasure, the ancestors of our clan did not expressly keep it.

Instead of standing outside the door and wondering, won't everything be clear when we enter the treasure land? "

The old ancestor spoke very slowly, his eyes were fixed on the dark door, and he didn't move away for a moment.

"Go in? I'm afraid that it's easy to get in, but difficult to get out.

This dharma protector motto talisman was originally intended to be used to suppress the seal of some evil spirits.

It is a treasure land, why is there a seal here?
Patriarch, now you and I are in a cooperative relationship, the basic information sharing still needs to be done.

If the ancestor insisted on telling the truth not far away, or really didn't know what was inside.

For the sake of safety, this king can only decide to retreat temporarily and go back home. "

The young king's words were flat, with a sharp edge, and he was not timid in the face of the demon ancestor who was in front of him, and he was extremely strong.

His expression collapsed, and the demon patriarch looked up at the young man Wang in front of him: "Wang Xiang, are you threatening the old man?"

The four eyes met, and the strong violent pressure suddenly rippled out, forcing countless ripples out of the surrounding sea water.

The leaders of the two clans were at war with each other, and the big monsters and warriors beside them also stood up.

For a moment, the atmosphere on the entire boat was extremely tense, and it only needed a fuse to detonate the soaring fire!

Sen Ran stared into those broken golden eyes, and the fingers of the demon patriarch holding the bamboo stick became more and more forceful, and the majestic power accumulated for tens of thousands of years was about to explode.

But in the end, this living fossil who lived for an extremely long time, still smiled at the moment when the atmosphere boiled to its peak, and resolved the crisis of confrontation.

After all, he was still afraid that he would completely lose the chance to get that treasure after the two broke up.

"Okay, okay, actually, our ancestors didn't leave many clues about this treasure.

It was just vaguely mentioned that the source of this treasure seems to come from another race. "

After coughing twice, the tense atmosphere on the boat gradually dissipated with the words of the demon ancestor.

"Another race..." the young man Wang whispered and repeated.

"Yeah, King Xiang should also know that besides my monsters, humans and those Yin gods, there are actually other races in this world.

It's just not in the scope of what we can see.

And this treasure that can break through the shackles of Shouyuan comes from another race, and it is the treasure of that race. "

In a few words, he revealed this ancient secret. The demon patriarch stared at the dark gate behind the yellow talisman, and clenched the bamboo stick in his hand.


When monsters and human races jointly explored the strange sealed gate on the bottom of Jieyuan Ocean.

Eastern Land
State of Jin, deep in the distant mountains

Insects kept chirping, birds and beasts roared, and a faint mist surrounded the dense forest in the deep mountain hinterland.

A stream like a silver chain flows down from the top of the mountain, gurgling and rushing.

Deep in the original deep mountains isolated from the world.

Inside a huge grotto that no living creature could set foot in, the sound of dripping water was continuous, echoing in the dark cave.

The extremely strong bloody smell made the entire cave tens of miles around, and even a bird-headed mosquito was unwilling to approach it.

Sitting cross-legged in a lavender robe on a huge blood pool with a depth of [-] meters and a terrifying diameter, Sima Kong, the second in command of the Jin Kingdom and the younger brother of the great mountain and sea monster Sima Xuan, was enjoying himself.

From time to time, strands of incomparably pure blood flowed into his body along his nostrils from the terrifying pool of blood beneath him.

It made the complexion of the Marquis of the Jin Kingdom even fairer, and his temperament became more and more gloomy and cold silently.



At the top of the cave, on the stone pillars protruding intricately downwards, the dark red liquid dripped along the stone pillars and merged into the huge pool of blood.

How could blood ooze out of the mountain?

If someone scans the entire mountain with mental power at this moment, he will get an answer that makes his face pale.

That is the interior of this towering mountain with a height of more than 2000 meters, and it is completely filled with a large number of corpses.

These corpses piled up and squeezed each other, the blood in the corpses kept flowing out, and then wanted to seep below.

One drop, two drops...

In the end, it gathered into the horrible blood pool in the cave at the bottom that made the scalp tingle.

The pool of blood was full of waves, like a piece of dark red emerald inlaid in this dark cave.

"Sleeping shadows, sing forever;

An immortal noble who walks in the fountain of life, a citizen of the supreme dynasty who upholds the six precepts.

Under the curse of the world, I will live happily ever after..."

Whispering, inexplicably cold and unfamiliar language came from Sima Kong's mouth.

Along with this low and magical language, it echoed in the cave.

The huge and deep blood pool below began to boil, and an invisible and strange force descended from an unknown space to this "altar" built with countless innocent people.

Feeling the abnormal movement of the blood pool, Sima Kong showed a strange smile on his face, his figure gradually sank, and he just floated in the center of the blood pool.


Trembling inexplicably, the boiling pool of blood below suddenly fell into an extreme tranquility.



There was a clear sound of treading water, and a pair of footprints moved from far to near on the surface of the glass mirror-like pool, and finally stopped in front of Sima Kong.

Ripples appeared in the air, as if a pair of invisible hands were slowly reaching towards Sima Kong.

Breathing slightly short, Simakong closed his eyes tightly, waiting for some kind of baptism to come.

Suddenly, a figure composed entirely of blood came out of the void and hugged Sima Kong.

It was a figure with a slender and graceful figure, well-proportioned, exuding infinite fatal charm.

Holding Sima Kong in his arms, the blood shadow slightly parted his lips, and the bewitching sound entered Sima Kong's ears, making this star-watching atavistic monster suddenly drowsy and his eyes blurred.

And just as the Marquis of Jin's eyelids were fighting and he was about to fall asleep, that charming figure suddenly opened his mouth and bit his neck.

Excruciating pain!

Unspeakable pain!

In an instant, Sima Kong's eyes were tearing apart, and his face was ferocious.

From the bitten neck, the pain, like being injected with fire oil, spread to his whole body in an instant, making him unable to move.

A figure made of blood flowed into Sima Kong's body along the wound on his neck.


Trembling and sinking into the pool of blood, Sima Kong felt as if he had been electrocuted, his eyes turned white, dense bloody lines appeared on his skin, and he kept walking.

Drowsy, sinking and floating in the pool of blood.

The sun and the moon rotate outside, and the starlight shifts.

Three days later, Sima Kong, who was soaking face down in the pool as if he had become a floating corpse, suddenly moved.

Half a second later, the water splash exploded, and blood-red light illuminated the entire cave.

Lifted by an invisible force and suspended in mid-air, Sima Kong, who had his eyes closed tightly, opened them suddenly, his bright red eyes revealing infinite weirdness and evilness!
"Jie Jie Jie, I succeeded! I succeeded!

Changed fate against the sky, I finally succeeded! "

The wild laughter contained endless joy, the blood pool was shaken and huge waves rose several feet, and Sima Kong, who had returned from waking up, turned over and fell aside.

At this moment, his skin is fair and bloodless, his eyes are red, his nails are pitch black, and his whole body exudes a strong strange aura, which makes people shudder.

Looking at his new body up and down, feeling the tyrannical power in his body that was completely different from the previous ones, Sima Kong's eyes showed obsession.

"It's too strong. Compared with this power, the so-called side effects are simply negligible."

With a sudden transformation, he absorbed a force of heaven and earth from the void, and condensed a black robe on his body. With a thought of Sima Kong, the massive blood pool in front of him suddenly shrank wildly, and turned into a drop-shaped water after a few seconds The red emerald fell into his hands.

"Next... it's time to change the world." Xie Mei smiled, and Sima Kong threw himself, and his whole body turned into a blood shadow and merged into the shadows and darkness, disappearing in an instant.


Jin Guo
The capital of the king, in the main hall of the king.

Sima Xuan, the lord of the Jin Kingdom, looked at his younger brother who had completely changed in front of him in astonishment: "Ping Ting, you are..."

Enjoying the shocked eyes of his elder brother, Simakong spread his hands, showing his own transformation to his elder brother.

"Brother, I have heard about the time when Da Yaoling cooperated with the human race.

Those old fools have lived too long, and their brains have rusted.

The 2000-year-old foundation of my Jin Kingdom, they just gave it to the human race with a casual sentence.

Have they considered our feelings?
Brother, this world is not fair. Just look at those guys in Da Yaoling, because their blood is better than ours, they can easily enter the mountain and sea realm.

As for us, we have spent hundreds of times and thousands of times more energy than them, but we are still not as good as them.

Brother, do you want to live like this forever? "

Facing his younger brother's questioning, Sima Xuan looked sad.

Indeed, even if he got the qualification to change his life against the sky by chance and stepped into the mountain and sea realm, the dignity and strength he originally imagined would be like a joke.

Step into the mountains and seas and join the Great Demon Ridge.

These goals, which he had always dreamed of, were not so rosy after they were achieved.

threatened by humans.

Ordered by the demon ancestor.

He was looked down upon by Lumber and others who were also great monsters of the mountains and seas.

All of this is like a small knife, constantly cutting his heart and lungs, making him miserable.

Walking slowly in front of his elder brother, Sima Kong's eyes shone with a bright red and evil light, bewitching people's hearts: "Brother, I have found a way to change our destiny.

As long as you and my brother work together, maybe one day, we can even overturn the mountain above our heads! "

As soon as he grasped Sima Xuan's wrist, Sima Kong exerted his strength slightly, and the dark red blood light instantly became thicker.

Immediately, the blood in his body rushed towards him uncontrollably, Sima Xuan's expression shook, and a majestic monster mountain suddenly appeared in the void above his head.

The monster mountain emerged, and the majestic monster aura surged.

Looking at the majestic monster mountain, Simakong smiled gracefully, and the red light on his body was dazzling again, attracting all the blood power of monsters in the monster mountain together.

"Let go!" Sima Xuan shouted out of composure, feeling the blood in his body decrease rapidly.

Gently opened his hands, looking at his panicked elder brother, Sima Kong raised his hands high, and endless bloody light emerged from behind, illuminating the entire hall.

"Brother, feel it!

As long as it is a creature with blood flowing in its body, it will not be our opponent.

Their blood will be the source of our strength.

No training, no sacrifice required!

As long as we have enough blood, we can become stronger endlessly!

This is the power of the blood race! "

Clenching his fists and looking at his younger brother covered in blood, Sima Xuan's eyes began to waver.


"That's right, the blood clan! Unlike the good and bad monsters, the blood clan is all nobles, and we are born kings of blood.

Many tyrannical forces can be awakened from the blood without arduous training and understanding. "

Trying to tell his elder brother about the strength of the blood race, Sima Kong's eyes showed a bit of madness: "Besides, the blood race has extremely powerful control power.

As long as you become our slave, you will never rebel forever.

At that time, the whole world will be ours, and all monsters and human races will be slaves at our feet. "

"But with such a strong bloodline, isn't there any flaw at all..." As the elder brother and the lord of the country, Sima Xuan's thinking was obviously much calmer. Even though his heart was obviously shaken, he still maintained his rationality.

When mentioning flaws, Sima Kong smiled nonchalantly: "There is no absolute, and naturally there is no such thing as 100% perfection.

The most powerful part of the blood family is the control of blood, and the flaws also exist in it.

After becoming a vampire, there will be an eternal desire for blood in the body.

But in my opinion, this defect is almost negligible.

It's even not so much a defect, but rather a... characteristic of our blood race. "

After listening to his younger brother casually talking about the flaws of the blood race, Sima Xuan finally let go of his last ounce of persistence.

In the main hall, amidst the sound of suppressed pain, the blood-red light penetrated through the doors and windows, exuding a strange aura.


Jieyuan Ocean Seabed
The young Wang's eyes were serious, and he looked at the dark gate suppressed by the yellow talisman in front of him.


Is it the bloodthirsty monster from the previous life...

Seeing that the young man Wang was silent, the demon patriarch stepped forward and said softly, "Xiang Wang, have you thought about how to open this Dharma protector seal?"

The words in the ear interrupted Xiang Yuan's thinking.

"Can the ancestor be sure that this is really the treasure of the blood clan, not the blood clan suppressed by the seal?" Looking sideways at the demon ancestor, Xiang Yuan asked.

"Hehe, absolutely impossible! The ancestors of the demons and the human race were not fools. It is impossible to spend so much effort to find a prison to suppress the blood race.

And even if there are vampires suppressed here, hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and the vampires inside have already turned into fly ash.

Xiang Wang can rest assured. "Facing the question asked by Xiang Yuan, the demon patriarch was very confident.

He also felt that what the demon ancestor said had some truth, Xiang Yuan slowly stepped forward, looked at the yellow talisman with Buddhist Sanskrit written on it, and then reached forward to remove it.

"Xiang Wang..." Lu Qiuhao and Song Ge subconsciously opened their mouths when they saw Xiang Yuan reaching out to uncover the talisman.

They could clearly see the scene where one arm of the big demon Lumber was destroyed by a talisman just now.

"It's okay, this king knows it well." After a word of reassurance, Xiang Yuan continued to reach forward with solemn eyes.

For a moment, the atmosphere on the entire boat was tense to the extreme.

All eyes were on Xiang Yuan.

Can it be successful?

This question popped up in everyone's mind at the same time.

The fingertips were close to the yellow talisman, and the Qi and blood in Xiang Yuan's body were ready to move, preventing accidents from happening.


After touching the talisman, and then gently pulling it, the entire talisman was immediately peeled off by Xiang Yuan, and there was no abnormality in the whole process.

Calmly put away the entire yellow talisman, the young man Wang turned around and said to the demon ancestor with a complex expression, "Okay."

Seeing that the yellow talisman was put away by Xiang Yuan, the demon patriarch opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but gave up after thinking about it.

The talisman was uncovered, and the dark door was immediately unobstructed, completely exposed to everyone.

The treasure is just inside the door.


(End of this chapter)

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