Six Gods

Chapter 311 [Blood Sword Art]

Chapter 311 [Blood Sword Art]

A door apart.

Outside the door is the vast ocean of cold and grievous sea water, but outside the door is dry and transparent, exuding a stuffy heat.

After collecting the boat, a group of eight people looked at the long and deep passage in front of them, looking at each other in blank dismay.

"The matter has come to this point, we can only go forward." Calmly looking at the passage that seems to lead to the abyss in front of him, Xiang Yuan lightly moved his fingertips, and the invisible wolves at both ends immediately walked forward, inspecting the passage in this passage. , Is there any secret mechanism.

rustling --

The passage was silent, and the footsteps of three people and five demons were very clear.

After walking less than 500 meters, Xiang Yuan's eyes moved slightly.

Just now, the two wolves he sent lost contact with him...

"Be careful, there's something wrong with this passage." The sound transmission passed to Lu Qiuhao and Song Ge on the side, and Xiang Yuan rubbed his fingertips, his boxing skills were running, and he raised his martial arts instinct.

The channel is slightly downward, with some obvious arcs.

The more you go down, the more intense the unspeakable hotness.

After walking for about half an hour, suddenly, everyone's eyes lit up, and a light source appeared at the end of their field of vision.

Seeing the light source, everyone couldn't help speeding up their pace subconsciously, while the patriarch Huailu stepped back slightly and landed right in the center of the four big monsters.

Looking around with drooping and turbid eyes, this demon patriarch, like Xiang Yuan, has noticed the abnormality of this treasure cave.

The space here has always exuded an inexplicable absorbing power, just now he tried to explore the general situation of this place with spiritual power.

But as long as the mental power is a little far away, it will suddenly disappear, as if being swallowed by something.

In the most treasured land, there must be a great evil!
As the demon ancestor who relies on the puppet to act, he must be careful, otherwise the puppet will be damaged, and it will be bad.

When they came to the end of the passage, everyone passed through the light source, and their eyes suddenly became clear.

A large piece of crystal blood-red spar is inserted across a vast and barren land, and the sky is also a dazzling dark red, like a burning cloud.

And the three people and five demons are standing in the middle of a towering thousand-meter mountain.

"What a strong smell of blood." As a master of blood, the young Wang looked down at the blood-red world and couldn't help frowning.

The feeling of this world made him feel very filthy, the strong smell of blood in the air was turbid and dirty, making people sick.

Compared to Xiang Yuan's disgust, the big demons took a deep breath and showed a comfortable expression.

Demons are not like the mysterious yellow ones of the human race.

Xuanhuang people regard the purity of qi and blood as extremely important, and they all increase the power of qi and blood by tapping their own life potential.

It will not absorb any blood that does not belong to itself.

But the monsters don't care about this at all. Although the blood in this space is muddy, it is very rich. For them, it is a great tonic.

The four big monsters sucked more and more vigorously, and even jumped off the mountain directly, manifesting their thousand-meter real bodies, and began to swallow the blood here.

Blood energy surged towards the four big monsters like a flood, pouring all of it into their mouths.

"It seems that the supreme treasure of the blood race is here. Such a rich blood energy has been accumulated here for hundreds of thousands of years. This old man is really looking forward to the true face of this treasure."

Looking at the bloody world with a smile on his face, the patriarch Huailu nodded frequently.

Walking to a bright red crystal, Xiang Yuan reached out and broke off half of the crystal.

The spar was broken, and a large stream of blood gushed out of the fracture immediately, like a fountain, and it couldn't stop.

Not quite right...

Feeling a little strange, Xiang Yuan just wanted to step forward to take a closer look at the bottom of the spar, when the ground suddenly started to tremble.

Frowning and turning his head to look at the front left position, Xiang Yuan's expression changed slightly.

"Old Song, Qiuhao, something is coming this way."

With a super-long vision, he saw a large wave of pale creatures swarming towards him in the distance, Xiang Yuan softly reminded the warriors beside him.

At the same time, the patriarch Huailu also noticed something strange, and turned his head to look in the direction of the vibration.

"That is……"

Thousands of meters away, a large number of monsters with strangely long limbs, pale skin, and spider-like movements, with only one big mouth in their entire face, and hundreds of meters high, rushed towards this side with a roaring and tsunami.

"Didn't the ancestor say that tens of thousands of years have passed, and even if there is anything, it has been turned into fly ash?" The young man Wang said indifferently as he walked to Huailu ancestor.

It's also unexpected that there are living creatures in this space. The patriarch Huailu chuckled: "This blood treasure can break through the shackles of longevity, and it has some unreasonable power, which is normal."

After explaining a sentence, the demon patriarch immediately asked the four big demons to release the three hundred ancestral demons from the demon mountain to prepare for the enemy.

Xiang Yuan at the side also recruited the wolves and wild people from the underworld.

With a distance of several thousand meters, under the mad rush of those spider monsters, they have already approached in a few minutes.


The ground trembled, countless gravels splashed, and the ancestral demons confused the wolves and the spider monsters and collided together.

Limbs flew across, blood and flesh spattered.

That pale-skinned spider monster is very difficult to deal with, even if it is beaten to pieces, it can recover after a while, making it extremely difficult to kill!
Staring at the undead monsters closely, the faint uneasiness in Xiang Yuan's heart became more real.

Spider monsters that were almost impossible to kill kept pouring in. Under the huge number, even the ancestral monsters whose combat power was several chips stronger than the spider monsters began to suffer casualties.

"These trash!" Looking impatiently at the entangled battlefield, the big demon Lunbo stepped forward, and a thousand-foot-high monster mountain roared and flew out, smashing heavily at the place where the monsters gathered. .


The monster mountain was shattered, and the incomparably tyrannical monster power smashed a large number of monsters into powder and blood foam without any fancy, and they could never recover.

After defeating the enemy with one move, the big demon Lumber returned with a sneer.

But at this moment, something even more frightening happened.

The ancestral demon who was forcibly besieged to death by those spider monsters just now suddenly opened his eyes, rushed towards his companion beside him like lightning, and opened his mouth to bite.

The incident happened suddenly, and none of the monsters expected that their dead companions would suddenly wake up and attack themselves.

For a while, roars, screams, and screams followed one after another.

Xiang Yuan's expression changed suddenly when he saw the dead monsters resurrected and attacking his companions.


"Old Ancestor, let your people call back those uninjured monsters immediately." Xiang Yuan said in a deep voice to Old Ancestor Huailu.

Having lived for tens of thousands of years, the old and fine Huailu Ancestor didn't know why Xiang Yuan made such a request suddenly, but he immediately gave the order to the big monsters.

"Called back? Patriarch for..." Patriarch Huailu was cautious, but Long Bo and other big monsters were confused.

"Let's call it back first."

As soon as the ancestor Huailu finished speaking, those ancestral demons who were attacked by their companions suddenly let out piercing screams, and their skin began to turn white rapidly, as if some kind of irreversible transformation had taken place.


With such a startling change, the great demons no longer hesitated, and quickly took back the remaining hundred and ten demons.

As if infected, the resurrected monster and the monster that mutated after being attacked by him, together with those spider monsters, rushed towards the crowd again.

The demon mountain has fallen!

Losing face in front of the ancestor, the mountain and sea monster was furious, several monster mountains fell together, and the earth was almost torn violently for a while, and the irresistible falling of the mountain smashed all these disgusting monsters.

"The monsters are coming from this direction, maybe that's their lair, go and have a look?" Xiang Yuan said, pointing to the direction where the monsters came.

The monster was completely wiped out, and a large piece of white, mucus-like flesh was spread on the ground, exuding a pungent sour smell.

Looking at the monster's remains on the ground, Patriarch Huailu nodded and agreed to Xiang Yuan's suggestion.

Three people and five monsters hit the road.

Scarlet world, extremely simple.

Except for the barren and barren land, those blood-red spars, there is nothing else to be seen.

Walking on the ground, no one seems to notice that above the blood-red sky above their heads, a pair of eager and fanatical eyes are staring at them closely.

Ok?Sensing something faintly, the young man Wang turned his head and looked behind him.

Bloody sky, wild land.

Nothing has changed.

But just for a moment, he did feel a certain kind of gaze.

However, this gaze did not seem to contain hostility, so it did not violate the pursuit of martial arts instinct.

Turning around, the young man Wang pinched his fingers and thought to himself.

This place... is getting weirder.


A mysterious place full of bloody cocoons.

The white-haired old man exuded a strong sense of death, suppressed a low smile, under the messy hair, his blood-red eyes were full of shocking madness.

"It's finally here, they're finally here, hee hee hee hee, I'm finally here."

Standing up staggeringly, the white-haired old man turned around and walked into another secret room.

A ball of light as thick as a blood-colored sun was suspended in this small room of less than ten square meters, splashing down infinite blood-colored radiance.

Looking obsessively at the bloody day, the old man raised his hands high, with a pious and fanatical expression:
"Great child, your day of birth is coming.

The day of rebirth of my blood race is just around the corner! "

As if they understood the old man's frenzied shouting, the bloody sun's light suddenly became a bit dazzling, even overflowing the room.

Under the dazzling blood-colored radiance, the old man's aging and haggard body began to plump up rapidly.

The white hair faded, and the strange blood-colored long hair fell down like a waterfall.

The loose and wrinkled skin was broken like a dead leaf, revealing the newborn skin that was crystal clear like jade inside, white and radiant.

The old man who straightened his body and experienced a rebirth, with a faint evil smile on the corner of his mouth, has turned into a noble son with a charming temperament and an excellent appearance.

"Thanks to the great holy fetus, for granting me a new life."

Kneeling on one knee, the young master's eyes were blood-colored, and the cold light in his eyes pierced the void.


Across the entire wild continent, a huge forest began to appear in front of Xiang Yuan and his group.

Compared with the lush and lush trees outside, the giant trees here are as pale as bones, and there are blood cocoons with a diameter of more than ten meters, rough pens, and mucus hanging on the bare branches.

Just when everyone resisted this strange bone tree forest, Patriarch Huailu suddenly looked behind the forest, and a majestic and vast soul suddenly appeared on the short and crooked puppet body.

Is this the soul of the ten thousand year old demon?

Looking at the terrifying soul that covered the sky and covered the sun and stretched for hundreds of meters, Xiang Yuan's expression was heavy.

With such a majestic and vast soul power, this must be a soul realm that surpasses the realm of manifesting the gods—Jiang Sanshi!

The soul in the manifesting state can use fog, liquid, or even starlight and moonlight to condense entities, allowing the soul to have the power to interfere with the material world.

And Jiang Sanshi's soul is so strong that he can directly use the power of the soul to modify part of the existence of the material world.

For example, forcibly changing a body that does not belong to him into a residence that can accommodate the soul.

That is to say, seize the house!
It's just that this ability to modify consumes the essence of the soul. Although Duoshe can allow the soul owner to obtain a young and brand new body, it can only be used three times.

After three times, the essence of the soul has not been consumed much, and forcibly seizing the body will only make him collapse and disappear in advance.

Therefore, this state is called: Jiang Sanshi!

Demonstrating his powerful soul power, the patriarch Huailu stared at the back of the bone forest in front of him.

There, there is a looming high tower, and a pure blood light is shining on the top of the tower.

"As expected by the old man, the blood treasure is right behind this bone forest."

Withdrawing his soul and returning to his puppet body, Huailu Patriarch Zhuzhang pointed at him with a hint of fatigue in his eyes.

What's going on, why is there a feeling of tiredness...

Touching his forehead, the patriarch Huailu looked slightly suspicious, and found the abnormality in his body.

"Then it's easy to handle, just crush it directly!"

With a snort, two scorching breaths spewed out from his nose, and with a stride, Lumber suddenly manifested his demon body.

It was a strange beast with the head of a dragon and the body of a bull, with four hooves stepping on fire, and its whole body covered with dark yellow dragon scales.

Thick black flames overflowed from his mouth, and Lumber took rumbling steps, one step a thousand meters, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and he rushed towards the bone forest wrapped in boundless majesty.

bang bang-

Under the impact of the terrifying demon avatar, the forest of ten thousand bones was shattered like tofu, and countless pieces of wood were flying all over the sky, like a heavy rain.

The bone wood was shattered, and the blood cocoons hanging on it were also crushed, revealing the rudiments of white spider monsters inside.

With Lumber taking the lead, the other two mountain and sea monsters also manifested their own monster real bodies and crushed them forward together.

Only Dongfang Liang remained beside the patriarch Huailu.

"These big monsters can really show off, don't they just grow taller?" Seeing the huge three-headed monster crushing forward all the way, Lu Qiuhao curled his lips and said angrily.

Looking at Lu Qiuhao with a smile, Xiang Yuan said helplessly: "Okay, someone will help us clear the way, so you can just say a few words."

Under the full force of the three big monsters, the entire bone forest was quickly destroyed, leaving only fragments of debris on the ground.

"The ancestors have always told us to be careful. In my opinion, there is no big deal here. There is no danger in a barren land that has been sealed for hundreds of thousands of years."

The big demon who spoke was named Jiulu, and its body was a wild boar with a lotus mark all over its body, radiance twining around its body, and black skin.

The Great Demon Nine Deer ranks among the top five in the Great Demon Ridge, and it is also a combination of five mountains and three seas. It has strong combat power and cannot be underestimated.

But his personality is impatient, not very stable, and he can't stop talking without thinking.

"Stop talking nonsense, the ancestor told you to be careful, otherwise you won't have time to cry if something happens." He whispered to the frivolous Nine Deer, and Lumber shook his dragon head and looked towards the first floor on the left. Thick fog, dewy eyes.

He seemed to have seen something just now, passing by at high speed in the mist, but he didn't see what it was.

Just before Lumber's warning sounded, a red light shot out like lightning, like a thunderbolt, leaving an afterimage trail. The speed was so fast that even the big monsters of mountains and seas couldn't react in time.


Shocked, Jiulu's body has already been pierced with dozens of blood holes by the red light.

The mountain and sea monster's body, which has been strengthened by the supernatural force of heaven and earth for a long time, is as thin as a piece of paper in front of this bloody light.

As the severe pain came slowly, Jiulu roared in pain, and the terrifying evil spirit vented out, turning into countless black shadows of lotus flowers, chasing and blocking the red light.

"Be careful!" Lumber yelled.

Jiulu stretched out his big hand that could grab a mountain range, and slammed towards the red light. In the dense fog beside him, two sharp red lights gushed out again!

With reinforcements, Hong Guang, who was being chased by Jiulu, suddenly turned around, and the three red lights attacked the big monster together.

And the target is the head of Jiulu!
They want a fatal blow!
"Ignorance!" Feeling the strong threat of death, Jiulu snorted angrily, and five monster mountains appeared above his head at the same time.

On the tallest demon mountain among them, countless silver lotus leaves exploded, and a grid-shaped silver pattern quickly appeared on Jiulu's body.

Bloodline Secret Art - Silver Poison Skin!

This secret technique of Liandu Qingzhu's life-saving secret technique not only has amazing defensive power, but also anyone who touches this layer of secret technique will be poisoned, making it extremely difficult to understand.

Just as Jiulu looked at the rushing blood with stern eyes, waiting for their miserable appearance after being poisoned.

One of the blood lights suddenly shouted: "Blood God Art—disintegrate!"

For a while, countless small ancient and strange characters suddenly appeared beside Jiulu, and forcibly reversed the secret art of blood on his body surface, making it disappear quickly.

"Impossible!" He never thought that his secret technique would be broken so easily.

The big demon Jiulu was stunned, and three bloody lights had penetrated his head, leaving three big holes for penetration.

"Demon Dao——Dragon Cold Pressure!" With a cold look on his face, he shouted in a low voice, and the great demon Lumber suddenly launched a demon road.

The void vibrated, and a ferocious blue dragon head manifested. During the suppression of Longwei, the flow of air was stopped, and it fell into a forced stagnation.

Under the power of the monster way that controlled the field in a wide range, the speed of the three blood lights suddenly slowed down, and what followed was the crushing of the big monster Lumber's three weighty monster mountains!

The sky shook, and thousands of air waves and ripples set off for kilometers, spreading the field of vision.

Just like three nuclear bombs were detonated, a terrifying mushroom cloud rose up!

The all-out blow of the Great Mountain and Sea Monster is just so terrifying!
The two terracotta warriors silently walked in front of Xiang Yuan, their breath blowing away the blowing smoke and dust.

Looking at the slightly dim but unextinguished blood light in the smoke and dust with his hands behind his back, the young man Wang stepped forward, his figure disappeared suddenly, and in an instant he came to the blood light that was thrown down by the monster mountain, and his martial arts will turned into a big golden hand Lift it up.

Under the transpiration of golden energy and blood, the blood light dissipated, revealing a young man with fair skin and blood-red eyes.

"Neither human nor demon, the body is so weak, but there is a special power flowing in the body.

Is this the so-called blood race? "

Looking up and down at the vampire in front of him, Xiang Yuan thought, and his big golden hand clenched tightly, pinching the vampire to death in an instant.

Big golden hands start!

With a flash of golden light, four or five hazy light clusters slowly floated out of the blood race's body.

The former golden hand, after Xiang Yuan collected the upgraded equipment synthesis formula, successfully advanced to the big golden hand.

The attack speed bonus has become higher, and the original refining skills have changed from random selection to active selection.

His eyes swept over the several light clusters in front of him one by one, and Xiang Yuan's eyes locked on a pale red light cluster.

[Blood clan swordsmanship - vertical shadow piercing and killing]

The ball of light sank into the body, a beam full of exotic style, the tyrannical ancient sword technique was immediately mastered by Xiang Yuan.

Incarnation of blood shadow, vertical sword piercing and killing!

Silently digesting this set of blood swordsmanship, Xiang Yuan's figure suddenly became slightly blurred, as if he was about to turn into a sword shadow similar to that bloody light.


(End of this chapter)

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