Six Gods

Chapter 315 Chop all over the door!

Chapter 315 Chop all over the door!

Overwhelmed by mountains and rivers, the young king, who is domineering and commanding ten thousand golden rays of light, chases the youth of the blood race and jumps up and down in this maze, exhausted.

Aside, Patriarch Huailu extended his eyes to the blood-colored cube.

By learning the blood text, the whispering chanting sound from this cube will no longer harm the approaching demon ancestors.

At this time, it is a good opportunity to get treasure!
Just when the ancient demon was about to set off to take away this racial treasure, the young man Wang had already rushed back with one hand, the blood youth who had been beaten all over his body, his legs and feet were broken.

Looking at the half foot protruding out of the demon ancestor, the young man Wang's eyes moved, he smiled and said nothing.

Without the hindrance of the blood youth, the ownership of this treasure has become the biggest problem for one person and one demon.

After spending so much effort, seeing the treasure right in front of him, neither Xiang Yuan nor Patriarch Huailu could easily hand over the treasure to others.

"This blood treasure is life-saving for the old man. I hope Xiang Wang can temporarily part with it. After the old man studies and understands the mystery, and prolongs his life, he will return it with both hands."

Holding a bamboo stick in his hand, the demon patriarch opened his mouth slowly, the kindness on his face disappeared, replaced by the majesty and heaviness of a high position.

What he said didn't sound like a request, but rather... an order.

Looking at the expression of the demon patriarch, the young man Wang pinched his finger bones with one hand, raised his head slightly and looked down at him:
"If the king is unwilling, is the ancestor planning to rob it?"

The atmosphere gradually became tense, and the gazes of each other clashed in the void, shaking again and again.

Suddenly, Dongfang Liang thought slightly below, and released the three monsters of Longbo.

Although he is poisoned with blood, the background of the mountain and sea monster is still there.

The four-headed demon ancestors stretched out their hands, the monstrous demonic aura gathered into the clouds, the demonic aura fell down, and all kinds of demons appeared, as if they wanted to turn this place into a demon kingdom.

Calmly watching the phantom of the Demon Kingdom in front of him, the young Wang also summoned Song Ge and Lu Qiuhao. The three of them had a great aura, ten thousand golden lights, illuminating all things, pure yang domineering aura, subduing demons and subduing demons!

click -

The moment the yang energy collided with the demonic energy, both sides were attacking almost at the same time!
Although the human race is at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, the four monsters of Lumber are all poisoned with blood and cannot exert their full combat power!

With one step forward, all the restrictions were released. The young king, whose aura was as majestic as a mountain and as vast as the sun, strode over a thousand meters and took the lead to kill the demon ancestor!
Although Patriarch Huailu is a living fossil-level old demon, his current body is just a puppet, and the soul power of Jiang Sanshi alone cannot exert much power.

Seeing the suppression of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, Dongfang Liang, who was standing sideways beside the patriarch Huailu, suddenly took out a silver glass-like dagger, and plunged it into his chest with a puff. overhead.

"Respectfully invite the ancestor to enter the shell!" The demon blood flowed down the wound, and the blood-stained Dongfang desolately roared.

Looking at the incomparable golden fist pressing down with cloudy and yellow eyes, Patriarch Huailu shook his head slightly: "I didn't expect to fight with someone after an old bone, alas..."

Before the words fell, the majestic soul of the demon ancestor suddenly flew out of the puppet body, and after a turn in the air, it poured into Dongfang Liang's body along with the silver glazed dagger.

The one-eyed eye appeared confused for a moment, and Dongfang Liang's breath began to change drastically.

The ancient, long, and heavy breath of time made it look like a monster completely.

Shrugging his shoulders, "Dongfang Liang" whose temperament changed, blinked his one-eyed eyes twice, but his voice was exactly the same as that of Huailu Patriarch:
"It's been a long time since I felt such a young body."

With a sigh, Dongfang Liang's aura, which was occupied by the ancestor Huailu, suddenly swelled, and the real body of the thousand-meter monster descended with a bang!

The evil spirit roared, and the black mist rolled!
Thick and long white beams of light flew out interlaced with the fists of the King of Man.

Being bombarded by the beam of light, the young king's eyes were blazing, and he didn't flinch. The golden light flowed around his body like an eternal golden bell, and he ate the attack abruptly.

The huge roar shook the heavens and the earth, and the rays of light shone in all directions, piercing the earth into huge pits.

The light dissipated, and the tall and erect body of Qianmi remained unmoved, without any injuries.

The tyrannical physical defense of the Diamond Realm, combined with the defensive attributes of the equipment, and the resistance to different spells, allowed the demon ancestor's full blow to not even break Xiang Yuan's skin!

On the other hand, Patriarch Huailu didn't have such a tyrannical defense.

The fist containing the tyrant Qi and blood of the Vajra Realm fell, and the terrifying power entwined by the dragon python exploded, completely smashing half of his shoulders, the flesh and blood crumbling, exposing the white bones.

The monster mountain above the head emerged, and the real power of the monster like a tide fell down, quickly repairing the injury on the shoulder.

Looking at the young king shrouded in golden light, the ancestor Huailu showed appreciation: "

Well, it is worthy of being the lineage of the king.

Is this your true strength?

In the battle with Yan Qing, you probably didn't even use [-]% of your strength. "

Shaking his head, the young man Wang answered seriously:
"Twenty percent."

"Hahaha, [-]% is good. I haven't made a move for the ancestor in nearly ten thousand years. Today, I am willing to do more activities for the sake of King Xiang."

After saying a word, the aura of the patriarch Huailu suddenly exploded several times.

Above the void, the three monster mountains vibrated rumblingly, and countless essences flowed out into his body.

The way of demons—blessed by the mountains!
This is a demon Taoism that can fully integrate the power of the demon mountain into the body, making the real body possess supreme power.

The body swelled up again. Dongfang Liang's demon body was covered with white hair, shaped like an ape, with three thick long tails and one-eyed demon.

With the power of the mountains at this moment, the white hair on his body began to turn black rapidly, and the thick and long tail behind him was also covered with a layer of fine scales, becoming like a steel gun.

The biggest change was his one-eyed eyes, which not only became bigger, occupying the entire face, but also a cross star appeared in the center of the pupil, which looked strange and mysterious.

Watching the changes of the ancestor Huailu, the heavy heartbeat sounded like an ancient god and demon beating drums from the chest of the young king!

dong dong!

dong dong!

Emperor engine, start!
The collision of the two huge bodies happened in an instant!

Da Ruo grasped Xiang Yuan with the palm of the mountain range, and the patriarch Huai Lu continued to speak demonic words, and one after another demonic magic tricks poured out of his mouth one after another.

As an ancestor-level monster, all the monsters and Taoism techniques he used were powerful and practical, with great power.

In the blink of an eye, various effects of weakening, hurting, paralyzing, and cursing fell on Xiang Yuan.

Colorful, flooded with monsters and filthy characters, the light almost drowns it.

Entangled with countless demon powers around him, the young man's body shook, and his skin quickly turned into a dazzling golden yellow.

King Kong domineering!

Immeasurable golden light surged, and the human qi and blood's characteristics of suppressing everything and purifying all things instantly crushed and annihilated the demon Taoism released by the ancestor Huailu.

The imperial engine in the body rumbled, and the young man Wang raised his fist and blasted out, like the brilliance of creation colliding with the big hand of the ancestor Huailu.

One person and one monster, living in close combat!

The young Wang Wang, who pioneered the road of martial arts and absorbed a large amount of fighting experience, showed his sharpness in his fists and feet.

Every move and every move contains the meaning of his domineering hero who will expand the territory and sweep the world!
"Shocking King Fist! Slash and decide!"

The fist fell like a king's seal, the hunting bronze banner stood proudly in the void, the young man Wang's eyes were like torches, and the bright fist surged.

Looking at the proud king's flag, Patriarch Huailu suddenly felt a chill on the back of his neck, and the piercing sharpness was shaking his physical body and spiritual will crazily!

Such a domineering fighting spirit, this son has only succeeded to the throne for more than ten years, but he has accumulated so much. Could it be that an ancient human spirit was reincarnated...

The blood burst on the back of the neck, and the patriarch Huailu was backed back again and again by the young man Wang Yiji's shocking fist.

Just because this punch is too domineering, if you resist stubbornly, even if you have a physical body blessed by mountains, it will inevitably be damaged, and it is the best policy to temporarily avoid the edge.

Relying on tens of thousands of years of experience, Patriarch Huailu retreated decisively in the face of that decisive and domineering punch.

He hesitated at all because he was forced to retreat by his juniors.

But when he retreated, the breath of the young man opposite Wang suddenly became several times fiercer.

I saw Xiang Yuan's whole body's energy and blood rushing violently, and the martial arts fist intent condensed into substance, splitting into thousands of phantoms, all over Zhou Tianyu.

"Shocking King Fist - Slash all over the house!"

With a loud shout, the young man Wang blasted out the second form of the world-shocking Wang Quan!
In an instant, the golden light roared down from the sky, covering the entire labyrinth space, blocking all attacks from the rear, just like the cold-blooded and merciless order issued by the ancient emperor!

Slash all over the house!

Not one left!

(End of this chapter)

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