Six Gods

Chapter 316 Birth of the Holy Child

Chapter 316 Birth of the Holy Child
Dao Dao fists and shadows criss-cross, just like a ruthless swordsman, waving the sword in his hand, chopping off heads!
After avoiding Zhan Lijue's unparalleled sharpness, the demon patriarch was surrounded by Zhan Zhan all over his body. Numerous wounds were cracked on his real body, and his body was invaded by punch force, his flesh and blood were shattered, revealing his white bones!

Raising his arms to protect Du Du's eyes, the demon patriarch violently tore open a gap in the shadow of fists all over the sky, and activated the secret art of blood!
The power of the mysterious demon bloodline burns.

The cross star in the one-eyed pupil suddenly spun, and the world in his field of vision quickly became black and white.

Aim the pupil with the secret technique turned on at the target.

After a blur, five bright red marks suddenly appeared on Xiang Yuan's body.

These five marks are located on his neck and the joints of his limbs and body.

With one eye concentrated, the eyesight of the demon ancestor increased sharply, and he accurately captured the mystery of these five marks.

It turned out that there was an extremely fine white line at these five locations.

These white lines represent that Xiang Yuan's Vajra Realm cultivation is not perfect, and he has not achieved perfect integration.

The limbs and the head are not completely connected with the body, so there is a white line separating them
The white line is where Xiang Yuan's King Kong body is protected.

Catching Xiang Yuan's weakness, the demon patriarch slapped the back of his head, and there was a lot of white light in his one-eyed eyes, and countless light rays as thin as gossamer, lurking in the depths of the void flew out.

The light is invisible, and it goes straight to Yuan's door.

Xiang Yuan, who was attacking the patriarch of demons with the shocking king fist, suddenly activated his martial arts instinct, and a great crisis was rapidly approaching.

There was a dull pain at the door, and Xiang Yuan's expression moved, knowing that this was the ancestor of the demon who was attacking his weakness.

With a plan in mind, he pretended not to know about the surprise attack, and continued to attack and attack.

In the next second, countless sinister and snake-like white rays of light burst out from the void, breaking through the defense on Yuan's body surface at a tricky angle, and piercing deeply into the door.


The cover door was broken, blood splashed all over Xiang Yuan's body, a large piece of flesh and blood turned into light rain and dissipated directly, even the bones were covered with cracks.

"If Xiang Wang is willing to admit defeat, the old promise will still be valid."

After severely injuring Xiang Yuan, the demon patriarch laughed and walked towards him with big strides. His black hair was like steel needles, his muscles twisted and bulged, and his palm with throbbing veins followed closely.


Suffering from this severe injury, the young man Wang, whose bones were exposed, raised his head and smiled playfully when he heard the old demon ancestor's sentence was over.

"it's over?

But how does this king feel, it's just the beginning. "

Undead battle blood!


It is absolutely unexpected that there is a passive skill in Xiang Yuan's body that the more injured, the stronger the combat power.

When the dark golden light of the sacrificial skill illuminates the face of the demon ancestor.

The smile on his face disappeared.

The skill characteristic of forcing the blood to be deducted caused the ancestor of the demon to suffer an extremely severe blow in an instant, with thousands of bloody mouths splitting all over his body, all spurting blood outwards.

The viscous and thick blood turned into a torrential rain and poured down.


Stop Go!

Throwing out two control skills in a row, sealed the demon ancestor's ability to fight back, and Xiang Yuan raised his hand to kill him!

The golden energy and blood are overwhelming, Wang Xi seals the cover, the execution giant blade falls, the space is torn apart, and the head of the demon is about to be beheaded!

In the distance, the eyes of the three of Lumber were tearing open, and they desperately wanted to rush over.

But the three of them were all poisoned with blood, and they couldn't fully exert their combat power. They couldn't break through the blockade of Song Ge and Lu Qiuhao at all, so they could only watch the golden knife fall!


Suddenly, the world trembled, and the inexplicable fluctuation spread horizontally, instantly hitting all the existences present.

Turning around in surprise, the face of the young man Wang was illuminated by a burst of red light.

I saw a slit of light split from the blood-red cube that was floating there quietly.

An illusory short figure hovered directly above the blood-red cube, and a vaguely invisible gaze projected out.

Faintly looking at the arrogant young man Wang!
"Hahahaha, my family's holy fetus was born, my mission is completed, my mission is completed!"

The blood youth who was sealed in the void by Xiang Yuan suddenly laughed at this moment.

Laugh hard and come all the way.

Laugh contentedly.

"Holy fetus?" Looking thoughtfully at the short figure on the blood-colored cube, Xiang Yuan just had a thought in his mind, and the short figure on the opposite side suddenly turned into a streamer and flew away at a high speed, as if he had sensed something.

The speed was so fast that even Xiang Yuan only saw a light and shadow fly by, and then disappeared completely.

Running so fast, did you sense my thoughts...

When he saw the holy fetus just now, Xiang Yuan really had the idea of ​​grabbing it, but this idea just came up, and was sensed by the holy fetus in the end, and he ran away directly.

After the holy fetus escaped, the blood-red cube suddenly began to make a crackling sound, and the cracked gap continued to expand.


The loud noise shook the sky, and the blood-red cube suddenly exploded without warning, split into two pieces, one large and one small, and flew towards the distance.

Without thinking, Xiang Yuan gave up his attack on the demon patriarch, turned around and chased after the big fragment.

The demon patriarch, who had lost his chance behind him, did not act impulsively, but immediately chose to chase the small fragment.

Exploding with all his energy and blood, the dragon wings behind his back manifested, accelerated the impact, and Xiang Yuan's whole body directly turned into a dazzling golden light, finally successfully intercepting the broken cube fragments.

The cube fragments are sometimes hot and sometimes cold, but Xiang Yuan doesn't care.

Because on this broken blood family treasure, he felt the breath of the equipment.

It's just that this breath is very obscure, but different from the essential weakness of the small equipment, this breath is more restrained and profound.

Putting away the broken blood clan treasure, Xiang Yuan turned and chased after the other half of the treasure.


After a few minutes.

Two stalwart giants faced each other face to face.

The demon patriarch put away the blood treasure in his hand, and looked deeply at Xiang Yuan: "Xiang Wang, do you want to fight to the death?"

Seeing the blood clan treasure being put away by the demon patriarch, Xiang Yuan's lips moved.

He knew in his heart that this thing got into the hands of the demon patriarch, and he was afraid that he might not come back.

The holy fetus left, and the treasure shattered.

The entire sealed space of the blood clan began to tremble crazily, and large space cracks spread everywhere, and this space was about to collapse completely.

Standing in the blood race space where the sky was shaking and the earth was shaking, revealing countless void cracks, Xiang Yuan looked calm and did not panic at all.

On the other hand, the demon patriarch was not quite calm.

Having lived for tens of thousands of years, he is very aware of how terrible the baptism of the interior will be if this space supported by a strong force collapses.

"Aren't you leaving?" Seeing that Xiang Yuan was so calm, the Demon Patriarch couldn't help asking.

"The patriarch took my things and hasn't returned them yet." Looking at the demon patriarch, Xiang Yuan stretched out his hand, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

"You delusional! Let's go!" Frowning, the demon patriarch snorted coldly, turned around and led all the demons away in a cloud.

"Remember, the old ancestor, the king's things will only burn your hands if you keep them.

Don't wait until the king comes to Da Yaoling in person, it will be bad for your face. "

Listening to the long voice coming from behind, the demon ancestor did not say a word, and cast a spell with a cold face to break the space Yubi and disappeared without a trace.

Watching the demons leave, the young man Wang turned around, put away the thousand-meter body, and greeted the warriors:

"Lao Song, Qiuhao, let's go too."


There were three trembling sounds, and a white-blue magic circle pattern rose up under the three people's feet at the same time.

【City Return Scroll】

Use for three seconds to return to the recall point you set up.

The current point of return to the city: Sacrificial Soldiers City!

At the moment when the sealed space of the blood clan completely collapsed, the power of the city return scroll swept away the three of them, split Yubi, and disappeared completely.

The space collapsed, and countless Yubi turned into falling black walls and fell down.

This space that has existed for millions of years because of the blood clan treasure has finally completed his mission today and is coming to an end.


The last piece of Yubi collapsed, and the blood seal space was completely annihilated.

It's just that when everything was silent, an extremely weak light flashed past.

It seems that it is the last gaze on this old place.


(End of this chapter)

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