Six Gods

Chapter 319

Chapter 319
Great Demon Ridge, the summit of the throne
A fragment of a blood-red cube that was missing most of it was suspended in mid-air, with blood rippling slightly, and a few phantoms of blood text appeared from time to time.

The Six Paths are huge, and they kept scanning this blood treasure with ancient eyes. With powerful soul power, they analyzed and calculated the blood text on the cube at a terrifying speed, hoping to obtain a way to break through the shackles of life essence.

"The content on this fragment is all written in blood text, and there is no complete content. With our current understanding of blood text, we want to decipher the method to break through the shackles of Shouyuan.


The old voice resounded faintly on the top of the throne mountain, revealing a bit of pity.

From the current point of view, the civilization of the blood race is obviously higher than the human race and demons in this world, which can be seen from its more advanced writing.

Just relying on the part of the blood text learned by the ancestor Huailu, it is as difficult as climbing the sky to decipher the mystery of the blood-red cube.

"This time the treasure hunt is indeed because we underestimated the power of the blood treasure, and also underestimated the king of the human race.

In my opinion, it is still necessary to cooperate with the human race to combine the two fragments into one, so as to have a chance to solve the mystery. "

"But in this way, the initiative falls into the hands of the human race again."

"Let's just fall, it's nothing more than ceding more land.

We have waited for so many years, and we are about to succeed. It would be too irritating if all previous efforts were abandoned at this time. "

"What Ming Kong said is reasonable, although the human race also wants to rely on this blood clan treasure to continue the life of those old Xuanhuang, but after all, they are not as eager as I am.

If it is delayed for another hundred years, we will all be turned into nothingness, and sooner or later the entire demon land will fall into the hands of the human race. "

On the top of the mountain, the six demon ancestors were discussing and discussing.

They are all living fossils that have lived for nearly 4 years, and the boundaries of interests are evenly divided, and they can see clearly at a glance.

For them today, nothing is more important than life extension.

When the life is extinguished, all things are empty, and everything becomes nothingness.

The key to prolonging life now is to cooperate with the human race to combine the blood race treasures into one and understand the tricks above.

In the void, the sound of vicissitudes echoed endlessly, and the ancestors expressed their opinions and expressed their thoughts.

At this time, a giant bird with three heads, green hair and red feathers, and hundreds of meters of wings interrupted the discussion.

"Reporting to the ancestor, the messenger of the human race has something to see." The giant bird flapped its wings and hovered outside the mountain. The three bird heads quacked loudly, reporting the information.

The voice on the top of the mountain paused, and after a few breaths, an old ancestor said slowly: "Please come up."

"Follow the old ancestor's order." In response, the three green-haired giant birds turned and left.

Not long after, Song Ge, the warrior warrior, stepped on the golden light and followed the three green-haired giant birds to the top of the Great Demon Ridge.

"Human warriors, Song Ge. I have seen six ancestors." Clasping hands and fists, Song Ge nodded slightly and said softly.

Song Ge reported his name, and a vast chuckle slowly sounded on the top of the throne mountain, echoing everywhere:
"I heard that the warrior warriors of all dynasties were all kings' personal soldiers, and they were the people they trusted and valued the most.

Thinking about the warrior warriors of the Song Dynasty who visited my Da Yaoling in person today, they must have conveyed the oral order for the king. "

Hoho smiled, Song Ge put down his hands and said, "Patriarch is wise, Mr. Song came here today to discuss a mutually beneficial cooperation with the patriarchs on behalf of my king."

"Oh? Then the old man is all ears." The demon ancestor said.

"My king is well aware that the ancestors are desperately looking for the method of prolonging life, fortunately, from the half of the blood family treasure, I have realized the rudiment of the method of prolonging life.

Song Mou came here today to speak for my king, as long as the ancestors are willing to lend the other half of the blood treasure to my king.

At most a hundred years, when the time comes, not only will the complete blood family treasure be returned with both hands, but my king will also give the ancestors a gift of life extension. "Slowly expressing the purpose of his trip, Song Ge stood upright, feeling the pressure from his eyes gradually increasing, without any timidity.

"Borrow? Xiang Wang is really a good plan. To use your human race's words, it seems to be called, empty-handed white wolf, right?

Since King Xiang has the heart to cooperate, why don't the human race lend us the treasure of the blood clan, and we can return it with both hands after a hundred years. "

With a chuckle, the attitude of the demon patriarch was already obvious.

How important is the blood family treasure, how can it be easily borrowed from others.

In their view, it was a very stupid act for Xiang Yuan to send Song Ge here this time.

But when the ancestors of the monsters laughed wantonly, Song Ge, standing in the void, suddenly took out a round and flawless bead with a light yellow breath, pearl-like clarity, and an ancient symbol hidden inside.

Echoing Tianyu's laughter, it stopped abruptly.

The six realms were so heavy that they almost crushed the void, and instantly focused on Song Ge's hand with a strong gaze of capturing the mind.

The corner of his mouth raised slightly, Song Ge turned his palm and put away the bead, Liu Dao's gaze lost its target and looked at Song Ge immediately.


With a strong and coercive gaze, the void beside Song Ge continued to explode, revealing a black gap.

Feeling the growing possessiveness, Song Ge grinned.

"This is only a century-old birthday bead. Even if the ancestor killed Song and took it, it would only prolong his life for a hundred years. I think the ancestors would not do such a despicable thing."

As soon as these words came out, the turbulent and majestic gazes of the six paths suddenly calmed down.

"I lost my composure. I wonder if the warrior warriors of the Song Dynasty can let us have a closer look at the longevity bead." The tone of the demon ancestors was obviously much more friendly.

"Of course, ancestors please."

Throwing out the century-old longevity beads in his hand, Song Ge quietly waited for the replies from the demon ancestors.

Looking carefully at this orb with the ability to prolong life, although the demon ancestors couldn't see how it was refined.

But I can feel a special power from it.

A power that can break the shackles of longevity and prolong life!
This longevity bead can indeed prolong life!

After confirming the effect of the longevity beads, the gazes of the six demon ancestors instantly became hot.

The King of Humans actually found the trick to prolong life with that half of the Blood Clan Supreme Treasure!
In an instant, the minds of the demon ancestors began to come alive quickly.

He even thought of going to the hinterland of the human race, forcibly kidnapping the human king, and refining the Supreme Longevity Bead for them.

It's just that this idea was quickly given up after only turning around in the demon ancestor's mind.

Not to mention that the human race is not a soft persimmon that can be manipulated by others, whether it is the warriors cast by the eight Xia kings or the human generals, they are not vegetarian characters.

Moreover, this human king himself has good combat power, and has a strong temper, with the appearance of a hero.

Even if he can be tied up, it will only result in death, which will be a huge loss for both parties, and in the end it will only be cheap to sit back and enjoy the success of the Yin God Kingdom and the newly rising Blood Empire.

"This longevity bead is really extraordinary.

It's just that there is no guarantee that we will hand over the blood family treasure just by saying a word to the king.

Otherwise, as long as Xiang Wang can give me a hundred of these longevity beads, we are willing to hand over the blood clan treasure to you, how about it? "

One mouth is a hundred longevity beads opened by the lion. The demon ancestor's appetite is so big that Song Ge has no choice but to support his forehead.

"Don't the ancestors think that this longevity bead is a stone on the side of the road, which can be picked up casually?
The refining of longevity beads not only requires a large number of rare treasures, but also needs to be refined by the king himself, which is extremely exhausting.

One hundred?Ho ho, that's a huge amount.

And there is one more thing that the ancestors need to understand, the hundred-year-old longevity beads can be used by each creature up to three times.

After three times, even if you use [-] or [-] pieces, your lifespan will not be extended by one second.

Before Song's departure, my king explained that he would give at most six of these longevity beads, that is, one for each ancestor.

One more is impossible.

Whether to cooperate or not, the ancestors have carefully considered, Song will wait outside Da Yaoling for three days.

After three days, listen to the good news again. "

After saying that, Song Ge wanted to turn around and drive the golden light away.

But just as he turned around, the golden light under his feet was half a meter forward.

An old voice sounded from behind at the same time.

"The Warrior Warriors of the Song Dynasty stay behind, and cooperation is easy to discuss, easy to discuss..."


(End of this chapter)

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