Six Gods

Chapter 320 Re-entering the Yin Demon Tower

Chapter 320 Re-entering the Yin Demon Tower

"These old demons still can't resist the temptation to extend their lifespan after all.

Tomorrow, I will send them the materials needed to refine the longevity beads. I said that I would help them refine the longevity beads, but I didn't say that I would also provide the materials. "

Taking the other half of the blood-red cube from Song Ge's hand, Xiang Yuan smiled.

Now that the blood-red cube is in his hands, he has the initiative in how to say and how to do it, and the demon ancestors can only cooperate obediently.

After getting the other half of the blood-red cube, Xiang Yuan immediately unsealed it and combined it with the Holy Grail.

【Holy Grail】(broken)

"The source of life, the destination of blood."

Passive: Drenched in blood
After killing any unit, you can intercept its life essence and increase its physical attributes.

Passive: Undead Blood

The flowing essence power provides the holder with a three-level undead state.

(It needs to be converted into a fixed form and held.)
(Third-level undead state: Except for the head, any position can be recovered after being injured, and the recovery time is calculated according to the degree of injury, the location of the injury and other factors.)
Active: Shouzhu refining.

Any level of life beads can only be effective three times for the same unit.

Collect the following materials to refine Longevity Beads.

Hundred-year longevity beads: Stunning Rainbow Egg, Qianshan Dragon Stone, Jinyang Wisp, Liuling Grass...

Millennium Longevity Beads: Shocking Fruit, Giant Whale Secret Durian, Baiyang Jing, Xihe Guisha, Yuxuya...

Wannian Shouzhu: It cannot be refined in a broken state.
still broken...

Incorporating fragments of another cube, the attributes of the Holy Grail are enhanced.

Muxue can intercept 100% of physical attributes, and Undead Battle Blood can also provide a third-level undead state.

The millennium level has been opened for longevity bead refining.

But this piece of equipment is still in a broken state...

Seeing the conspicuous broken words on the suffix of 【Holy Grail】, Xiang Yuan's thick brows gradually knit together.

The holy fetus conceived from the blood-red cube appeared in his mind, Xiang Yuan pinched his finger bones with one hand, and murmured to himself in a low voice:

"It seems that it is the essence of this blood family treasure..."

Although he failed to completely complete the Holy Grail, Xiang Yuan was not particularly disappointed.

The Holy Grail attributes that have not been completed are already so powerful, and the complete Holy Grail will definitely provide more powerful attributes.

A good fruit is always sweetest when it is fully ripe.


With the sharp weapon of Shouzhu, the young man Wang let go of his hands and feet, and began to beg for things from Da Yaoling day and night.

From the holy fruit of the secret medicine to the precious metal of the god iron, from the skeleton of the demon to the remains of the Yin god...

Anyway, as long as the human race is in short supply, Xiang Yuan opened his mouth and asked for it from Da Yaoling under the pretext of refining longevity beads.

In order to get the longevity beads, the six demon ancestors could only swallow their anger and try their best to meet Xiang Yuan's request.

After all, if they don't give it, the longevity beads they crave will be cut off immediately.

In this way, with the full "support" of Da Yaoling and Dongtu Demon Kingdom, the development of the human race can be said to be vigorous and full of vitality.

Not only has a large area of ​​land and territory been added, but the treasury's secret collection is also unprecedentedly abundant.


Hall of Kings

Barefooted and wearing white trousers, Xiang Yuan was sitting cross-legged in the hall, his veins and blood were agitating in his flesh and blood like a dragon's python, his skin was as bright as gold, illuminating the entire hall with brilliance.

After working for half a day, Xiang Yuan slowly opened his eyes, and the vajra aura dissipated from his body, turning back into a flesh and blood body.

"It still doesn't work, I still can't get rid of these five barriers completely.

If the barrier is not removed, the Vajra Realm will not be counted as cultivation. "

Looking down at the palms with clear palm lines, Xiang Yuanmu was thinking.

It took him 15 years to cultivate his martial arts to the Vajra Realm.

But as early as six years ago, he had already reached the pinnacle of his body made of flesh and blood, like a King Kong descended into the world, with every move, he moved mountains and filled seas, and he possessed immense power.

In the following six years, his martial arts progress has stagnated, and he has hardly made any progress.

Now that the situation of the human race is booming, all the generals of the human race have returned from the empty field one after another.

After having enough manpower, Xiang Yuan delegated most of the affairs to others, and concentrated on improving his martial arts cultivation.

After all, although the current situation is bright, everyone knows it very well.

It was just the calm before the storm.

Whether it's the invisible Yinshen Kingdom, or the rapidly rising, very powerful Blood Empire.

No matter which of these two forces changes, it will cause a complete change in the situation.

The human race is indeed having a good time on the Eastern Continent, occupying a large amount of land and collecting many resources.

But the higher-ups of the human race are very clear in their hearts.

The human race still lacks such absolute powers as the ancestors of the demons and the Yin God in charge of the court.

From the current point of view, this support can only be borne by Xiang Yuan.

"Perhaps, it's time to go to the Yin Yao Tower again."

Sitting with flavescens had no effect, the young man Wang stood up with his hands on his knees, reached out and picked up the black and gold royal robe on the side, and put it on his body, left the Human King Hall, and walked towards the Yin Yao Tower.


Thick fog, puddles and grass.

Xiang Yuan, who stepped into this trial ground with his hands behind his back, lightly swept his eyes with broken gold pupils.

"Tanu, get out of here for me."

The young man Wang yelled, and the skinny Tanu in a yellow leather jacket ran out of the fog in a hurry.

"The little ones are here, the little ones are here."

Ran out in embarrassment, Tanu smiled all over his face, rubbed his hands, nodded and stood in front of Xiang Yuan.

Facing the young king who has become kingly and majestic today, Tanu dared not think about what he was like back then. He had the slightest heart to transcend, and the respect on his face was almost dripping.

Looking down at Tanu with a flattering face, Xiang Yuan's shoulders sank, and he took off the luxurious and majestic royal robe.

"Keep it away for this king, there is a pleat, and I will give you a hundred slaps."

Taking the royal robe carefully, Tanu held it carefully, and replied repeatedly: "Don't worry about the king, the little one must not be sloppy."

Moving a majestic and domineering body, like muscles cast by gods and demons, Xiang Yuan twisted his neck and made a clicking sound, and walked towards the Yin Yao Tower in the fog.

The mist surged, and the icy raindrops fell.

With Xiang Yuan's footsteps, the surrounding environment gradually turned into a wilderness.

Standing in the increasingly irritable heavy rain, Xiang Yuan stood upright inside the rain curtain, with a slight tremor on his body surface, bouncing off all the raindrops that fell on him.

This is the eighth floor of the Demon Tower. In the previous 15 years, Xiang Yuan had visited the Tower several times.

He hit the eighth floor intermittently.

Da da, da da——

In the rain, there was the sound of running and treading water in the distance.

Xiang Yuan, who had been here once before, heard the hurried running, glanced back slightly, and saw a young man with the appearance of a scholar running towards him shaking his arms.

Judging by his expression, it seemed that he was about to come over and say something to Xiang Yuan.

Turning around neatly, with a thought to Xiang Yuan, a giant fist condensed from the intent of the fist descended from the sky, smashing the scholar into a puddle of flesh.

The rain mixed with the blood, and it was smudged into a large area of ​​bright red.

"Last time you were the bastard who brought me to that demon lair, and as a result, I was besieged by a group of demons, and I had no choice but to blew myself up.

I remember your appearance clearly.Pooh! "

Spit hard at the bloody mud in front of him, Xiang Yuan turned his eyes to look at a rocky mountain in the distance with oppressive blackness.

There are many kinds of trials in the Yin Yao Tower, because each floor is constructed by different human kings.

So the focus of the trials is different.

It's like the first floor of the Yin Yao Tower, it's just a simple way to go all the way.

But on the second floor, there will be some characters similar to NPCs.

Some of these characters will help you pass the trial, while others will give you the wrong direction and even lead you directly into the ditch.

This kind of setting is tantamount to increasing the possibility of passing the level by cleverness for the king who is careful in thinking and good at strategizing.

But for Xiang Yuan who didn't know it for the first time, he had a very bad experience of being deceived.

Therefore, after experiencing the experience of being directly brought into the demon's nest by a scholar, he has made a decision.

No matter what use these NPCs have, he will ignore them.

The easiest way to clear the customs is to go all the way!

What kind of conspiracy, traps and sewers, all smashed with one fist, and crushed all the way.

This is the most straightforward and effective method!

(End of this chapter)

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