Six Gods

Chapter 321 Only by being in charge of killing can we protect the beauty

Chapter 321 Only by being in charge of killing can we protect the beauty
Taking a deep breath, the terrifying muscle lines of the young man Wang began to expand rapidly.


The black, cold and hard dragon steel lock emerged from the body, stretched straight by the increasingly violent physical strength, as if it would be broken in the next second.

Clenching his fists tightly, the young man Wang stood proudly, with a deep and oppressive aura around him, as if there was substantial power wrapped around his body like a giant dragon, clinging to the tyrannical body made by the ancient demon god.

With a full head of black hair dancing in the wind, the young man Wang strode forward, shaking the mountains, rivers and the earth.

The mountain range seemed to be crushed by inexplicable pressure, rustling, countless rocks rolled down, and the world seemed to be overthrown.

"Good show, let's get ready to start."

Raising his arms high, as if he wanted to hold up the entire sky, the five dragon steel locks on the young man Wang's body suddenly snapped together!


The power that has been suppressed for a long time is like a prehistoric beast released from the cage, raging and roaring, and the waves of air that were set off rolled back the heavy rain all over the sky, and the dark clouds forced back, everything was shaken back by this explosive breath!

The mighty radiant fire covered the whole body, and the young king who manifested the thousand-meter domineering real body was like a giant god descending from the world, blasting the void with every gesture.

With one step forward, the ground crumbled, and countless deep cracks were formed by it.

"Destroy!" The voice rumbled, like thunder from nine heavens, and the big hand that captured the sun, moon, and stars came crashing down, and the golden light shone through the world, like a falling sun!


The golden palm pressed down, and a terrifying force erupted, directly razing the mountain where the demon nest was located to the ground.

Slowly withdrawing his hand, the young man Wang looked at the thin black ash in the center of the huge palm print, and smiled softly.

"Let you gang up on me!"

Blowing up the eighth floor of the Yin Yao Tower with a destructive and invincible posture, countless mist swarmed in, sending the young man king directly into the ninth floor of the Yin Yao Tower.

Blue sky and white clouds, green mountains and green waters.

The gentle sunshine sprinkled a quiet mountain village.

Leading the cattle and singing folk songs, the shepherd boy touched the sweat on his forehead and showed a bright smile towards the sunny sky.

In the mountain village, the farmers, couples and children are happy and harmonious, and everything reveals the most beautiful charm, which makes people irresistibly want to blend in and live a comfortable life.

In the distant mountains, there is a domineering body like a pillar of heaven, with the sky above his head, his feet on the ground, and white clouds surrounding his knees, which shows how tall and majestic he is.

The young man Wang's golden eyes like a little sun swept across the small mountain village not far away, and a sneer sneered at the corner of his mouth.


The stalwart body moved slowly, and the ground trembled.

With a step of a hundred miles, the ground cracked and the mountains collapsed, and the huge figure exuding an infinite domineering aura carried a vast majesty and stomped on the ground.

"Illusion of lights, false beauty.

Do you think this king is a three-year-old child! "

Roaring up to the sky, the sound waves spread all over the field, setting off boundless waves, overturning the earth, shattering the mountains, destroying the village, and turning everything into nothing!
In the roar containing the sound of rolling thunder, the incomparably beautiful blue sky and white clouds quickly shattered the peaceful environment.

Instead, there was an evil swamp filled with red mist and thick yellow poisonous gas floating around.

Holding an ancient and strange lamp in her hand, the ugly old woman with a hideous face and a tattered robe looked at the lamp that was about to go out in her hand in shock, bit her own arm off, threw it into the lamp, and then turned off the lamp. Save it!
"You bastard, why are you so cruel? You start killing without saying a word!"

After relighting the lamp, the old woman stared at the unparalleled young king and cursed.

Looking down at the old woman with the lantern, the young king laughed loudly, and the laughter flooded the surroundings, dissipating the evil spirits and making the swamp boil.

"It's just a mere illusion, and you want to deceive me? That's right, your illusion of lights is indeed what I want to see the most.

But hope does not mean infatuation.

The great cause has not been accomplished, how can this king be greedy for comfort.

In the eyes of this king, your illusion is like a piece of shit smeared with honey! "

Some words forced the old man with the lamp back a few steps, looking at the figure of Qingcang Zhenyu, the old woman had complicated eyes, and said bitterly in her mouth:

"The human race is really lucky. The kings of all generations have been peerless heroes, and now this one is even more invincible.

Hey, the world is not fair, the world is not fair! "

Hearing the old woman's complaints and cursing, a distorted blood-red light suddenly appeared behind the young king.

"Since you like to confuse people with illusions so much, then I will let you feel it too."

Suddenly, the blood-red light and shadow flew out, and swept in the frightened old woman with the lantern.

Steep sense of heaven and earth upside down, blurred vision.

When the old woman with the lantern saw her surroundings clearly, she was on the battlefield of purgatory where she could not see the border.

The air was filled with blood that was about to melt into water droplets, and countless bloody waters gathered under the feet to form a stream.

Mountains of dead bodies piled up on this battlefield.

The vulture landed on the top of the mountain of corpses, blinking its dark yellow eyes, looking at the old woman walking on the battlefield.

Walking among the mountains of corpses, being watched by the cold eyes of vultures.

The old woman with the lantern felt the fear and pressure she had never felt before.

Walk, keep walking.

The uncontrollable fear in my heart was like a pair of invisible big hands pushing and shoving the old woman with the lantern never to stop.

Gradually, the old woman with the lantern, who was walking faster and faster, began to run, and began to run forward with all her strength.

She wants to leave here, to leave this nightmare land that fills her heart with countless fears.

Endless running, huge psychological pressure, and giving up all thinking behaviors, the old woman with the lamp finally stopped and fell in front of a mountain of corpses.

She is dead.

After a mental breakdown, he died of exhaustion in the endless running.

Beyond the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood.

The young king calmly watched the old woman with the lantern fall backwards, showing a somewhat careless expression.

This old woman with a lantern is good at confusing the mind, weaving beautiful dreams, making people intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves.

But today's young king is no longer the youth of more than ten years ago.

After 15 years of experience in politics and leading the army, he conquered the East.

There are more than a million demons under his command...

The old woman with the lantern just now fell into an illusion created by him with the intention of endless killing and the will of martial arts.

Beauty is indeed something that people can't help but sink into, but the cold and ruthless killing battlefield is the most common face in this world.

If you want to achieve real long-term happiness, you can only be the leader and winner of this killing war.

This point, the young king has already seen through.


Without moving a finger, the ninth floor of the Yin Yao Pagoda began to dissipate.

The tenth floor of the Yin Yao Pagoda emerged.

Stepping forward, the young king stepped into the thick fog without hesitation.

A moment later, ten thousand golden lights rose like the morning sun, bursting from the depths of the dense fog.

The aftermath of the fierce battle set off endless roars and explosions, trembling the void.

Under the honing of layers of Yin Yao Pagoda, the young king's profound background began to be inspired bit by bit.

The gifts and treasures of the ancient kings also appeared one after another under his brave and unparalleled pace of advancement.


(End of this chapter)

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