Six Gods

Chapter 329 Heaven of the Human Race, Here Comes the Chapter

Chapter 329 The Heaven of the Human Race is Back
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The black hole, which had swelled to occupy most of the Netherworld void, suddenly heard a tooth-piercing cracking sound from the inside, shocking everyone's expressions and showing shock in their eyes.

dong dong!

dong dong!

Incomparably rich, a heartbeat that was a hundred times louder than before suddenly resounded, like thunder, like a dragon's roar, shaking the entire yin and emptiness, trembling endlessly, as if it was completely shattered!

Unstoppable light erupts from the inside of the black hole, like a golden crow soaring out of the valley, the light is infinite, and the sky will shine forever!

Amidst the myriad rays of light, a majestic figure, exuding a domineering golden light, walked out of the black hole walking like a dragon and a tiger.

With every step, several terrifying cracks would be shattered on the terrifying black hole.

The moment the stalwart figure stepped out of the black hole, there was a loud noise that shook Zhou Tianyu, and the black hole was completely shattered, emitting a tragic and shrill sound.

The immeasurable golden light bloomed wantonly like a bright sun, and he came back from the depths of the black hole with a big stride. The young king's skin was like jade, and he was faintly walking with the golden divine light that contained the mighty power. On the verge of collapse.

"This...this physical body...?!"

Shaking his head in a daze, staring blankly at the young king who shattered the black hole and returned proudly, the Yin God in charge roared and roared.

Without answering the hysterical roar of the Yin God in charge of the court, the young Wang stepped forward with one step. His extremely tyrannical body smashed through layers of void directly and domineeringly, and he came in front of the Yin God in an instant. Thousands of miles everywhere!

"What kind of monster are you!"

Under the pressure of the Dzogchen body in the Vajra Realm, the Yin God of Zhangting spewed blood-like energy from his mouth, and his eyes were full of horror.

How could there be such a tyrannical physical body in this world, and the coercion alone squeezed my divine body to the point of breaking!

Unwilling to sit still and wait for death, the Yin God in charge of the court waved his hands and burst out countless powers of the Yin God, wrapped in infinite killing power, and turned into a myriad of divine lights to attack the young king.

Puff puff!
The green smoke faded, everything turned to ashes, and the eyeballs of Zhang Ting Yin God almost popped out.

I saw that the killing power of the Yin God, which can slaughter thousands of miles of life at will, fell on the surface of the human king, but was quickly snuffed out by the golden light on the surface like wisps of light wind. Even the human king's skin was not scratched.

so horrible!

At this moment, in Zhang Ting Yinshen's mind, apart from horror, he couldn't think of a description for this human king.

King Kong is not bad!

The martial arts supernatural powers recovered after the young man Wang Jingjing reached the Great Consummation!
In addition to providing terrifying physical strength, the immortal golden light turns from outside to inside, which can annihilate and suppress all targeted forces.

Do not stick to any method, and the golden soup will not break!
Shocked by the terrifying physical body of the young man Wang Jingang Bubai, Zhangting Yinshen thought of retreating for the first time.

There was light under his feet, and in a ten-thousandth of an instant, Zhang Ting Yinshen made a decisive decision and turned into a black light to escape. The speed was so fast that he opened the distance of thousands of miles almost instantly.

Looking at the back of Zhang Ting Yinshen's escape with cold eyes, the young man Wang sneered, and a precious light suddenly appeared in his chest, heart and lungs.

Opening his mouth and exhaling, a massive amount of thunder spewed out from the heart and lungs, evolving into an immeasurable blazing beam of light, distorting the void, exuding the breath of heaven's punishment, like a thunder dragon going out to sea, rushing straight towards the Yin God in the palm!
No matter how fast you are, can you still run past the light?

The howl of misery resounded throughout the void of Yin and Nether, and being hit by this terrifying thunderbolt, black smoke billowed all over the body of the Yin God in the palm of the court. doubled.

A thunderbolt killed most of the Zhangting Yinshen!

Breathing out thunder, he knocked down the fleeing Yin God in the palm of the court. The young man Wang stepped forward, moving the universe, shaking the universe, and the entire Yinworld followed him step by step, shaking endlessly.

As if the god of martial arts descended, exuding an invincible terrifying coercion, the human king caught up with the Yin God in the palm, and the muscles on his arms full of infinite power swelled like dragon veins, conveying the domineering power to obliterate the darkness, evolving Martial arts ultimate move.

As a master of martial arts, the human king's melee fighting skills can be regarded as top-notch. Although the palm of the court Yinshen turned around in time to fight with him, he was completely at a disadvantage during the fight. He was hammered several times in a row. The gas leaked, so miserable.

The two fists collided at the same time, and the golden energy and blood all over the human king exploded infinitely. The Yili Breaking Magic wrapped around his arm broke through layers of waves, smashed all the power, and smashed the arm of Zhang Tingyin God unstoppably Burst!
The shock wave like a star explosion raged thousands of miles around at an extremely fast speed, completely reducing everything in it to nothing.


Seeing that their companions were about to be sprinkled with blood, the five Yin Gods who had been watching from the side finally couldn't sit still. With a roar, Qi Qi retracted the small world that had crushed Sacrificial Soldiers City, and attacked the Human King together.

The yin gods in charge of the court wanted to besiege the king, Hong Zhengrong and other strong men of the clan wanted to rush forward with all their energy and blood, but at this moment, the calm but majestic voice of the young king came.

"Go back to Sacrificial Soldiers City as soon as possible to strengthen your defenses. These Yin Gods will be suppressed by me!"

"Arrogant! Extremely arrogant!"

Hearing that the King of People wanted to suppress all of them with all his might, the Yin Gods in charge of the court laughed outrageously, and broke out with all their strength one after another.

In an instant, the entire yin and emptiness completely turned into a dark abyss, and a tsunami-like power of the yin god surged majesticly. The five yin god worlds were pressed down together, like five big stars falling from the sky, carrying the power of infinite destruction. , wanting to completely obliterate the young king and suppress him under the world.

"Come on! Let me see today, what kind of abilities do you so-called Supreme Yin Gods have!"

Facing the all-out suppression of the five small worlds, under the pressure of standing upright as if to destroy everything, the young Wang Wang's black hair danced, his eyes were extremely bright, his sword eyebrows slanted into his temples, his face was cut like a knife, and he was extremely determined, exuding arrogance. Cover the posture of overwhelming the world!
With the palms together, the sky shakes and the earth shakes!

The young man Wang roared wantonly, and from the [-] pores around his body, crystal clear lightning gushed out, turning into the majesty of heaven and earth, and quickly gathered into a vast sea of ​​thunder!

The thunder is not extinguished, and the roar continues!
The entire Yinworld was instantly illuminated by thunder, and all the ghosts were howling and screaming. They couldn't bear the transpiration of the power of punishment, and turned to ashes one after another!

Bathed in a sea of ​​thunder, the young man Wang Xiongzi was majestic, looking provocatively at the five Yin Gods who rushed to kill him!
"Come on! This king is waiting for you here! Come on!"

Faced with the roaring sea of ​​thunder, the expressions of the five gods in charge of the court changed drastically, and they hurriedly stopped, not daring to approach any further.

Thunder is the most feared force of the Yin God Clan.

It's the same even for the Yin God in charge who stands at the apex of the world.

In particular, the thunderbolts released by the young king were not ordinary thunderbolts, but thunderstorms sent down by God's will in order to prevent him from breaking through in martial arts.

Once this level of thunder is touched by the Yin Gods, it will be like a fuse, triggering a chain reaction and attracting a more powerful thunder calamity. Even if they don't die, they will fall into serious injuries that are difficult to heal and damage the original source.

"Don't dare to come over? Then I can only watch the king do it."

Looking at the Yin Gods in charge standing outside the sea of ​​thunder, the young man Wang laughed, and continued to attack the Yin God in front of him with the power of rolling thunder and calamity!
The thunder continued to bombard, and the power of Zhiyang Zhigang was like a heavenly knife cutting the body of the Yin God in the palm of the court.

The god's body continued to disintegrate, and the Yin god in the palm roared angrily, but it was difficult to stop the powerful spirit from leaking out.

He wanted to escape, but the tens of thousands of lightning strikes per second in this sea of ​​thunder made him fall into a persistent state of paralysis, and he couldn't escape very far at all.

The breath became weaker and weaker, and the Yin God of Zhangting tried his best to call out the world's fetal membrane to resist one or two, but it quickly cracked under the terrifying fist of the king of people. , are all chicken tile dogs!
Can't fight, can't escape, can't defend!
Punch after punch fell one after another, and the cold and majestic face of the young man Wang deeply penetrated into Zhang Ting Yinshen's heart with heavy blows again and again, making him feel endless fear growing.

The body disintegrated, the mind collapsed!
The last punch, like an ancient big gun that fell from the sky, was heavily nailed between the eyebrows of Zhang Ting Yinshen.

The body of the god is full of cracks, and the blood of the gods flows continuously, spreading all over the void.

The soaring beam of light burst out from the body of the defeated Yin God of Zhangting, rose into the sky, and radiated endless mighty power to the surroundings.

In the void above the head, the interior of the yin god kingdom began to collapse, and the endless crying and screams resounded through the heaven and earth, and spread throughout Jiuyou.

Infinite red light rose from nowhere, and the sound of mourning echoed in everyone's ears. It was the heaven and earth mourning the death of a small world.

The main body died, and the small world also began to collapse, the sky shook, and countless pure and flawless raindrops began to drip down like fine wine.

These raindrops are formed by the dissipated power of the Yin God of Defeat. The power of the world that he absorbed in his life was returned to this world at the moment of death.

This spiritual rain is the feedback from heaven and earth.

Bathed in the torrential rain, the young man Wang Hei's hair hung down his shoulders, and the rain slid down his neck and shoulders. He turned his eyes to look at the other five Palm Court Yin Gods thousands of miles away, and the corner of his mouth curled up, revealing a meaningful smile.


Looking at the young king standing in the void like the protagonist of heaven and earth with a blank face, the Yin God in charge spat out a word from between his teeth.

The void vibrated, opening a triangular gap, and the Yin God of Zhangting walked very decisively, without the slightest nostalgia.

And the young man Wang didn't stop him either.

When the dust settles, everything becomes empty!
The dark clouds began to dissipate, and a ray of golden sunlight penetrated through the clouds, splashed down the Jibing City, and shone on the faces of the people who survived the catastrophe.

Cheering and jumping for joy, the people of the human race who escaped the catastrophe happily vented their deep joy.

Suddenly, I don't know who took the lead in shouting, the king is invincible.

Like a domino, hundreds of millions of people knelt on the ground like a tide, shouting that the king is invincible, and worshiped devoutly at the tall man in the sky with the sky above his head and his feet on the ground.

Inside the city, Hong Zhengrong and a group of old generals had red eyes, clenched their fists, looked up at the majestic king standing above the blue sky with his hands behind his back, and accepted the worship of all people, his voice trembled:

"The gods of the human race, finally, are back!"


(End of this chapter)

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