Six Gods

Chapter 330 Tenglong comes out of the abyss, unstoppable

Chapter 330 Tenglong comes out of the abyss, unstoppable

Dressed in a black gold background, with thousands of miles of rivers and mountains embroidered on the back, and a royal robe with a pattern of rising clouds on both sleeves, Xiang Yuan's eyebrows are slightly frowned, and a golden light is floating in the palm of his hand, filled with a strong breath of life. General Ning Zan, who had a weak breath, was in his body.

In the small room, Hong Zhengrong and other high-ranking powerhouses of the clan all stared at Ning Zan who was unconscious, with worries in their eyes.

After a few minutes...

Slowly retracting his hands, Xiang Yuan got up and shook his head with a few drops of sweat dripping from his forehead, letting out a soft sigh.

He sighed slightly, but it was no less than a thunderbolt when it reached everyone's ears.

With a sigh of regret, Hong Zhengrong and the other veteran generals turned pale. Although they had already prepared in their hearts, when they came to the final conclusion, they still felt a pain like a split in their hearts.

Taking the handkerchief handed to him by the side attendant, he wiped his sweat, and Xiang Yuan's eyes moved slightly, revealing a bit of fatigue.

Ning Zan was seriously injured. In order not to let the blow of Zhang Tingyin God hit Jibing City, he took the initiative to meet the full blow of the pillar of the world and bear all the strength.

This blow not only nearly destroyed his physical body, but also caused a strong shock and damage to his soul.

In addition, Ning Zan himself has entered his old age, and both his body and his soul have begun to decline.

Although Xiang Yuan used a huge amount of vitality to repair and heal his physical injuries, he was powerless to do anything about the damage to his soul and origin.

After all, the recovery that equipment can provide is only limited to vitality.

Pushing open the door, leaving the room with a heavy atmosphere, Xiang Yuan came to the tower of sacrificial soldiers alone, with deep eyes, looking at the city and fields turned into wasteland, his clothes were slightly lifted by the wind.

In the battle of Yinshen, thousands of miles around Sacrificial Soldiers City were completely flattened, turning into a deserted wilderness with ruins everywhere, and a silent desolation everywhere.

"Have you found the descendants of Wang Lao and Ning Lao?"

Standing with hands behind his back, he said to Yuan Yuan who didn't turn his head back and Hong Zhengrong who followed behind.

"Xuance's heir has been found, as for Ning Zan..." After all, there was still a glimmer of vain hope in his heart, Hong Zhengrong's eyes dimmed, although he also knew that this ray of hope... was just his obsession.

"Send someone to look for it. You and I know the situation of Mr. Ning." Taking a deep breath, as if he could still smell the tragic smell of the war in the air, Xiang Yuan pressed his hands lightly on the battlements, feeling Rough and cold to the touch.

"In the Yinshen battle, if this king had left the customs earlier, maybe it would not have been like this."

Hearing Xiang Yuan's slightly guilty words, Hong Zhengrong shook his head firmly: "My king must not feel guilty. If you hadn't turned the tide in that battle, today's Sacrificial Soldiers City would have already become a purgatory on earth."

It is obvious what the fate of the human race will be if the city of sacrificial soldiers is broken.

"In a fierce battle, I lost two great generals of our human race. This king's heart aches..." His five fingers curled slightly, forming deep marks on the battlements, and Xiang Yuan's voice trembled slightly.

Each of the great generals of the human race is the most precious heritage of the human race.

Losing one is a huge loss, let alone losing two at once.

Hong Zhengrong remained silent. The general Wang Xuance did it to save him. Although he was not responsible, it was because of him after all.

"Old Hong, pass on the king's will.

The great generals Wang Xuance and Ning Zan fought against the Yin God to break the city. They made outstanding contributions and sacrificed their lives bravely. They are brilliant models for our human race.

The posthumous posthumous titles are Yonglie Gong and Zhonglie Gong.

His sons and heirs are granted first-class martyrs, and all generations have no worries about food and clothing. They are given priority in admission to school examinations, official recruitment, and military service, and they are all tax-free in business.

Duke Yonglie and Zhonglie have made golden bodies and treasures in the Hall of Heroes, ranking first-class in honor! "


The clouds and mist are undulating, like a vast ocean, with many waves churning
big demon ridge

the throne
The void was broken, and a man named Xiong Dahan, whose body was full of energy and blood surging like black gold, whose eyes were like stars, held the sky with his arms, and the power to shake the heavens was radiating from his whole body. Stepped out of the gap.

"How's it going?"

On the summit of the throne, an old voice slowly sounded.

Jumping out of the physical body, he sank his real precious body back into the depths of the Great Demon Ridge, carefully sealed it up, and the old demon Zukuishan plunged into a mysterious space on the top of the throne mountain.

"The six Yin Gods in charge of the court put all their eggs in one basket, brought the small world, and suddenly rushed to Sacrifice City. The human race was caught off guard. After a hard fight, the great general Wang Xuance died, and the other general was hit head-on by the power of the world of the Yin God in the palm. Seriously injured, probably not long to die."

There was a moment of silence, and the shadows cast by the white clouds on the top of the mountain moved with the wind.

"How about the king boy?"

"Ho ho ho, you guess." Kuishan Patriarch smiled mysteriously.

"Come on, what's the matter?" An old ancestor asked with some displeasure.

"You may not believe me when I tell you." Recalling everything he saw in that battle, Patriarch Kuishan's tone became serious.

"I don't know what kind of adventure happened to that king, stepping on the sky!
He slaughtered one of the six yin gods in charge of the court with his bare hands, and the remaining five didn't dare to fart, and ran away with their tails between their legs. "

On the top of the mountain, there were several gasps and lights suddenly sounded.

"Is this true?" A demon ancestor confirmed.

"Do I need to joke about this kind of thing? Now that the King of Kings has become a big trend, he is probably no better than Xia Yu, and even more terrifying!" the ancestor Kuishan said solemnly.

"This is a bit serious, Xia Yu used one battle and nine times to kill the three Yin gods in charge of the court.

This Xiang Wang just killed a Yin God one-on-one, which is still much worse than Xia Yu. "A demon patriarch didn't quite agree with Kuishan patriarch Xiang Yuan's claim that he could match Xia Yu.

"Don't forget... the current king has not yet forged soldiers for the king..." Patriarch Kuishan said slowly.

Speaking of Renwang Bing, he and his ancestors were at a loss for words.

Human King Bing!
One of the most terrifying forces in the King's lineage.

Human kings of all ages have been able to be invincible at the same level, and even kill enemies by leapfrogging, and human king soldiers have played a large role.

There are definitely two levels of existence between a human king with human king soldiers and a human king with empty hands.

It wasn't until this time that the demon patriarch noticed that Kuishan patriarch mentioned just now that this King Xiang...

He killed a Yin God in charge of the court with his bare hands!
"Tenglong came out of the abyss, unstoppable.

The luck of the human race, which has been cut off for 3 years, is so terrifying once it recovers..."

A faint sigh came from the faint, the monstrous fighting power and domineering majesty displayed by the young king in the Yin God War shocked the Kuishan ancestor who was watching.

With this overlord of the human race in charge, the situation of the human race has been precarious for so long, which is equivalent to having an extra root of the sea god needle, which cannot be shaken.

Just when the ancestors of the demons felt a little unnatural for Xiang Yuan's sudden rise, a golden light suddenly galloped from a very far away, like a flying star from the sky.


"Who dares to be so presumptuous!"

"I don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, come down!"


As the golden light approached, the auras of several great demons below the Great Demon Ridge rose, yelling and scolding, mountains and seas were stacked with phantoms, and the ocean was surging, shaking Zhou Tianyu, intending to intercept the golden light.

Suddenly, a stalwart figure with ice-cold eyes emerged in the golden light, and the majesty of the mighty king let out his majesty, like a gust of wind smashing those phantoms of mountains and seas.


Looking down at the group of monsters, Wei An's figure let out a cold snort, which reverberated like thunder from the nine heavens, rumbling and moving.

The expression of the mountain and sea monster below who shot to intercept the golden light changed drastically, his complexion suddenly turned pale, and his breath was chaotic.

Breaking through the interception of the big monsters, the golden light went forward without hesitation, and came to the top of the throne mountain, and suddenly dispersed into two lines of golden characters!

"My king plans to visit the Great Demon Ridge on the eighth day of next month.

There are many troubles, I hope you, Haihan. "


(End of this chapter)

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