Six Gods

Chapter 333 Refining Equipment

Chapter 333 Refining Equipment
"The king wants to send troops to conquer the Yinshen Kingdom, but he doesn't know where the Yinshen Kingdom is, so he wants to ask us for direction. That's right."

Slightly shocked that Xiang Yuan could be favored by the luck of the human race, the ancestors of the demons calmed down, after a little thought, they guessed the purpose of this human overlord's trip.

"That's right, this king's purpose is indeed here." His eyes flashed with cold killing intent, and he made no secret of his greatest purpose. As for the Yin God Clan, Xiang Yuan had already placed it in the position of being the first to kill.

Since he succeeded to the throne, the Yin God clan's desire to destroy the human race has not stopped for a moment.

There was even such a horrible incident as the Yin God in charge of the court raiding the Sacrifice City, which led to the fall of the two generals Wang Xuance and Ning Zan.

For such a race that hates the human race deeply and has a threatening power, every second it exists, it will be more dangerous to the human race.

Destroy it as soon as possible, and the human race will have peace as soon as possible.

Looking at the young man Wang with a dark atmosphere and a heroic look on his brows, the ancestors of the six great demons looked at each other in unison.

"The location of the Yin God Kingdom is indeed hidden, and it is difficult for ordinary people to find out.

The previous ancestor of our clan discovered the location of the Yinshen Kingdom by accident, but... I'm afraid I can't tell King Xiang. "

Hearing that the ancestors of demons really knew where the Yinshen Kingdom was, Xiang Yuan's expression moved slightly, but the ancestors quickly refused to tell him the location, which made the King of Kings frown slightly and his eyes showed displeasure.

"Do the ancestors have any unspeakable secrets?"

With a helpless expression, Patriarch Baihu explained, "That's true. The previous ancestor of our clan had made an alliance with the Yinshen Court, and the Yinshen Kingdom would not be allowed to touch the Eastern Land for 10 years, and we cannot disclose the location of the Yinshen Kingdom. .

There are still 5 years before the covenant expires... so we cannot tell King Xiang the location of the Yinshen Kingdom. "

Frowning, Xiang Yuan frowned at the demon patriarch who didn't look like he was lying.

The demon patriarch had no reason to lie to him. The war between the human race and the Yin God would not cause any loss to the demon, but could reap the benefits of the fisherman.

What's more, he also used longevity beads as a reward, which was almost an irresistible condition for the demon ancestor who was approaching his lifespan.

But even so, the ancestors of the demons are still unwilling to reveal the location of the Yinshen Kingdom, which only shows that the covenant they talked about really exists.

And there are strong constraints on them.


Just when Xiang Yuan frowned and was about to do something else, a protracted sound from the demon patriarch brought a turn for the better.

"Although I can't tell King Xiang the location of the Jiangyin Divine Kingdom, it's okay if I just remind you a little."

"Oh? Patriarch means..."

Stretching out his finger to the top of his head, Patriarch Baihu looked at Xiang Yuan meaningfully: "If King Xiang has a chance, go to this place and have a look, maybe you can gain something."

Looking at Patriarch Baihu pointing in the direction of the blue sky, Xiang Yuan was thoughtful.

"Well, that's all we can talk about. As for whether we can find the location of the Yinshen Kingdom, we can only look at the king himself." At the end of the point, Patriarch Baihu withdrew his hand and looked at Xiang Yuan quietly, Say no more.

He couldn't figure out the mystery of the demon ancestor's movements for a while, so Xiang Yuan temporarily wrote it down, and when he returned to Sacrificial Soldiers City, he let all the old generals understand it together.

After a few greetings, the young man Wang was about to turn around and leave.

But at this moment, the ancestors stopped him, and glanced at his waist with the longevity bead bag tied at the same time, the meaning in their eyes couldn't be more obvious.

"Don't worry, ancestors, when I find the location of the Yinshen Kingdom, I will definitely send all the rewards together, so don't worry."

He waved his hands with a smile, tied the bag tightly, ignored the astonished eyes of all the ancestors, and controlled the domineering sword shadow to Yuan, and the void shook, turning into a hundred-foot-long horse and disappearing into the sky in an instant.

Watching the remaining sword-shaped phantom slowly disappear in the air, the ancestors of the demons looked at each other and smiled, and the ancestor of Baihu smiled and said:
"This king of men looks generous and heroic, but in fact he is thick and thin. If he doesn't see rabbits, he won't scatter eagles, which is quite interesting."

"Well, this son is favored by the fortune of the family, and his fortune is equal to the sky, and his strength is now considered to be the pinnacle of the world.

In my opinion, the Yinshen clan made a desperate move to attack Saibing City by surprise in order to destroy it completely, which is really a bad move.

Not only did the human race not be destroyed, but a ruthless and ruthless overlord was blasted out.

Ho ho, it's God's will, it's God's will. Grinning his mouth wide, Patriarch Kuishan gloated.

The Yin God clan has always wanted to exterminate the human race and demons, so as to take back everything that once belonged to them.

Although there is a covenant between the demon and the Yin God, this covenant has a time limit after all.

This is also why the demons will take a hostile attitude towards the Yin ghosts on the Eastern Land Continent, just to prevent the Yin God clan from becoming bigger and causing the balance to break.

"Now it depends on whether the human race is smart enough, whether they can see through the hints we gave, and find the location of the Yinshen Kingdom.

The hint I just gave is already obvious, and if I say more, I will touch the content of the covenant.

The human race is very intelligent, so they should be able to figure it out quickly. "

The six ancestors of demons stood on the top of the throne mountain, looking into the distance, when day and night alternated, the afterglow of the setting sun descended on the west valley.

The sunset is everywhere, dyeing half a page of the sky red.

That kind of red, like fresh blood, reveals a bit of chill...


"Old Hong, what do you think the reminder given by the demon patriarch means?"

Returning to Sacrificial Soldiers City, Xiang Yuan told all the old generals the reminder given by the demon ancestor, and brainstormed, hoping to come up with the meaning of this reminder.

"Finger at the sky, could it be that the Yin God Kingdom is in the sky?" A human general frowned.

"No, there is only the vast sky above the sky, and above that is the Wall of No Regrets. If the Yinshen Kingdom is really in the sky, I should have discovered something after traveling through the sky all these years." Another general shook his head, I think it is unlikely that the Yinshen Kingdom is in the sky.

All of a sudden, a group of powerful people had different opinions, and various speculations were brought up, but were denied by others.

"The hints given by the demon patriarch are too general, and it's normal that it's hard to understand for a while, so don't be too impatient.

Mr. Hong, starting from tomorrow, I want to refine a treasure in seclusion. If there is something urgent, you can go to the Hall of Kings to find me.

After I leave the customs, you follow me to the empty field to check it out. "

He pressed his hand to let the old generals stop first, and signaled to Yuan that they should not worry.

After all, attacking the Yinshen Kingdom is not a small matter, and it takes hundreds or thousands of years to plan, and it is not in a hurry for a day or two.

After giving Hong Zhengrong a few words, Xiang Yuan got up and left. He was going to do something that he had been planning for a long time.

One thing he wanted to do when he first came to Jibing City, but he never found a suitable opportunity.


Hall of Kings

A piece of heaven, material and earth treasures with obscure aura, surging with misty precious light, and revealing ancient and powerful aura were neatly placed on the main hall.

Counting carefully, there are thousands of these powerful and very rare treasures of heaven, material and earth.

The most miraculous of these materials is placed at the forefront, a huge crystal with a diameter of [-] meters, flowing with nine colors of brilliance, and countless ancient characters can be vaguely seen inside!

This is the soul of the Yin God in charge of the court!
Looking at the dazzling array of beautiful things in front of him and the interweaving of various auras, a piece of colorful canopy material was condensed in the sky above the Hall of Kings, and Xiang Yuan stood aside with arms folded and showed a satisfied smile.

These materials were collected bit by bit by him in the past ten years, and some of them were obtained by blackmailing from the demon ancestor with longevity beads.

The reason for collecting such a large amount of advanced materials is also very simple.

That is, he is going to refine a piece of equipment that is powerful enough to provide sufficient assistance to his strength, or to the war that will soon break out in the future.

After reaching the Diamond Realm, the bonus that ordinary equipment can provide to Xiang Yuan is already very limited.

The opponent Xiang Yuan was facing today, it was difficult for ordinary equipment skills to be effective.

Just like the normal Ziyuan can silence the opponent for five seconds, but when the target is the existence of the level of the ancestor of the demon and the Yin God in the palm, the duration may not even last for one second.

Equipment is not omnipotent, and strong individual strength can offset part of the equipment's effects, which Xiang Yuan has known for a long time.

So before you can't find enough powerful equipment.

Refining equipment by himself became his only choice.

With the soul of Yin God in charge of the courtyard as the core, combined with thousands of precious and rare natural treasures, what kind of equipment can be refined, Xiang Yuan actually doesn't know in his heart.

It's a mule or a horse, pull it out and yo.

Taking a deep breath, Xiang Yuan's palm suddenly rose into an incomparably pure fire that was as bright as the scorching sun.

Looking across the various materials in front of him, the young man Wang's eyes must be fixed!


(End of this chapter)

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